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PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 1
Table of Contents
Topic Page
----- ----
Features and Overview .............................. 2
Add files to an archive ........................ 3
Update files to an archive ..................... 4
Freshen files in an archive .................... 4
Move files to an archive ....................... 4
Delete files in an archive ..................... 5
Encrypting files ............................... 5
Verbose listing of files in an archive ......... 6
PKARC archive commenting feature ................... 7
Compatibility options .............................. 10
PKARC configuration file ........................... 11
Using a RAMdisk with PKARC ......................... 12
Network and Multitasking support ................... 12
Using PKARC in a batch file ........................ 12
PKARC Error Messages ............................... 13
PKARC revision history ............................. 15
General Information ................................ 18
Software License ................................... 19
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 2
o Highest compression ratios with state-of-the-art Enhanced
Dynamic Ziv-Lempel-Welch Crunching and Squashing.
o Unique archive commenting capability.
o Data integrity ensured by 16 bit Cyclic Redundancy Check.
o Superior file buffering.
o Configuration file option.
o Multitasking and Network support.
o Not Copy Protected
An archive is a collection of one or more files placed into a
single archive file. A file extension of .ARC is usually used to
denote an archive. Each file in an archive is compressed to save
disk space, backup storage space, and file transfer time. When a
file is archived, it is analyzed and compressed with the most
optimal data compression method for that file. Every file in an
archive is stored with a 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to
ensure data integrity when the file is extracted from the archive.
PKARC is a FAST! archive update/create utility that generates
archives. It is upward compatible with SEA's (Software Enhancement
Associate's) ARC program and PKWARE's FAST! archive extraction
utility PKXARC, but is many times faster than SEA's ARC program and
faster than ANY OTHER archive utility. PKARC achieves its speed by
combining the best of C language with highly optimized assembly
language routines, and by advanced file buffering techniques. With
version 1.1 of PKARC, an Enhanced Ziv-Lempel-Welch Crunching
technique is employed which can result in an up to a 40% space
savings over ARC. With version 2.0 of PKARC, a new compression
method called "Squashing" is used which can save up to an
additional 10% or more for large files.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 3
Usage: PKARC [compatibility options] options archive [filename...]
Compatibilty options are:
oc = old compression (disables Squashing)
ot = old datestamping method
otc = both old compression and datestamping
nc = New compression (enables Squashing)
nt = New datestamping method
ntc = Both new compression and datestamping
Options are:
a = add files to archive d = delete files from archive
f = freshen files in archive m = move files to archive
u = update files in archive v = verbose listing of archive
l = display software license c = add/update file comments
x = add archive comment g<password> = encrypt file(s) w/password
Adding files to an archive
This option is used to add files to an existing archive, or create
a new archive with the specified files. This is the most common
use of PKARC. If no list of files is given, all the files in the
current directory will be added. Examples:
PKARC a stuff
will collect all the files in the current directory, and place them
in the archive STUFF.ARC
PKARC a a:manuals c:\utils\*.doc c:\utils\*.txt
will collect all files with an extension of .DOC or .TXT in the
directory C:\UTILS\ and place them in the archive A:MANUALS.ARC.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 4
Updating files to an archive
This option works the same as the Add option, with the exception
that if a file already exists within an archive, it will be updated
only if the datestamp of the file on the disk is dated after the
file within the archive. This option can be used to prevent an
earlier version of a file from overwriting a later version which is
in an archive. For example:
PKARC u manuals *.doc *.txt
will collect all files with an extension of .DOC or .TXT and place
them in the archive MANUALS.ARC. If however, a file already exists
in the archive and on the disk (say STARTREK.DOC), the file
STARTREK.DOC will be added to the archive only if it is dated later
than the version already in the archive. If the file on the disk
has an earlier date, then the version in the archive will remain.
Freshening files in an archive
This option is used to ensure that an archive contains all the
latest versions of its files. The Freshen function works like the
Update function, except it will not cause new files to be added to
the archive. For example:
PKARC f arcutil b:*.*
will go through all the files on drive B and look for files that
are in already in the archive, but with a later date. If a later
version is found, it will be updated in the archive.
Moving files to an archive
This option works exactly like the Add function, except that the
original files are deleted from the disk after successful
archiving. The files are deleted only after the archive is created
and completed, and no errors have occurred. If any errors occur
during the archiving process (such as disk full) the original files
will not be deleted. For example:
PKARC m cfiles *.c
will add all files with an extension .C to the archive CFILES.ARC.
After all the files have been successfully added to the archive,
they will be deleted from the disk.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 5
Deleting files from an archive
This option is used to delete files from within an archive. For
PKARC d games *.bas
This will delete all files with the extension .BAS from the archive
Encrypting ("garbling") files
This option allows a file to be password protected. After
encryption, this password must be supplied to the archive extract
program, such as PKXARC, to properly extract the file. For example:
pkarc agsecret private personal.doc
will add the file PERSONAL.DOC to the archive PRIVATE.ARC. The
file PERSONAL.DOC will be encrypted using the password SECRET.
