The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 September
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INI File
736 lines
# The country section defines a list of country codes,
# two character country abbreviations and country names.
1=355 AL Albania
2=213 DZ Algeria
4=684 AS American Samoa
6=33 AD Andorra
8=54 AG Argentina
12=61 AU Australia
14=43 AT Austria
16=994 AZ Azerbaijan
18=351 Azores Azores
20=973 BH Bahrain
;22=34 Balearic Islands
24=32 BE Belgium
26=501 BZ Belize
28=591 BO Bolivia
30=387 BA Bosnia-Herzegovina
32=55 BR Brazil
34=359 BG Bulgaria
36=1 CA Canada
;38=34 Canary Islands
40=56 CL Chile
42=86 CN China
44=57 CO Colombia
46=506 CR Costa Rica
48=385 HR Croatia
50=357 CY Cyprus
52=42 CZ Czech Republic
54=45 DK Denmark
56=593 EC Ecuador
58=20 EG Egypt
60=503 SV El Salvador
62=372 EE Estonia
64=251 ET Ethiopia
66=298 FO Faroe Islands
68=679 FJ Fiji
70=358 FI Finland
72=33 FR France
;74=596 French Antilles
76=689 PF French Polynesia
78=241 GA Gabon
80=995 GE Georgia
82=49 DE Germany
84=350 GI Gibraltar
86=44 GB Great Britain (UK)
88=30 GR Greece
90=299 GL Greenland
92=671 GU Guam
;94=53 Guantanamo Bay
96=502 GT Guatemala
98=592 GY Guyana
100=509 HT Haiti
102=504 HN Honduras
104=852 HK Hong Kong
106=36 HU Hungary
108=354 IS Iceland
110=91 IN India
112=62 ID Indonesia
114=98 IR Iran
116=964 IQ Iraq
118=353 IE Ireland
120=972 IL Israel
122=39 IT Italy
124=81 JP Japan
126=962 JO Jordan
128=254 KE Kenya
130=82 KR Korea
132=965 KW Kuwait
134=231 LR Liberia
136=371 Latvia Latvia
;138=218 Libya
140=41 LI Liechtenstein
142=370 LT Lithuania
144=352 LU Luxembourg
146=853 MO Macao
148=389 MK Macedonia
150=60 MY Malaysia
152=356 MT Malta
154=52 MX Mexico
156=377 MC Monaco
158=212 MA Morocco
160=31 NL Netherlands
162=599 AN Netherlands Antilles
164=687 NC New Caledonia
166=64 NZ New Zealand
168=505 NI Nicaragua
170=234 NG Nigeria
172=47 NO Norway
174=92 PK Pakistan
176=507 PA Panama
178=675 PG Papua New Guinea
180=595 PY Paraguay
182=51 PE Peru
184=63 PH Phillippines
186=48 PN Poland
188=351 PT Portugal
190=974 QA Qatar
192=40 RO Romania
194=7 RU Russian Federation (CIS)
