The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 September
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299 lines
1 CandleWeb
2 CandleWeb
912 http://www.vaxxine.com/candleweb/demos/awelogo.awe
913 http://www.vaxxine.com/candleweb/demos/stars.awe
914 http://www.vaxxine.com/candleweb/demos/objects.awe
915 http://www.vaxxine.com/candleweb/demos/http.awe
916 http://www.vaxxine.com/candleweb/demos/smg.awe
917 http://www.vaxxine.com/candleweb/demos/breakout.awe
962 http://www.candleweb.no/demos/awelogo.awe
963 http://www.candleweb.no/demos/stars.awe
964 http://www.candleweb.no/demos/objects.awe
965 http://www.candleweb.no/demos/http.awe
966 http://www.candleweb.no/demos/smg.awe
967 http://www.candleweb.no/demos/breakout.awe
1000 Create, open, save, or print documents
1002 Opens an existing document
1007 Prints the active document
1008 Changes the page setup
1009 Changes the printer selection or configuration
1010 Quits this application
1011 Show display device color information
1018 Get help
1019 Displays information about this application
1025 Error: Could not allocate enough memory\n
1026 Error: Attempt to set same attribute multiple times\n
1027 Mouse pointer not inside window\n
1028 Internal error: Color not in palette\n
1029 usage: %s .cal-file\n
1030 Error: This browser needs a 256-colors pseudocolor-display\n
1032 Error: Expected '=' after attribute, found '%s'
1033 Error: Expected ',' between expressions in point, found %s
1034 Error: Variable %s is not declared
1035 Internal error: Illegal valtype for variable '%s'
1036 Error: Expected ',' or ';', found '%s'.\n
1037 Error: Missing opening parenthesis '(' for attribute
1038 Error: Missing closing paranthesis ')' for attribute
1039 Error: Missing colon ':' after events
1040 Error: Expected identifier in var-attribute
1041 Error: Text variables cannot be used in var-attribute
1042 Error: endwindow is missing semicolon.\n
1043 Error: Nested window declarations are not allowed.\n
1044 Error: Simulation code started inside window declaration.\n
1048 Error: Unknown command in this context
1049 Error: No matching 'window' for 'endwindow'
1050 Error: Expected assignment '=' to constant, found '%s'
1051 Error: Expected constant identifier, found '%s'
1052 Error: Unknown symbol %s in this context
1053 Error: Illegal type '%s' in function declaration.
1054 Error: Expected identifier in parameter-list found '%s'.
1055 Error: Parameter '%s' already declared.
1056 Error: Illegal symbol '%s' after identifier. Expected ')' or ','
1057 Error: Expected '{', found '%s'.
1058 Internal error: Unknown nd->type '%c' in matchglobal.\n
1059 Internal error: Unknown type '%d' for fp->rettype.\n
1060 Error: There is no matching declaration for identifier '%s',\n
1061 Internal error: matchglobal() called with NULL argument.\n
1062 Error: Misses end parenthesis ')' in expression.
1063 Internal error: level>10 in op_m
1064 Error: Unary operator without operand
1065 Error: Illegal assignment in constant declaration
1066 Error: Missing type in constant declaration(s)
1067 Error: Missing identifier name in integer declaration
1068 Error: Missing identifier name in floating point declaration
1069 Error: Missing identifier name in text declaration
1070 Error: Missing simulation code
1071 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in if test
1072 Error: 'if' misses ';'?\n
1073 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in for-statement
1074 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in switch-statement
1075 Error: Expected function identifier
1076 Missing '(' in function declaration
1077 Error: 'while' has no 'END'\n
1078 Error: in parameter (index) list
1079 Error in integer constant declaration(s)
1080 Error in floating point constant declaration(s)
1081 Error: bad GIF-colormap\n
1082 Error: in getting GIF-DataBlock size\n
1083 Error: in reading GIF-DataBlock\n
1084 Error: GIF ran off the end of bits\n
1085 Error: missing EOD in GIF data stream (common occurance)\n
1086 Error: circular GIF table entry BIG ERROR\n
1087 Internal error: Unknown object status (%d)\n
1088 Internal error: Unknown attribute (%d).\n
1089 Internal: Unknown graphic object\n
1090 Could not open file %s.\n
1091 Parse error: %s.\n
1092 Error: Called with too few parameters\n
1093 Error: Parameter is not integer array.\n
1094 Error: system call gettimeofday failed.\n
1095 Error: Illegal freeze parameter %d\n
1096 Error: Parameter is not of type text.\n
1097 Internal error: fopen == NULL \n
1098 Error: Invalid .cal file\n
1099 Error: Index %d of array %s\n
1100 Error: in parameter in calCall %d
1101 Internal error: Unknown type '%d' of attribute parent.\n
1102 Internal Error: Unknown oper type %d in c_function.\n
1103 Error: Formal parameter %s in function %s cannot refer to a integer variable.\n
1104 Error: Formal parameter %s in function %s cannot refer to a float variable.\n
1105 Error: Formal parameter %s in function %s cannot refer to a text variable.\n
1106 Error: Arrays cannot be passed by reference in this version of Candle.\n
1107 Error: Illegal parameter to function %s.\n
1108 Internal error: Illegal vdecl->type '%c' in i_function.\n
1109 Array is not one dimensional
1110 arg %d (integer) missing in function %s
1111 arg %d wrong type (expected integer) in function %s
1112 arg %d (float) missing in function %s
1113 arg %d wrong type (expected float) in function %s
1114 arg %d (integer array) missing in function %s
1115 arg %d wrong type (expected integer array) in function %s
1116 arg %d (text) missing in function %s
1117 arg %d wrong type (text) in function %s
1118 more than %d args in function %s. Ignoring redundant.
