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Need custom clipart for use in a drawing or
presentation program? ClpMap may be your answer. ClpMap,
however, is not free software. As a shareware product, you
are invited to copy and try ClpMap without charge, and to
copy and freely distribute ClpMap in its original form to
other PC users. If, after evaluating ClpMap, you wish to
continue using this software on your system, it will be
necessary to become a registered owner. To register for
ClpMap, simply print the registration form by printing the
file register.doc (use the DOS command COPY REGISTER.DOC PRN)
and follow directions on this file. The form can also be printed
after installation of ClpMap by opening ClpMap and selecting
HELP then REGISTER from its main menu and following directions.
Hardware requirements
ClpMap requires a PC or compatible computer running
Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later. It will run on almost any
PC with a hard disk and compatible with Windows. In
general, however, a fast higher end machine (80386 or better
with a math coprocessor and at least 2 Meg RAM) is
recommended is order to speed up map generation. With a
slower machine, and especially without a math coprocessor,
generation of the map data can be very slow, especially for
a satellite view at full resolution.
Details of the world database
ClpMap uses an extremely detailed world database called
the Micro World Data Bank II (MWDBII). This database was
placed in the public domain by Fred Pospeschil and Antonio
Riveria and was derived by them from a much larger database
created by the CIA and distributed by the US Department of
Commerce for a cost of $660.
The database distributed with ClpMap is separated into
six separate files including data for coast lines, islands,
lakes, rivers, country boundaries and state boundaries (USA
only). It is identical with that placed in the public
domain except that an extraneous curve found in the states
data file has been eliminated (the curve appeared to define
an air route into Berlin), and several curves in the lakes
database were actually islands in the extreme northern
regions of Canada and were moved to the islands database
file. Also, the two files distributed with MWDBII
containing coast line data have been combined into a single
ClpMap is distributed both with and without its
database. If you have the original MWDBII data files you do
not need the ClpMap database. The program instdata.exe,
distributed with ClpMap, will modify the original MWDBII files
so that they are identical with those distributed with ClpMap.
The version of ClpMap distributed through the BBS includes
the program file clpm1_0.zip and the data files clpdt1.zip and
clpdt2.zip. If you do not have the original MWDBII data files,
you must download the files clpdt1.zip and clpdt2.zip.
Copy all *.zip files to a subdirectory on your hard disk and
decompress them using pkunzip. After decompression, the following
files should exist.
Program Files:
file_id.diz Included with each *.zip file to identify
its contents.
clpmap.exe Windows executable program file.
clpmap.hlp Program help file.
register.hlp Help file for shareware registration.
clpmap.doc On disk version of the program documentation.
readme Contains directions for getting started
and last minute changes to the documentation.
register.doc Contains registration form. Print out
this file and follow directions to
become a registered user of ClpMap.
instdata.exe DOS utility to install database. This
utility will convert the original MWDBII
database files for use with ClpMap.
Database Files:
coast.pnt Contains data representing coast lines.
country.pnt Contains country boundaries.
state.pnt Contains state boundaries.
island.pnt Islands data.
lake.pnt Lakes data.
river.pnt Rivers data.
Getting started
If the original MWDBII data files are being used, copy
the files coast1.pnt, coast2.pnt, country.pnt, state.pnt,
island.pnt lake.pnt and river.pnt into the ClpMap subdirectory
and run the utility instdata.exe to convert them for use
by ClpMap. After running this utility, the ClpMap subdirectory
should contain all of the files listed above.
To install ClpMap into a Windows program group, open
windows then open the desired group and select File then New
from the Program Manager's main menu. Select Program Item then
enter the path name to the file clpmap.exe under Command Line.
Once selection is complete and the dialog is closed by
selecting OK, an icon resembling a world globe will appear.
ClpMap can now be started by double clicking on this icon.
ClpMap is designed to be intuitive to operate and includes a
help system which should make it straight forward to learn
simply through experimentation. For additional help, print
the clpmap.doc file by using the command COPY CLPMAP.DOC PRN.