196=39 SM San Marino
198=966 SA Saudi Arabia
200=221 SN Senegal
;202=381 Serbia-Montenegro
204=65 SG Singapore
206=42 SK Slovak Republic
208=386 SI Slovenia
210=27 ZA South Africa
212=34 ES Spain
214=94 LK Sri Lanka
216=597 SR Suriname
218=46 SE Sweden
220=41 CH Switzerland
222=689 Tahiti Tahiti
224=886 TW Taiwan
226=255 TZ Tanzania
228=66 TH Thailand
230=216 TN Tunisia
232=90 TR Turkey
234=256 UG Uganda
236=971 AE United Arab Emirates
238=44 GB United Kingdom
240=598 UY Uruguay
242=1 US USA
244=39 VA Vatican City
246=58 VE Venezuela
248=381 YU Yugoslavia
250=243 ZR Zaire
252=260 ZM Zambia
254=263 ZW Zimbabwe
# The TimeZone section defines a list of timezones
# and names. The timezone format is as follows:
# [+-]HH:MM
# Where the [+-] indicates before or after GMT.
# The plus sign is optional, the minus sign is not.
# The descriptive text is a city and country to
# associate with the timezone. There may be multiple
# entries for a timezone to allow specifying multiple
# city/country entries or the timezone.
1=1:00 Aarhus, Denmark
3=3:30 Abadan, Iran
5=0:00 Abidjan, Ivory Coast, R. of
7=4:00 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate
9=-6:00 Acapulco, Mexico
11=0:00 Accra, Ghana
13=3:00 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
15=9:30 Adelaide, Australia
17=3:00 Aden, Yemen A.R.
19=10:00 Agana, Guam
21=3:00 Al Manamah, Bahrain
23=-7:00 Albuquerque, NM, USA
25=2:00 Alexandria, Egypt, A.R. of
27=1:00 Algiers, Algeria
29=9:30 Alice Springs, Australia
31=6:00 Alma-Ata, Commonwealth of Inde
33=2:00 Amman, Jordan
35=1:00 Amsterdam, Netherlands
37=-9:00 Anchorage, AK, USA
39=1:00 Andorra la Vella, Andorra
41=-3:00 Angmagssalik, Greenland
43=2:00 Ankara, Turkey
45=-5:00 Ann Arbor, MI, USA
47=3:00 Antananarivo, Madagascar
49=1:00 Antwerp, Belgium
51=1:00 Arnhem, Netherlands
53=-4:00 Asuncion, Paraguay
55=2:00 Athens, Greece
57=-5:00 Atlanta, GA, USA
59=-5:00 Atlantic City, NJ, USA
61=12:00 Auckland, New Zealand
63=-6:00 Austin, TX, USA
65=3:00 Baghdad, Iraq
67=-5:00 Baltimore, MD, USA
69=0:00 Bamako, Mali R.
71=8:00 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Da
73=5:30 Bangalore, India
75=7:00 Bangkok, Thailand
77=1:00 Bangui, Central African Rep.
79=0:00 Banjul, The Gambia
81=1:00 Barcelona, Spain
83=1:00 Basle, Switzerland
85=8:00 Beijing, China, P.R. of
87=2:00 Beirut, Lebanon
89=0:00 Belfast, Northern Ireland
91=1:00 Belgrade, Serbia
93=-6:00 Belmopan, Belize
95=2:00 Benghazi, Libya
97=-6:00 Bentonville, AR, USA
99=1:00 Bergen, Norway
101=1:00 Berlin, Germany
103=1:00 Berne, Switzerland
105=-8:00 Beverly Hills, CA, USA
107=1:00 Biarritz, France
109=1:00 Bilbao, Spain
111=0:00 Birmingham, United Kingdom
113=-6:00 Birmingham, AL, USA
115=0:00 Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
117=-8:00 Bodie, CA, USA
119=-5:00 Bogota, Colombia
121=1:00 Bologna, Italy
123=5:30 Bombay, India
125=1:00 Bonn, Germany
127=1:00 Bordeaux, France
129=-5:00 Boston, MA, USA
131=0:00 Bradford, W. Yorks, United Kin
133=-3:00 Brasilia, Brazil
135=1:00 Bratislava, Czech Republic
137=1:00 Brazzaville, Congo
139=1:00 Breda, Netherlands
141=1:00 Bremen, Germany
143=-4:00 Bridgetown, Barbados
145=10:00 Brisbane, Australia
147=0:00 Bristol, United Kingdom
149=9:30 Broken Hill, Australia
151=1:00 Bruges, Belgium
153=1:00 Brussels, Belgium
155=2:00 Bucharest, Romania, S.R. of
157=1:00 Budapest, Hungary
159=-3:00 Buenos Aires, Argentina
161=-5:00 Buffalo, NY, USA
163=2:00 Bujumbura, Burundi
165=2:00 Bukavu, Zaire, R. of
167=1:00 Cadiz, Spain
169=2:00 Cairo, Egypt, A.R. of
171=5:30 Calcutta, India
173=-7:00 Calgary, AB, Canada
175=-5:00 Cambridge, MA, USA
177=-8:00 Camp Sherman, OR, USA
179=-6:00 Campeche, Mexico
181=0:00 Canary Is., Spain
183=10:00 Canberra, Australia
185=-6:00 Cancun, Mexico
187=-6:00 Canton, SD, USA
189=-11:00 Canton Is., Kiribati, R. of
191=2:00 Cape Town, South Africa, R. of
193=-4:00 Caracas, Venezuela
195=0:00 Cardiff, United Kingdom
197=10:00 Caroline Is., Pacific Is. T.T.
