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Assembly Source File
323 lines
; This function simulates the scan codes of the 101 keyboard on older 83/84 key
; keyboard systems that lack bios support for some often used 101 keyboard
; control key combinations. I miss being able to use the Control+Up, which is
; one of the key combinations that the old BIOS does not support on my old
; machine at home. Not all of the 101 keys are simulated.
; To see if control+up is pressed, we have to look at the keyboard status flags
; in the bios data area. The flags at byte 0040:0017 are as follows:
; Bit
; 7 Insert state 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 6 Caps Lock 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 5 Num Lock 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 4 Scroll Lock 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 3 Alt Shift 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 2 Ctrl Shift 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 1 Left Shift 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; 0 Right Shift 1 = active, 0 = inactive
; We are only concerned with bits 0-3, the shift status bits. At label "k1"
; in this routine, the status byte is tested with 0x0f. With simple tests,
; the status of the shift keys can be determined. Then, it easy to use the
; tables to translate (XLAT) the raw key codes to extended scan codes.
; This function was designed to be linked with C object code. The prototype
; for this function is far so it may be easily used with any memory model.
; For those of you (like me) who use keyboard speed up or other keyboard TSRs
; on XT's, you will find that those TSRs do not work with simulated scan codes
; generated by this utility. This function grabs the raw keys before the TSR
; gets them and they don't get passed to the TSR. This is the reason I mapped
; the "Keypad -" and "Keypad +" to the scroll up and scroll down functions -
; they aren't filtered by this function and get through to the typefast (TSR)
; utilities, so you can scroll really fast thru files.
; See:
; Technical Reference for the Personal Computer AT, IBM Corporation,
; Boca Raton, Florida, USA., 1984, First Edition (March 1984),
; IBM part no. 1502243 and 1502494, pp. 1-31 thru 1-43,
; pp. 4-1 thru 4-24, pp. 5-27 thru 5-32, pp. 5-115 thru 5-121, and
; pp. 5-169 thru 5-170.
; Microsoft Macro Assembler, Version 6.0, Reference, Microsoft Corporation,
; Redmond, Washington, 1991, Document No. LN06557-0291, pp 194-195.
; User's Guide and Reference for the MS-DOS Operating System, Version 5.0,
; Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, 1991,
; Document No. SY07661/20885-0391, pp. 623-637.
; Assembler flags:
; QuickAssembler: qcl /c simul101.asm
; MASM 6.0: ml /c /Cp /Zm simul101.asm
; Editor name: TDE, the Thomson-Davis Editor.
; Author: Frank Davis
; Date: June 5, 1991, version 1.0
; Date: July 29, 1991, version 1.1
; Date: October 5, 1991, version 1.2
; Date: January 20, 1992, version 1.3
; Date: February 17, 1992, version 1.4
; Date: April 1, 1992, version 1.5
; Date: June 5, 1992, version 2.0
; Date: October 31, 1992, version 2.1
; This code is released into the public domain, Frank Davis. You may
; distribute it freely.
kb_data_port EQU 60h
kb_cntl_port EQU 61h
bios_data SEGMENT AT 40h
ORG 17h
kb_status DB ?
ORG 1ah
buffer_head DW ?
buffer_tail DW ?
ORG 80h
buffer_start DW ?
buffer_end DW ?
bios_data ENDS
ASSUME cs:_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:bios_data
public _simulate_enh_kbd
; Prototype this function as far in the C header file so it may be used easily
; with any memory model. See the last section in tdefunc.h for more info.
_simulate_enh_kbd PROC FAR
jmp initialize
; Map the keys starting at scan code 47h, which is the Home key. This routine
; DOES NOT return most of these values from systems with a 101 enhanced keyboard
; connected, but the codes are included here for reference. One should use the
; extended BIOS keyboard services with the 101 keyboard and not this function.
; Indeed, tde uses the extended BIOS if a 101 keyboard is detected.
; These tables are patterned after the ones in the IBM AT Technical Reference
; Manual, page 5-170 (the system bios listing), labels k8 thru k15.
; Home = 47h Left = 4bh End = 4fh Del = 53h F11 = 57h
; Up = 48h Center = 4ch Down = 50h SysReq = 54h F12 = 58h
; PgUp = 49h Right = 4dh PgDn = 51h --- = 55h
; Grey - = 4ah Grey + = 4eh Ins = 52h --- = 56h
; 47, 48, 49, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f, 50, 51, 52,
; 53 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
DB -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 76, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
DB -1, -1, -1, -1, 133, 134
DB -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
DB -1, -1, -1, -1, 135, 136
DB -1, 141, -1, 142, -1, 143, -1, 144, -1, 145, -1, 146
DB 147, -1, -1, -1, 137, 138
DB -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
DB -1, -1, -1, -1, 139, 140
old_int_9 DW ?,? ; space for old interrupt
push ax ; push the registers we use
push bx
push dx
push ds
push es
in al, kb_data_port ; let's look at the waiting key
cmp al, 0fh ; is it equal to tab?
je special ; yes, let's check for alt
cmp al, 1ah ; is it less than "[{"?
jb pop_out_9 ; yes, let regular int handle it
cmp al, 1bh ; is it less than "]}"?
jbe special ; yes, let's check for alt
cmp al, 27h ; is it less than ";:"?
jb pop_out_9 ; yes, let regular int handle it
cmp al, 29h ; is it less than "`~"?
jbe special ; yes, let's check for alt
cmp al, 33h ; is it less than '<'?
jb pop_out_9 ; yes, let regular int handle it
cmp al, 35h ; is it less than '?'?
jbe special ; yes, let's check for alt
cmp al, 47h ; is it less than home?
jb pop_out_9 ; yes, let regular int handle it
cmp al, 80h ; is it less than a break code?
jb k1 ; yes, let's look at this key - a keypad key
jmp regular_int_9 ; default - let regular int 9 handle break codes
; and other stuff
mov dx, 0040h ; segment of bios data area
mov es, dx ; put it in es
mov dl, BYTE PTR es:kb_status ; get shift status of alt & ctrl keys
test dl, 0fh ; & it with 0x0f to see if any shift keys down
jnz k2 ; one of the shift keys is pressed - find it
mov bx, OFFSET ttable ; get offset of table
jmp SHORT k5 ; no shift keys were down, translate normal keys
test dl, 03h ; are the left or right shift keys down?
jz k3 ; not pressed, must be a ctrl or an alt
mov bx, OFFSET shift_table ; get offset of shift table
jmp SHORT k5
test dl, 04h ; is the control shift key down?
jz k4 ; not pressed, must be an alt
mov bx, OFFSET ctrl_table ; get offset of control table
jmp SHORT k5
; the only shift key left is alt
mov bx, OFFSET alt_table ; get offs