1119 Error: Unknown parameter type in LimVarLow.
1120 Error: Unknown parameter type in LimVarHig.
1121 No parameters Strcat.
1122 Error: First parameter to Strcat is not a modifiable text.
1123 Error: second parameter to Strcat is missing.
1124 Error: second parameter to Strcat is not text constant.
1125 Error: NULL text pointer(s) in Strcat function.
1126 Error: Second argument to Int2Text is not an integer.
1127 Error: NULL text pointer in Int2Text function
1128 Error: Can't Int2Text to text constant
1129 Error: Function PixelColor is not supported in this version of Candle.
1130 Error: system call gettimeofday failed.
1131 Error: Can't open file with negative file descriptor(%d).
1132 Error: Couldn't resolve URL %s.
1133 Internal error: Unknown attribute in compute_attr.
1134 Error: Division by zero.
1135 Internal error: Unknown op->type '%c' in oper_is_local.
1136 Error: Expected '=' after attribute, found '%s'
1137 Error: No opening parenthesis '(' in point list
1138 Error: Expected ',' between expressions in point, found %s
1139 Error: No closing parenthesis ')' in point
1140 Error: No opening parenthesis '(' in translation list
1141 Error: Missing colon ':' after events
1142 Error: No closing parenthesis ')' in translation list
1143 Error: Expected identifier in var-attribute
1144 Error: Variable %s is not declared
1145 Error: Text variables cannot be used in var-attribute
1146 Error: Expected ',' or ';', found '%s'
1147 Error: endwindow is missing semicolon
1148 Error in parameter (index) list
1149 Internal error: Illegal function type %c
1150 Error: Token in illegal context
1151 Error in text constant declaration(s)
1152 Error in constant declaration(s)
1153 Error: Too few levels of braces in array declaration
1154 Error in integer declaration
1155 Error in floating point declaration
1156 Error in text declaration
1157 Error: Erroneous initializing of function
1158 Error: Illegal statement
1159 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in while test
1160 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in if test
1161 Error in 'if', misses ';'?
1162 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in for-statement
1163 Error: No right parenthesis in for-statement
1164 Error: No left parenthesis '(' in switch-statement
1165 Error: Colon missed after case-expression in switch-statement
1166 Error: Unreachable simulation code in switch-statement
1167 Error in switch-statement misses right brace '}'?
1168 Error in switch-statement, lacks left brace '{' ?
1169 Error: Unknown statement
1170 Expected function identifier
1171 Error: Illegal type '%s' in function declaration
1172 Error: Parameter '%s' already declared
1173 Error: Closing bracket ']' is missing
1174 Abnormal termination of function
1175 Internal error: Unknown function type '%c' in matchglobal
1176 Internal error: Unknown nd->type '%c' in matchglobal
1177 Internal error: Unknown type '%d' for fp->rettype
1178 Error: Too many initializing elements in integer array
1179 Error: Too many initializing elements in floating point array
1180 Error: Too many initializing elements in text array
1181 Internal Error: Unknown variable type '%c' %s
1182 Internal Error: Unknown op->flag '%d' in i_oper.
1183 Internal error: Illegal value '%c' for op->flag in i_oper
1184 Internal error: Unknown attribute (%d)
1185 Internal error: Unknown op->type '%c' in oper_is_local\n
1186 Error: Too few actual parameters in call on function '%s'
1187 Error: Formal parameter '%s' in function %s cannot refer to a integer variable
1188 Error: Formal parameter '%s' in function %s cannot refer to a float variable