199=0:00 Casablanca, Morocco, K. of
201=-4:00 Castries, St. Lucia
203=-3:00 Cayenne, French Guiana
205=-5:00 Charleston, SC, USA
207=-5:00 Charlotte, NC, USA
209=-4:00 Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Is.,
211=12:45 Chatham Is., New Zealand
213=-6:00 Chicago, IL, USA
215=12:00 Christchurch, New Zealand
217=-10:00 Christmas Is., Kiribati, R. of
219=-5:00 Cincinnati, OH, USA
221=-6:00 Ciudad Victoria, Mexico
223=-5:00 Cleveland, OH, USA
225=6:30 Cocos Is., Australia
227=1:00 Cologne, Germany
229=5:30 Colombo, Sri Lanka, D.S.R. of
231=-5:00 Columbus, OH, USA
233=0:00 Conakry, Guinea, P. Rev. R.
235=1:00 Copenhagen, Denmark
237=-3:00 Cordoba, Argentina
239=-8:00 Corvallis, OR, USA
241=0:00 Coventry, United Kingdom
243=0:00 Dakar, Senegal R.
245=-6:00 Dallas, TX, USA
247=2:00 Damascus, Syrian A. R.
249=3:00 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
251=9:30 Darwin, Australia
253=-8:00 Dawson, YK, Canada
255=-7:00 Denver, CO, USA
257=0:00 Derby, United Kingdom
259=-6:00 Des Moines, IA, USA
261=-5:00 Detroit, MI, USA
263=6:00 Dhaka, Bangladesh, P.R. of
265=3:00 Djibouti, Djibouti, R. of
267=3:00 Dodoma, Tanzania
269=3:00 Doha, Qatar
271=1:00 Dortmund, Germany
273=1:00 Dresden, Germany
275=4:00 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
277=0:00 Dublin, Ireland, R. of
279=-6:00 Durango, Mexico
281=1:00 Dⁿsseldorf, Germany
283=3:00 Dzaoudzi, Comoros, F. and I. R
285=-6:00 Easter Is., Chile
287=0:00 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
289=-7:00 Edmonton, AB, Canada
291=1:00 Eindhoven, Netherlands
293=-7:00 El Paso, TX, USA
295=-11:00 Enderbury Is., Kiribati, R. of
297=-8:00 Ensenada, Mexico
299=1:00 Essen, Germany
301=5:00 Faisalabad, Pakistan
303=0:00 Faro, Portugal
305=-2:00 Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
307=1:00 Florence, Italy
309=1:00 Frankfurt, Germany
311=0:00 Freetown, Sierra Leone
313=0:00 Funchal, Portugal (Madeira Is.