Note that the password is NOT case sensitive. The G option must be
the last option specified to PKARC, and must be immediately
followed by the password without intervening spaces.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 6
Verbose listing of an archive
This option is used to list the contents of an archive. The
listing is in the following format:
Filename Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC
-------- ------ ------ ------ ----- ---- ---- ---
FILENAME.EXT nnnnnn aaaaaaaa nnnnnn nn% mm-dd-yy hr-mm-ss xxxx
The length is the true length of the file. The method is the data
compression technique used on the file and is one of the following:
Stored The file was Stored.
Packed The file was Packed with non-repeat packing.
Squeezed The file was Squeezed with Huffman encoding.
crunched The file was crunched with old sytle Ziv-Lempel-Welch compression.
Crunched The file was Crunched with Dynamic Ziv-Lempel-Welch compression.
Squashed The file was Squashed with Dynamic Ziv-Lempel-Welch compression.
The size is the resulting size of the file after compression, and
the ratio is the percentage of file space saved. For example, a
file with a length of 10,000 and a size of 2,500 would have a
savings ratio of 75%.
The CRC is the Cyclic Redundancy Check value for the file. This
can be used to determine if two files are the same without having
to actually extract the files. If the CRC values for two files are
the same, the files themselves are likely to be the same as well.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 7
PKARC Archive File Comments Feature
One of the unique features of PKARC is the ability to store a
comment with an archive, and optionally a comment for each file in
an archive, similar to the file descriptions found on many Bulletin
Board Systems. The archive comment is automatically displayed when
the archive is manipulated by PKARC version 1.2 or later and PKXARC
version 3.3 or later. Each file in an archive can be given a
comment which can be displayed with the verbose listing function.
Following the V option with letter C will cause the file comments
to be displayed. For example:
PKARC vc utility
will display the files in the archive UTILITY.ARC with the archive
file comments in the following format:
Filename Comment Date Time CRC
-------- -------------------------------- ---- ---- ---
FILENAME.EXT cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc mm-dd-yy hr-mm-ss xxxx
The archive comment and file comments can be up to 32 characters in
If the A,U,F, or M options are followed by a X, prompting will
occur for the archive comment. For example:
PKARC ax datafils *.dat
will add all files with an extension .DAT to the archive
DATAFILS.ARC and prompt for the archive comment for DATAFILS.ARC.
If the A,U,F, or M options are followed by a C, prompting will
occur for a file comment after each file is added to the archive.
For example:
PKARC ac datafils *.dat
will add all files with an extension .DAT to the archive
DATAFILS.ARC. After each file is placed into the archive, the
comment for that file can be entered.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 8
The C and X options from above can be combined to prompt for the
archive comment and the file comments at the same time. For
PKARC acx datafils *.dat
will add all files with an extension .DAT to the archive
DATAFILS.ARC and cause prompting for the archive comment and the
file comments.
The C option can be used to add or update file comments. For
PKARC c programs
will go through all files in the archive PROGRAMS.ARC and prompt
for a comment for each file. Comments can be updated selectively,
such as:
PKARC c programs spoolkey.sys
will allow the file comment for the specified file to be added or
The X option can be used to add or update the archive comment. For
PKARC x programs
will add or update the archive comment for the archive PROGRAMS.ARC.
The C and X options from above can be combined to prompt for the
archive comment and the file comments at the same time. For
PKARC cx programs
will add or update the archive comment and the file comments for
the archive PROGRAMS.ARC.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 9
NOTE: The comments are stored in a way totally transparent to SEA's
ARC program and and have no effect on the operation of ARC.
However, because SEA's ARC program does not support these
advanced features, ARC will truncate the comments from an
archive when modifying it. Using SEA's ARC program to add,
update, move, freshen or delete files from an archive will
cause all comments to be lost. If you wish to retain the
comments within an archive, it is recommended that the use of
SEA's ARC program be avoided.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 10
Compatiblity options
OLD compatibility options:
These are available when compatibility with less advanced archive
programs such as SEA's ARC program is needed, or when archives need
to be used on other non MS-DOS machines for which PKARC and PKXARC
are not yet available.
oc = old compression (no Squashing)
ot = old datestamping method
otc = both old compression and datestamping
The "oc" compatibility option prevents PKARC from using the
compression method called Squashing. In general, Squashing is up
to twice as fast as other compression methods and compresses
significantly better than other methods as well. Most archive
programs currently or soon to be available for other computers,
such as CP/M machines and the Amiga will support Squashing.
