Labels:text | screenshot | black | black and white | font OCR: Jell-O: Instant gelatin is an instant hit. 184 Kool-Aid: Aids mothers; cools children; 192 defines the modern "sugar high." Twinkle Fingers: Known today throughout 193 the solar system as Twinkies. Kraft Dinner: "Don't huff, puff, and wheeze. 193 There's a main dish that's a breeze. " Original price: 19 cents. SPAM: "If you want something grand, ask for SPAM!" 193 Cheeri-Oats: "An oat cereal that's ready to eat." 194 Evolves into Cheerios. Reddi-Whip: One of the first products to 194 issue forth from an aerosol can Cheez Whiz: Edible plastic, more or less. 195 Swanson Frozen TV Dinners: The cuisine equivalent of raising the dead. 195 The individually wrapped processed cheese slice: 196 Because it's really hard to slice spongy cheese so thin. Tang: The quintessential space-age brew; 196 ser ...