315=2:00 Gaborone, Botswana
317=-6:00 Galapagos Is., Ecuador
319=-9:00 Gambier Is., French Polynesia
321=1:00 Gdansk, Poland
323=1:00 Geneva, Switzerland
325=1:00 Genoa, Italy
327=-3:00 Georgetown, Guyana
329=1:00 Ghent, Belgium
331=1:00 Gibraltar, Gibraltar
333=0:00 Glasgow, United Kingdom
335=1:00 G÷teborg, Sweden
337=10:30 Govt. House, Australia (Lord H
339=1:00 Graz, Austria
341=0:00 Greenwich, United Kingdom
343=1:00 Grenoble, France
345=-6:00 Guadalajara, Mexico
347=-6:00 Guatemala, Guatemala
349=2:00 Haifa, Israel
351=-4:00 Halifax, NS, Canada
353=1:00 Hamburg, Germany
355=-4:00 Hamilton, Bermuda
357=-10:00 Hanalei Bay, HI, USA
359=1:00 Hannover, Germany
361=7:00 Hanoi, Vietnam
363=2:00 Harare, Zimbabwe
365=-5:00 Hartford, CT, USA
367=-5:00 Hartland, MI, USA
369=-5:00 Havana, Cuba
371=2:00 Helsinki, Finland
373=-7:00 Hermosillo, Mexico
375=7:00 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
377=10:00 Hobart, Australia
379=-8:00 Hollywood, CA, USA
381=8:00 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
383=11:00 Honiara, Solomon Is.
385=-10:00 Honolulu, HI, USA
387=-6:00 Houston, TX, USA
389=0:00 Hull, United Kingdom
391=5:30 Hyderabad, India
393=-5:00 Indianapolis, IN, USA
395=8:00 Irkutsk, Commonwealth of Indep
397=5:00 Islamabad, Pakistan
399=2:00 Istanbul, Turkey
401=2:00 Izmir, Turkey
403=-6:00 Jackson, MS, USA
405=-5:00 Jacksonville, FL, USA
407=7:00 Jakarta, Indonesia
409=2:00 Jerusalem, Israel
411=3:00 Jiddah, Saudi Arabia
413=2:00 Johannesburg, South Africa, R.
415=4:30 Kabul, Afghanistan
417=3:00 Kampala, Uganda
419=-6:00 Kansas City, MO, USA
421=5:00 Karachi, Pakistan
423=5:45 Kathmandu, Nepal
425=10:00 Khabarovsk, Commonwealth of In
427=2:00 Khartoum, Sudan
429=1:00 Kiel, Germany
431=3:00 Kiev, Commonwealth of Indep. S
433=2:00 Kigali, Rwanda
435=11:30 Kingston, Australia (Norfolk I
437=-5:00 Kingston, Jamaica
439=-4:00 Kingstown, St. Vincent and the
441=1:00 Kinshasa, Zaire, R. of
443=1:00 Koblenz, Germany
445=8:00 Kowloon, Hong Kong
447=1:00 Krakow, Poland
449=8:00 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
451=3:00 Kuwait, Kuwait
453=-12:00 Kwajalein Is., Pacific Is. T.T
455=9:00 Kyoto, Japan
457=-4:00 La Paz, Bolivia
459=-7:00 La Paz, Mexico
461=1:00 Lagos, Nigeria, F.R. of
463=5:00 Lahore, Pakistan
465=-7:00 Lake Havasu, AZ, USA
467=2:00 Larnaca, Cyprus
469=0:00 Las Palmas, Canary Is.
471=-8:00 Las Vegas, NV, USA
473=1:00 Lausanne, Switzerland
475=1:00 Le Havre, France
477=0:00 Leeds, United Kingdom
479=0:00 Leicester, United Kingdom
481=1:00 Leipzig, Germany
483=-6:00 Leon, Mexico
485=8:00 Lhasa, Tibet
487=1:00 Libreville, Gabon R.