However, some archive programs such SEA's ARC program do not have
the capability to deal with this more advanced compression
The "ot" compatibility option forces PKARC to follow SEA's archive
datestamping method. By default, PKARC sets the time and date of
an archive to current time and date when an archive is modified.
SEA'a ARC program will set the time and date of an archive to that
of the latest file within the archive. While most users prefer the
former method, this option is available for users who prefer the
SEA datestamping method.
New compatibilty options:
These options are the default for PKARC and do not normally need to
be specified. However, if the PKARC config file feature is used to
revert to SEA compatibility, the new compatibility options can be
used to overide the config file settings and enable PKARC's
advanced features.
nc = New compression (enables Squashing)
nt = New datestamping method
ntc = Both new compression and datestamping
If needed, both old and new compatibilty options can be specified
at the same time, but all compatibilty options should be listed
before the normal options.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 11
PKARC Config File Option
In addition to the command line compatibilty options, a
configuration file for PKARC can be used to specify backwards
compatibility modes. The following strings can be placed in the
config file:
any other text in the config file will be ignored.
The SQUASH= string enables or disables Squashing as described in
the section "Compatibility Options". The default value is
The ARCTIME= string specifies the datestamping method used. The
If necessary, the config file settings can be overidden with the
command line compatibility options.
The configuration file should be an ordinary ASCII text file, and
be named PKARC.CFG. This file can be created with the COPY CON
command or most editors or word processors that can save an ASCII
PKARC can be told where to find the config file through DOS
environment strings. PKARC searches the environment for the string
PKARC.CFG=pathspec. For example, entering:
at the DOS prompt, or in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, will tell PKARC to
look in the C:\UTILS\ directory for the file PKARC.CFG. If the
string PKARC.CFG=pathspec is not in the DOS environment, PKARC will
look in the current directory for the file PKARC.CFG.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 12
Using a RAMdisk with PKARC
PKARC sometimes creates one or two temporary files while archiving
files. The default drive for these files is the current drive. In
order to increase performance, PKARC can be told which drive and/or
subdirectory to use for temporary files through DOS environment
strings. PKARC searches the environment for the string
PKARCTMP=pathspec. For compatibility with ARC, the string
ARCTEMP=pathspec can be used as well. For example, if drive D is a
RAMdisk, entering:
at the DOS prompt, or in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, will cause PKARC
to use drive D for temporary files.
Multitasking and Network Support
When PKARC is used with DOS version 3.0 or above, PKARC will use a
unique filename for all temporary files created. This allows PKARC
to be run by concurrent programs or on a network drive without any
file contention or conflict.
Using PKARC in a batch file
If you are using PKARC from a batch file, you can test if PKARC
aborted with an error using the DOS errorlevel variable. PKARC
returns a non-zero errorlevel if an error occurred, and a zero
errorlevel for normal termination.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 13
PKARC Error Messages
When any of the following errors are detected, PKARC will display
the indicated message and abort to DOS. All original files and
archives will be intact, as PKARC does not overwrite or delete
existing files on the disk until the entire archive processing has
been successfully completed.
PKARC: Unknown option: (unknown character)
The displayed option is unknown.
PKARC: Insufficient Memory
There is not enough free memory to run PKARC.
PKARC: No archive specified.
The name of the archive to be processed must be given.
PKARC: No files specified for deletion.
The delete option was specified, but no files were given.
Unlike other options, delete does not assume *.* if no specific
files are given.
The specified file(s) could not be found.
PKARC: No file(s) found.
No files were found to add or update to the archive.
PKARC: Can't create file XXXXXXXX.YYY
The displayed file could not be created. The output directory
is probably invalid or full.
PKARC: Too many files.
This error will occur if more than 512 files or 16 different
drive/pathspecs are given at one time for the add, update,
freshen, or move options. While there is no limit on the total
number of files allowed in an archive, only 512 can be added at
one time.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 14
PKARC: XXXXXXXX.YYY is not an archive.
The archive name given to PKARC existed on the disk, but either
is not an archive, or is corrupted.
The displayed file could not be opened.
PKARC: disk full
The disk is full.
PKARC: XXXXXXXX.YYY is read-only!
The displayed archive file is a read-only or system file.
No modification (add, update, delete, etc.) is possible.
PKARC: Can't open config file: PKARC.CFG.
The enviroment string PKARC.CFG= is incorrect, or a file error
occurred while opening the configuration file.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 15
PKARC Revision History
*** PKARC version 3.5, 04-27-87 ***
In order to be consistent with the current version of PKXARC, the
version number for PKARC has been bumped up to 3.5
The performance of PKARC has been drastically improved. Squashing
is up to 2X faster and Crunching is up to 1.5X faster than ever
The Squashing technique now compresses better than ever. Most
files will typically compress several percent smaller than with
PKARC 2.0. Larger files will show the most improvement.
