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269 lines
* Now that I own both MSC 7.0 and BC 3.1, lets rearrange stuff so both
* compilers can compile TDE. Several implementation specific functions
* needed for both compilers were gathered into this file.
* Incidentally, there is difference between a NULL line pointer and
* a pointer to a line that contains no characters. For example, calling
* line = malloc( 0 );
* or, more precisely in TDE:
* line = _fmalloc( 0 );
* line = farmalloc( 0 );
* will return a valid pointer to an item of 0 length in some compilers
* and a NULL pointer in other compilers. malloc( 0 ) will return a valid
* pointer to an object of zero length in MSC. malloc( 0 ) will return a
* NULL pointer in BC. The problem with returning a NULL pointer for
* malloc( 0 ) is that it's a little harder to tell if the heap is out of
* memory or if we have a valid NULL pointer. On the other hand, the good
* part about returning a NULL pointer for malloc( 0 ) is that extra space
* is not wasted for an object of 0 length. In TDE, we will test for 0
* before calling my_malloc( ) and set an ERROR code if out of memory.
* Although many PC C compilers have findfirst and findnext functions for
* finding files, let's write our own to keep a closer watch on
* critical errors.
* New editor name: TDE, the Thomson-Davis Editor.
* Author: Frank Davis
* Date: June 5, 1991, version 1.0
* Date: July 29, 1991, version 1.1
* Date: October 5, 1991, version 1.2
* Date: January 20, 1992, version 1.3
* Date: February 17, 1992, version 1.4
* Date: April 1, 1992, version 1.5
* Date: June 5, 1992, version 2.0
* Date: October 31, 1992, version 2.1
* Date: April 1, 1993, version 2.2
* Date: June 5, 1993, version 3.0
* This code is released into the public domain, Frank Davis.
* You may use and distribute it freely.
#include "tdestr.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "tdefunc.h"
#include "define.h"
* Name: my_malloc
* Purpose: malloc from the far heap
* Date: April 1, 1993
* Passed: mem: pointer to memory to free in far heap
* rc: pointer to return code
* Notes: set the return code only if an ERROR occured with malloc.
* returning a NULL pointer is not neccessarily an ERROR.
void far * my_malloc( size_t size, int *rc )
void far *mem;
assert( size < MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
if (size == 0)
* if 0 bytes are requested, return NULL
mem = NULL;
else {
#if defined( __MSC__ )
mem = _fmalloc( size );
mem = farmalloc( size );
* if malloc failed, return NULL and an ERROR.
if (mem == NULL)
*rc = ERROR;
return( mem );
* Name: my_free
* Purpose: free memory from the far heap
* Date: April 1, 1993
* Passed: mem: pointer to memory to free in far heap
void my_free( void far *mem )
assert( mem != NULL );
#if defined( __MSC__ )
_ffree( mem );
farfree( mem );
* Name: my_findfirst
* Purpose: find the first file matching a pattern using DOS interrupt
* Date: January 6, 1992
* Passed: dta: disk transfer address
* path: path to search for files
* f_attr: attributes of files to search for
* Notes: return codes for my_findfirst:
* 0 no error
* 2 file is invalid or does not exist
* 3 path is invalid or does not exist
* 18 no matching directory entry was found
* -1 check the critical error flag for critical errors
int my_findfirst( DTA far *dta, char far *path, int f_attr )
void far *old_dta;
void far *new_dta;
int rc;
new_dta = (void far *)dta;
; save the old dta
mov ah, 0x2f /* DOS get dta */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
mov WORD PTR old_dta, bx /* save OFFSET of old DTA */
mov ax, es
mov WORD PTR old_dta+2, ax /* save SEGMENT of old DTA */
; set the new dta
push ds /* save ds */
mov dx, WORD PTR new_dta /* get OFFSET of new dta */
mov ax, WORD PTR new_dta+2 /* get SEGMENT of new dta */
mov ds, ax /* put it in ds */
mov ah, 0x1a /* DOS set dta */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
pop ds /* get back ds */
; find first matching file
push ds /* save ds */
mov cx, WORD PTR f_attr /* file attributes to search for */
mov dx, WORD PTR path /* get OFFSET of path */
mov ax, WORD PTR path+2 /* get SEGMENT of path */
mov ds, ax /* put it in ds */
mov ah, 0x4e /* DOS find first file */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
pop ds /* get back ds */
; save the return code
jc an_error /* carry is set if an error occured */
xor ax, ax /* zero out ax, return OK if no error */
mov WORD PTR rc, ax /* save the return code */
; get back old dta
push ds /* save ds */
mov dx, WORD PTR old_dta /* get OFFSET of old dta */
mov ax, WORD PTR old_dta+2 /* get SEGMENT of old dta */
mov ds, ax /* put it in ds */
mov ah, 0x1a /* DOS set dta */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
pop ds /* get back ds */
if (ceh.flag == ERROR)
rc = ERROR;
return( rc );
* Name: my_findnext
* Purpose: find the next file matching a pattern using DOS interrupt
* Date: January 6, 1992
* Passed: dta: disk transfer address
* Notes: my_findfirst() MUST be called before calling this function.
* return codes for my_findnext (see DOS tech ref manuals):
* 0 no error
* 2 path is invalid or does not exist
* 18 no matching directory entry was found
* -1 check the critical error flag for critical errors
int my_findnext( DTA far *dta )
void far *old_dta;
void far *new_dta;
int rc;
new_dta = (void far *)dta;
; save the old dta
mov ah, 0x2f /* DOS get dta */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
mov WORD PTR old_dta, bx /* save OFFSET of old DTA */
mov ax, es
mov WORD PTR old_dta+2, ax /* save SEGMENT of old DTA */
; set the new dta
push ds /* save ds */
mov dx, WORD PTR new_dta /* get OFFSET of new dta */
mov ax, WORD PTR new_dta+2 /* get SEGMENT of new dta */
mov ds, ax /* put it in ds */
mov ah, 0x1a /* DOS set dta */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
pop ds /* get back ds */
; find next matching file
mov ah, 0x4f /* DOS find first file */
int 0x21 /* DOS interrupt */
; save the return code
jc an_error /* carry is set if an error occured */
xor ax, ax /* zero out ax, return OK if no error */
mov WORD PTR rc, ax /* save the return code */
; get back old dta
push ds /* save ds */