489=1:00 Lille, France
491=2:00 Lilongwe, Malawi
493=-5:00 Lima, Peru
495=1:00 Linz, Austria
497=0:00 Lisbon, Portugal
499=0:00 Liverpool, Merseyside, United
501=1:00 Ljubljana, Slovenia
503=0:00 Lome, Togo, R. of
505=0:00 London, United Kingdom
507=-5:00 London, ON, Canada
509=-8:00 Long Beach, CA, USA
511=-5:00 Long Is., NY, USA
513=-8:00 Los Angeles, CA, USA
515=-5:00 Louisville, KY, USA
517=1:00 Luanda, Angola
519=2:00 Lusaka, Zambia
521=1:00 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
523=1:00 Lyon, France
525=5:30 Madras, India
527=1:00 Madrid, Spain
529=11:00 Magadan, Commonwealth of Indep
531=5:00 Magnitogorsk, Commonwealth of
533=1:00 Mainz, Germany
535=1:00 Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
537=1:00 Malaga, Spain
539=5:00 Male, Maldives, R. of
541=1:00 Malm÷, Sweden
543=-6:00 Managua, Nicaragua
545=-4:00 Manaus, Brazil
547=0:00 Manchester, United Kingdom
549=8:00 Manila, Philippines
551=1:00 Mannheim, Germany
553=2:00 Maputo, Mozambique
555=1:00 Marbella, Spain
557=-8:00 Marina del Rey, CA, USA
559=0:00 Marrakech, Morocco, K. of
561=1:00 Marseilles, France
563=12:00 Marshall Is., Pacific Is. T.T.
565=2:00 Maseru, Lesotho
567=-7:00 Mazatlan, Mexico
569=2:00 Mbabane, Swaziland
571=1:00 Mbandaka, Zaire, R. of
573=3:00 Mecca, Saudi Arabia
575=-5:00 Medellin, Colombia
577=10:00 Melbourne, Australia
579=1:00 Melilla, Spain
581=-6:00 Memphis, TN, USA
583=-8:00 Mexicali, Mexico
585=-6:00 Mexico City, Mexico
587=-5:00 Miami, FL, USA
589=-11:00 Midway Is., USA
591=1:00 Milan, Italy
593=-6:00 Milwaukee, WI, USA
595=-6:00 Minneapolis, MN, USA
597=3:00 Minsk, Commonwealth of Indep.
599=3:00 Mogadishu, Somalia
601=3:00 Mombasa, Kenya, R. of
603=1:00 Monaco, Monaco
605=1:00 Monastir, Tunisia
607=-6:00 Monclova, Mexico
609=0:00 Monrovia, Liberia
611=1:00 Mons, Belgium
613=-6:00 Monterrey, Mexico
615=-3:00 Montevideo, Uruguay
617=-5:00 MontrΘal, PQ, Canada
619=3:00 Moroni, Comoros, F. and I. R.
621=3:00 Moscow, Commonwealth of Indep.
623=1:00 Munich, Germany
625=4:00 Muscat, Oman
627=9:00 Nagoya, Japan
629=3:00 Nairobi, Kenya, R. of
631=1:00 Naples, Italy
633=-6:00 Nashville, TN, USA
635=-5:00 Nassau, Bahamas
637=12:00 Nauru, Nauru, R. of
639=5:30 New Delhi, India
641=-6:00 New Orleans, LA, USA
643=-5:00 New York City, NY, USA
645=1:00 Niamey, Niger R.
647=1:00 Nice, France
649=2:00 Nicosia, Cyprus
651=-9:00 Nome, AK, USA
653=-5:00 Norfolk, VA, USA
655=0:00 Norwich, United Kingdom
657=0:00 Nottingham, United Kingdom
659=0:00 Nouakchott, Mauritania, I.R. o
661=11:00 Noumea, New Caldonia
663=7:00 Novosibirsk, Commonwealth of I
665=1:00 Nuremberg, Germany
667=1:00 N'Djamena, Chad
669=-6:00 Oklahoma City, OK, USA
671=-6:00 Omaha, NE, USA
673=0:00 Oporto, Portugal
675=-5:00 Orlando, FL, USA
677=9:00 Osaka, Japan
679=1:00 Oslo, Norway
681=-5:00 Ottawa, ON, Canada
683=0:00 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
685=-11:00Pago Pago, Samoa
687=9:00 Palau Island, Pacific Is. T.T.
