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C/C++ Source or Header
205 lines
* The DTE 5.1 editor used a big text buffer for editing a file. The big
* text buffer holds an image of a file pretty much as it appears on
* disk. In that big buffer, '\0' was used to delimit the files. In TDE
* versions 2.10 and less, a big text buffer was also used, but ^Z was used
* instead of '\0' to delimit files. A double linked list is used in TDE 2.2
* to hold text.
* With these functions written in assembly, this editor is fairly fast.
* I feel the need for speed.
* New editor name: TDE, the Thomson-Davis Editor.
* Author: Frank Davis
* Date: June 5, 1991, version 1.0
* Date: July 29, 1991, version 1.1
* Date: October 5, 1991, version 1.2
* Date: January 20, 1992, version 1.3
* Date: February 17, 1992, version 1.4
* Date: April 1, 1992, version 1.5
* Date: June 5, 1992, version 2.0
* Date: October 31, 1992, version 2.1
* Date: April 1, 1993, version 2.2
* Date: June 5, 1993, version 3.0
* This modification of Douglas Thomson's code is released into the
* public domain, Frank Davis. You may distribute it freely.
#include "tdestr.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "tdefunc.h"
* Name: ptoul - pointer to unsigned long
* Purpose: convert a far pointer to unsigned long integer
* Date: June 5, 1991
* Passed: s: a far pointer
* Notes: combine the offset and segment like so:
* offset 0000
* segment + 0000
* =======
* 00000
* result is returned in dx:ax
unsigned long ptoul( void far *s )
mov ax, WORD PTR s /* ax = OFFSET of s */
mov dx, WORD PTR s+2 /* dx = SEGMENT of s */
mov bx, dx /* put copy of segment in bx */
mov cl, 12 /* cl = decimal 12 - shift hi word 3 hex digits */
shr dx, cl /* convert to 'real segment' */
mov cl, 4 /* cl = 4 - shift hi word 1 hex digit left */
shl bx, cl /* shift bx - to add 3 digits of seg to 4 of off */
add ax, bx /* add low part of segment to offset */
adc dx, 0 /* if carry, bump to next 'real' segment */
* Name: tabout
* Purpose: Expand tabs in display line
* Date: October 31, 1992
* Passed: s: string pointer
* len: pointer to current length of string
* Notes: Expand tabs in the display line according to current tab.
* If eol display is on, let's display tabs, too.
text_ptr tabout( text_ptr s, int *len )
text_ptr to;
int space;
int col;
int i;
int tab_size;
int show_tab;
int tab_len;
tab_size = mode.ptab_size;
show_tab = mode.show_eol;
to = (text_ptr)g_status.tabout_buff;
i = tab_len = *len;
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov bx, WORD PTR tab_size /* keep tab_size in bx */
xor cx, cx /* keep col in cx */
mov di, WORD PTR to
mov ax, WORD PTR to+2
mov es, ax /* es:di == to or the destination */
mov si, WORD PTR s
mov ax, WORD PTR s+2
mov ds, ax /* ds:si == s or the source */
cmp cx, MAX_LINE_LENGTH /* are at end of tabout buffer? */
jge get_out
cmp WORD PTR i, 0 /* are at end of string? */
jle get_out
lodsb /* al == BYTE PTR ds:si */
cmp al, 0x09 /* is this a tab character? */
je expand_tab
stosb /* store character in es:di inc di */
inc cx /* increment col counter */
dec WORD PTR i /* decrement string counter */
jmp SHORT top
mov ax, cx
xor dx, dx /* set up dx:ax for IDIV */
IDIV bx /* col % tab_size */
mov ax, bx /* put tab_size in bx */
sub ax, dx /* ax = tab_size - (col % tab_size) */
mov dx, ax /* put ax in dx */
add cx, ax /* col += space */
cmp cx, MAX_LINE_LENGTH /* is col > MAX_LINE_LENGTH? */
jge get_out /* yes, get out */
mov ax, ' ' /* save blank character in ax */
cmp WORD PTR show_tab, 0 /* was show_tab flag set? */
je do_the_tab
mov ax, 0x09 /* put tab character in ax */
stosb /* store in es:di and incr di */
dec dx
cmp dx, 0 /* any spaces left to fill? */
jle end_of_space /* no, get another character */
add WORD PTR tab_len, dx /* add spaces to string length */
mov ax, ' ' /* save blank character in ax */
cmp dx, 0 /* any spaces left to fill? */
jle end_of_space /* no, get another character */
stosb /* store ' ' in es:di and incr di */
dec dx /* space-- */
jmp SHORT space_fill /* fill space */
dec WORD PTR i
jmp SHORT top
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
if (tab_len > MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
tab_len = MAX_LINE_LENGTH;
*len = g_status.tabout_buff_len = tab_len;
return( (text_ptr)g_status.tabout_buff );
tab_size = mode.ptab_size;
show_tab = mode.show_eol;
to = g_status.tabout_buff;
i = tab_len = *len;
for (col=0; col < (MAX_LINE_LENGTH - (tab_size+1)) && i > 0; s++, i--) {
if (*s != '\t') {
*to++ = *s;
} else {
space = tab_size - (col % tab_size);
col += space;
if (space > 0)
tab_len += space;
if (show_tab)
*to++ = '\t';
*to++ = ' ';
for (; space > 0; space--)
*to++ = ' ';
if (tab_len > MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
tab_len = MAX_LINE_LENGTH;
*len = g_status.tabout_buff_len = tab_len;
return( (text_ptr)g_status.tabout_buff );