A configuration file option has been added to PKARC to supplement
the command line compatibility options.
The DOS switch character is now supported as a valid option
Both '/' and '\' characters are now allowed in pathnames.
Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break trapping has been added in order to delete
temporary files before aborting.
Multitasking and network support has been added to PKARC.
The "arc garble" encryption feature has been added to PKARC.
When used with large DOS environments, PKARC 2.0 would abort with
an "insufficient memory" error. This problem has been corrected.
Wildcard file matching using '?' in the extension has been modified
to work exactly like DOS directory wildcard matching.
Damaged headers could cause the verbose listing function to
malfunction in earlier versions of PKARC. This has been corrected.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 16
*** PKARC version 2.0, 12-15-86 ***
A new compression method called "Squashing" was added to PKARC
version 2.0. Squashing is a variation of Dynamic Ziv-Lempel-Welch
compression which can yield a significant improvement over
Crunching for larger files. Also, the unSquashing of files is
faster than unCrunching. In addition, the Dynamic Ziv-Lempel-Welch
Crunching has been improved in PKARC version 2.0 with some files
Crunching significantly smaller than with PKARC version 1.2. A
command line option is provided to disable Squashing for older
archive programs such as SEA's ARC program.
As always, minor speed improvements have resulted in about 10%
speed increase over the previous version.
An "old compatibility switch" was added to PKARC version 2.0 for
compatibility with SEA's archive dating method. By default, PKARC
sets the time and date of an archive to the current time and date
whenever it is modified. The SEA archiver will set the time and
date of an archive to the time and date of the latest file within
the archive. While most users prefer that an archive date be set
to the current date, this switch was added for those who prefer the
SEA method.
*** PKARC version 1.2, 10-23-86 ***
PKARC version 1.1 inadvertently introduced a rare bug involving
squeezed files. This has been corrected in version 1.2.
Archive commenting ability has been added to PKARC. PKARC now
allows a comment to be assigned to an archive, in addition to each
file within an archive. The archive comment is automatically
displayed when the archive is manipulated by PKARC version 1.2 or
later and PKXARC version 3.3 or later.
File buffering has been improved. While PKARC will still run in
minimum of 128K of RAM, PKARC will take advantage of up to 224K of
RAM if available to increase file buffering.
The Enhanced Ziv-Lempel-Welch compression has been slightly
improved. Some files will compress up to 5% smaller than with
PKARC version 1.1. Binary files will experience the most
Optimizations in PKARC version 1.2 have resulted in up to a 20%
increase in archiving speed over PKARC version 1.1.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 17
*** PKARC version 1.1, 9-12-86 ***
Enhanced Ziv-Lempel-Welch compression was added to PKARC. The
enhanced Crunching algorithm provides superior compression ratios
over the traditional Crunching algorithm used in SEA's ARC program.
Files Crunched with the enhanced Crunching algorithm are up to 40%
smaller, yet still fully compatible with ARC and PKXARC.
File buffering has been drastically improved, resulting in faster
compression, especially on floppy disks.
The improved buffering and other optimizations have resulted in a
twofold increase in archiving speed over PKARC version 1.0.
*** PKARC version 1.0, 8-06-86 ***
Initial release.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 18
General Information
PKARC will run on any IBM PC/XT/AT/RT/jr/Portable/Convertible or
any MS-DOS compatible computer running PC/MS-DOS 2.0 or higher with
a minimum of 128K free RAM.
IBM is a registered trademark of the International Business Machine
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Inc.
If you have any questions or comments about PKARC send them to Phil
Katz at:
Fargo, North Dakota
300/1200/2400 baud, 24 hours a day
Exec-PC IBM BBS, Bob Mahoney SYSOP
Shorewood, Wisconsin
300/1200/2400 baud, 24 hours a day
Special thanks to Loren Jones, Bob Mahoney, Alan Losoff, Gene Alm,
Mike Shawaluk, Paul Waldinger, Arny Krueger, Mark Tellier, Joe
Vincent, David Wyatt, and everyone else who has contributed to the
PKARC effort.
PKARC FAST! Archive Create/Update Utility Version 3.5 04-27-87 Page 19
Copyright (c) 1986,1987 PKWARE, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
You are free to use, copy and distribute PKARC for noncommercial use IF:
Clubs and user groups may charge a nominal fee (less than $10) for
expenses and handling while distributing PKARC.
Volume discounts, site licenses, commercial licenses and custom
versions of PKARC and PKXARC are available. Write to the address
below for more information.
This program is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular
If you find PKARC fast, easy, and convenient to use, a contribution
of $20 would be appreciated. With each contribution of $45 or more
you will be registered to receive a diskette with the next version
of PKARC and PKXARC when available. Please state the current
versions of PKARC and PKXARC that you have. Send contributions to:
7032 Ardara Avenue
Glendale, WI 53209