689=1:00 Palermo, Italy
691=1:00 Palma, Spain (Mallorca Is.)
693=-5:00 Panama, Panama, R. of
695=-10:00Papeete, French Polynesia
697=-3:00 Paramaribo, Suriname, R. of
699=1:00 Paris, France
701=1:00 Pau, France
703=8:00 Perth, Australia
705=6:00 Petropavlovsk, Commonwealth of
707=-5:00 Philadelphia, PA, USA
709=7:00 Phnom Penh, Kampuchea
711=-7:00 Phoenix, AZ, USA
713=1:00 Pisa, Italy
715=-5:00 Pittsburgh, PA, USA
717=0:00 Plymouth, United Kingdom
719=5:30 Port Blair, India (Andaman Is.
721=4:00 Port Louis, Mauritius
723=10:00 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
725=-4:00 Port of Spain, Trinidad and To
727=-8:00 Portland, OR, USA
729=1:00 Porto-Novo, Benin, P.R. of
731=-5:00 Port-au-Prince, Haiti
733=11:00 Port-Vila, Vanuatu
735=1:00 Prague, Czech Republic
737=-1:00 Praia, Cape Verde Is.
739=2:00 Pretoria, South Africa, R. of
741=-5:00 Providence, RI, USA
743=9:00 Pyongyang, Korea, North
745=-5:00 QuΘbec, PQ, Canada
747=-5:00 Quito, Ecuador
749=0:00 Rabat, Morocco, K. of
751=10:00 Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
753=-6:00 Regina, SK, Canada
755=0:00 Reykjavik, Iceland
757=-5:00 Richmond, VA, USA
759=-3:00 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
761=3:00 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
763=-4:00 Road Town, Virgin Is., British
765=1:00 Rome, Italy
767=-4:00 Roseau, Dominica
769=1:00 Rotterdam, Netherlands
771=1:00 Rouen, France
773=1:00 Saarbrⁿcken, Germany
775=-4:00 Saint John, NB, Canada
777=1:00 Salamanca, Spain
779=-7:00 Salt Lake City, UT, USA
781=1:00 Salzburg, Austria
783=-6:00 San Antonio, TX, USA
785=-8:00 San Diego, CA, USA
787=-8:00 San Felipe, Mexico
789=-8:00 San Francisco, CA, USA
791=-6:00 San Jose, Costa Rica
793=-4:00 San Juan, Puerto Rico
795=-6:00 San Salvador, El Salvador
797=1:00 San Sebastian, Spain
799=3:00 Sanaa, Yemen A.R.
801=-7:00 Santa Fe, NM, USA
803=-8:00 Santa Monica, CA, USA
805=1:00 Santander, Spain
807=-4:00 Santiago, Chile
809=-4:00 Santo Domingo, Dominican Repub
811=-3:00 Sao Paulo, Brazil
813=0:00 Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Princip
815=9:00 Sapporo, Japan
817=1:00 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovi
819=-1:00 Scoresbysund, Greenland
821=-8:00 Seattle, WA, USA
823=9:00 Seoul, Korea, South
825=1:00 Seville, Spain
827=8:00 Shanghai, China, P.R. of
829=0:00 Sheffield, United Kingdom
831=3:30 Shiraz, Iran
833=-8:00 Silverton, OR, USA
835=8:00 Singapore, Singapore, R. of
837=2:00 Sofia, Bulgaria
839=1:00 Split, Croatia
841=-4:00 Stanley, Falkland Is.
843=1:00 Stockholm, Sweden
845=1:00 Strasbourg, France
847=1:00 Stuttgart, Germany
849=-4:00 St. George's, Grenada
851=-4:00 St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda
853=-3:30 St. John's, NF, Canada
855=-6:00 St. Louis, MO, USA
857=3:00 St. Petersburg, Commonwealth o
859=2:00 Suez, Egypt, A.R. of
861=12:00 Suva, Fiji Is.
