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PKZip Archive  |  1996-09-12  |  2MB

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You can browse this item here: navntscn.exe
File Comment
Thank you for downloading Norton AntiVirus Scanner for Windows NT.
This program will extract the files needed to install Norton AntiVirus. 
To install Norton AntiVirus Scanner for Windows NT:
1. Extract the install files by answering yes to the question below.
   Make sure you extract this file in an empty temporary directory.
2. Review the README.TXT file for help installing Norton AntiVirus
   Scanner and other important information.
3. Run SETUP.EXE to begin installation.
Once Norton AntiVirus is installed and you have verified that it is
working correctly, you can delete the files from the temporary 
directory. Keep this program around in case you ever need to reinstall 
Norton AntiVirus in the future.
REMEMBER: The files will be extracted to the current directory.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert PKZip Archive (zip) magic
100% dexvert MS-DOS/Windows Executable (exe) magic
65% dexvert LHArc Archive (lha) ext
100% file MS-DOS executable, MZ for MS-DOS Self-extracting PKZIP archive, ZIP self-extracting archive default
99% file data default
84% TrID 16bit DOS EXE PKLite compressed default
7% TrID Generic Win/DOS Executable default
7% TrID DOS Executable Generic default
100% siegfried x-fmt/410 Windows New Executable default