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* This module contains all the routines needed to redefine key, colors, and
* modes via a configuration file.
* Program Name: tdecfg
* Author: Frank Davis
* Date: June 5, 1992
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tdecfg.h"
#include "cfgfile.h"
* reference the structures in config files.
extern struct vcfg cfg;
extern FILE *tde_exe; /* FILE pointer to tde.exe */
extern KEY_FUNC key_func;
extern MACRO macros;
extern COLORS temp_colours;
extern MODE_INFO in_modes;
extern long keys_offset;
extern long two_key_offset;
extern long macro_offset;
extern long color_offset;
extern long mode_offset;
extern long sort_offset;
char line_in[2000]; /* line buffer */
int stroke_count; /* global variable for macro strokes */
unsigned int line_no; /* global variable for line count */
int modes[NUM_MODES];
TWO_KEY two_key_list;
SORT_ORDER sort_order;
* Name: tdecfgfile
* Date: June 5, 1992
* Notes: read in a configuration file
void tdecfgfile( void )
FILE *config;
char fname[80];
int rc;
* prompt for the configuration file name.
cls( );
xygoto( 0, 3 );
puts( "Enter configuration file name, e.g. tde.cfg :" );
gets( fname );
if (strlen( fname ) != 0) {
rc = OK;
if ((rc = access( fname, EXIST )) != 0) {
puts( "\n\n Error: File not found." );
getkey( );
rc = ERROR;
} else if ((config = fopen( fname, "r" )) == NULL ) {
puts( "\n\nError: Cannot open configuration file." );
getkey( );
rc = ERROR;
* if everything is everthing so far, get the current editor settings.
if (rc == OK) {
fseek( tde_exe, keys_offset, SEEK_SET );
fread( (void *)&key_func, sizeof(KEY_FUNC), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, two_key_offset, SEEK_SET );
fread( (void *)&two_key_list, sizeof(TWO_KEY), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, macro_offset, SEEK_SET );
fread( (void *)¯os, sizeof(MACRO), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, color_offset, SEEK_SET );
fread( (void *)&temp_colours, sizeof(COLORS), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, mode_offset, SEEK_SET );
fread( (void *)&in_modes, sizeof( MODE_INFO ), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, sort_offset, SEEK_SET );
fread( (void *)&sort_order, sizeof( SORT_ORDER ), 1, tde_exe );
stroke_count = get_stroke_count( );
* put the current modes into an array. it's easier to work
* with them in an array. This is from cfgmode.c.
modes[Ins] = in_modes.insert;
modes[Ind] = in_modes.indent;
modes[PTAB] = in_modes.ptab_size;
modes[LTAB] = in_modes.ltab_size;
modes[Smart] = in_modes.smart_tab;
modes[Write_Z] = in_modes.control_z;
modes[Crlf] = in_modes.crlf;
modes[Trim] = in_modes.trailing;
modes[Eol] = in_modes.show_eol;
modes[WW] = in_modes.word_wrap;
modes[Left] = in_modes.left_margin;
modes[Para] = in_modes.parg_margin;
modes[Right] = in_modes.right_margin;
modes[Size] = in_modes.cursor_size;
modes[Backup] = in_modes.do_backups;
modes[Ruler] = in_modes.ruler;
modes[Date] = in_modes.date_style;
modes[Time] = in_modes.time_style;
modes[InflateTabs] = in_modes.inflate_tabs;
modes[Initcase] = in_modes.search_case;
modes[JustRM] = in_modes.right_justify;
line_no = 1;
while (!feof( config )) {
if (fgets( line_in, 1500, config ) == NULL)
parse_line( line_in );
* if we changed any modes, reset them b4 we write them to tde.exe.
in_modes.insert = modes[Ins];
in_modes.indent = modes[Ind];
in_modes.ptab_size = modes[PTAB];
in_modes.ltab_size = modes[LTAB];
in_modes.smart_tab = modes[Smart];
in_modes.control_z = modes[Write_Z];
in_modes.crlf = modes[Crlf];
in_modes.trailing = modes[Trim];
in_modes.show_eol = modes[Eol];
in_modes.word_wrap = modes[WW];
in_modes.left_margin = modes[Left];
in_modes.parg_margin = modes[Para];
in_modes.right_margin = modes[Right];
in_modes.cursor_size = modes[Size];
in_modes.do_backups = modes[Backup];
in_modes.ruler = modes[Ruler];
in_modes.date_style = modes[Date];
in_modes.time_style = modes[Time];
in_modes.inflate_tabs = modes[InflateTabs];
in_modes.search_case = modes[Initcase];
in_modes.right_justify = modes[JustRM];
fseek( tde_exe, keys_offset, SEEK_SET );
fwrite( (void *)&key_func, sizeof(KEY_FUNC), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, two_key_offset, SEEK_SET );
fwrite( (void *)&two_key_list, sizeof(TWO_KEY), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, macro_offset, SEEK_SET );
fwrite( (void *)¯os, sizeof(MACRO), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, color_offset, SEEK_SET );
fwrite( (void *)&temp_colours, sizeof(COLORS), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, mode_offset, SEEK_SET );
fwrite( (void *)&in_modes, sizeof( MODE_INFO ), 1, tde_exe );
fseek( tde_exe, sort_offset, SEEK_SET );
fwrite( (void *)&sort_order, sizeof( SORT_ORDER ), 1, tde_exe );
fclose( config );
printf( "\n\n Configuration file read. Press a key to continue :" );
getkey( );
cls( );
* Name: parse_line
* Purpose: real work horse of the configuration utility, figure out what
* we need to do with each line of the config file.
* Date: June 5, 1992
* Passed: line: line that contains the text to parse
void parse_line( char *line )
char key[1042]; /* buffer to hold any token that we parse */
char *residue; /* pointer to next item in line, if it exists */
int key_no; /* index into key array */
int parent_key; /* 1st of two-combination keys */
int color; /* color field */
int mode_index; /* index in mode array */
int func_no; /* function number we want to assign to a key */
int color_no; /* attribute we want to assign to a color field */
int mode_no; /* mode number we want to assign to a mode */
int found; /* boolean, did we find a valid key, color, or mode? */
int i;
* find the first token and put it in key. residue points to next token.
residue = parse_token( line, key );
if (*key != '\0' && *key != ';') {
if (strlen( key ) > 1) {
* try to find a valid key
found = FALSE;
key_no = search( key, valid_keys, AVAIL_KEYS-1 );
if (key_no != ERROR) {
* find the function assignment
found = TRUE;
if (residue != NULL) {
residue = parse_token( residue, key );
* if this is not a comment, find the function to assign
* to key. clear any previous macro or key assignment.
if (*key != '\0' && *key != ';') {
func_no = search( key, valid_func, NUM_FUNC );
if (func_no != ERROR) {
clear_previous_twokey( key_no );
clear_previous_macro( key_no );
key_func.key[key_no] = func_no;