863=10:00 Sydney, Australia
865=-10:00 Tahiti, French Polynesia
867=8:00 Taipei, Taiwan
869=-5:00 Tampa, FL, USA
871=1:00 Tarragona, Spain
873=6:00 Tashkent, Commonwealth of Inde
875=-6:00 Tegucigalpa, Honduras
877=3:30 Tehran, Iran
879=2:00 Tel Aviv, Israel
881=0:00 Tenerife, Spain
883=1:00 The Hague, Netherlands
885=2:00 Thessalonika, Greece
887=6:00 Thimphu, Bhutan
889=-4:00 Thule, Greenland
891=-8:00 Tijuana, Mexico
893=1:00 Tirana, Albania, S.R. of
895=9:00 Tokyo, Japan
897=-5:00 Toronto, ON, Canada
899=0:00 Torshavn, Faeroe Is.
901=1:00 Toulouse, France
903=1:00 Trieste, Italy
905=1:00 Tripoli, Libya
907=-7:00 Tucson, AZ, USA
909=-6:00 Tulsa, OK, USA
911=1:00 Tunis, Tunisia
913=1:00 Turin, Italy
915=8:00 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
917=1:00 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
919=1:00 Valletta, Malta
921=-8:00 Vancouver, BC, Canada
923=1:00 Vatican City, Italy
925=1:00 Venice, Italy
927=4:00 Victoria, Seychelles Is.
929=-8:00 Victoria, BC, Canada
931=1:00 Vienna, Austria
933=7:00 Vientiane, Laos
935=-1:00 Vila do Porto, Portugal (Azore
937=10:00 Vladivostok, Commonwealth of I
939=1:00 Warsaw, Poland
941=-5:00 Washington, DC, USA
943=12:00 Wellington, New Zealand
945=-8:00 Whitehorse, YK, Canada
947=-6:00 Wichita, KS, USA
949=-6:00 Winnipeg, MB, Canada
951=9:00 Yakutsk, Commonwealth of Indep
953=6:30 Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Bur
955=1:00 Yaounde, Cameroon, U.R. of
957=9:00 Yokohama, Japan
959=1:00 Zurich, Switzerland
961=0:0 Greenwich
963=-11 Samoa
965=-10 Hawaii
967=-9 Alaska
969=-8 Pacific
971=-7 Mountain
973=-6 Central
975=-5 Eastern
977=-4 Atlantic
979=-3 Brazil/West
981=-2 Brazil/East
983=-1 Brazil/DeNoronha
985=+1 MET
987=+2 EET
989=+3 Turkey
991=+8 PRC
993=+9 Japan
995=+10 Australia/Queensland
997=+11 Australia/Victoria
# LastCard is set to the total number of card entries
# Each entry defines a section name and text to appear
# on the calling card selection list (combo box)
# each section defines a dial format string for
# local, long distance, and international calling
[Calling Card]
Card1=AT&T (10ATT0)
Card2=AT&T (1-800-321-0288)
Card3=British Telecom
Card4=Carte France
Card5=LCI International (1-800-860-8600)
Card6=MCI (102220)
Card7=MCI (1-800-674-0700)
Card8=MCI (1-800-674-7000)
Card9=MCI (1-800-950-1022)
Card10=Mercury (UK)
Card11=Other Calling Card (0)
Card12=US Sprint (1-800-877-8000)
Card13=US Sprint (103330)
[LCI International (1-800-860-8600)]
[AT&T (10ATT0)]
[AT&T (1-800-321-0288)]
[British Telecom]
??? 144 - check this out for alternate %P usage
[Carte France]
[MCI (102220)]
[MCI (1-800-674-0700)]
[MCI (1-800-674-7000)]
[MCI (1-800-950-1022)]
[Mercury (UK)]
[Other Calling Card (0)]
[US Sprint (1-800-877-8000)]
[US Sprint (103330)]