1189 Error: Formal parameter '%s' in function %s cannot refer to a text variable
1190 Error: Formal parameter '%s' in function %s cannot refer to a integer array
1191 Error: Formal parameter '%s' in function %s cannot refer to a float array
1192 Error: Formal parameter '%s' in function %s cannot refer to a text array
1193 Error: Illegal parameter to function %s
1194 Internal error: Illegal vdecl->type '%c' in i_function
1195 Internal error: op->type == DO_VINST on entry(optimize).\n
1196 Internal Error: Unknown op->flag '%d' in SimplifyOper.
1197 Internal error: Unknown op->flag: '%c' (optimize).\n
1198 Internal error: Unknown function type '%c' in SimplifyAction().\n
1199 Error: Too few indexes in access to array %s.
1200 Array index out of bounds: %s[%ld] does not exist.
1207 Error: Illegal type assigned to a integer variable %s
1208 Error: Illegal type assigned to a float variable %s
1209 Error: Illegal type assigned to a text variable %s
1210 Error: Illegal type assigned to a integer array %s
1211 Error: Illegal type assigned to a float array %s
1212 Error: Illegal type assigned to a text array %s
1213 Internal error: op==NULL in valtype.
1214 Internal error: Illegal value '%c' for op->flag in valtype
1215 Error: Illegal type in integer expression
1216 Internal error: Illegal access method in 'op'
1217 Error: Text in integer expression.
1218 Internal error: Unknown flag (%c) in calculate
1219 Error: Illegal type (valtype(op->left.op)) in calculate
1220 Error: Illegal type (valtype(op->right.op)) in f_calculate
1221 Error: Text in floating point expression.
1222 Internal error: Unknown flag (%c) in f_calculate
1223 Internal error: Unknown flag (%c) in t_calc_dup
1224 Internal error: Unknown flag (%c) in t_calculate
1225 Error: Integer in text expression.
1226 Error: Float in text expression.
1227 Internal error: eval_condition op->flag '%c'
1228 Internal error: Unknown function type '%c' in simulate()
1229 Internal Error: Unknown variable type '%c' %s.
1230 Internal error: Illegal array access method (%d)
1231 Internal error: index %ld of array %s is NULL.
1232 Internal error: Illegal error type %c in %s
1233 Internal error: eq not var. not array
1234 Internal error: Unknown rettype '%d' in simulate
1235 No main function in awe file
1236 Internal error: couldn't open file\n
1238 Abnormal termination by signal %d.\n
1239 Invalid listid2 found in call to:
1240 Invalid prev2->listid2 found in call to:
1241 Invalid prev2->next2 ptr found in call to:
1242 Invalid next2->listid2 found in call to:
1243 Invalid next2->prev2 ptr found in call to:
1244 Invalid listid found in call to:
1245 Invalid prev->listid found in call to:
1246 Invalid prev->next ptr found in call to:
1247 Invalid next->listid found in call to:
1248 Invalid next->prev ptr found in call to:
1249 Internal error: init_list2 called for NULL object.
1250 Internal error: init_list called for NULL object.
1251 Internal error: place_prev2 called for NULL object.
1252 Internal error: place_prev called for NULL object.
1253 Internal error: place_next2 called for NULL object.
1254 Internal error: place_next called for NULL object.
1255 Internal error: remove_at2 called for NULL object.
1256 Internal error: remove_at called for NULL object.
1257 Write error, disk full?
1258 WWWFree: Could not remove %s\n
1259 No such temporary file : %s
1260 Removed characters from URL to prevent security holes\n
1261 Failed getcwd in simplifyURL\n
1262 Could not load URL %s into local file %s
1263 Could not find any URL associated with local file %s
1264 Failed to load URL %s
1265 Failed to load URL, retrying %s
1281 Warning: Setpaletteindex called for index >= 256 on pseudo 8 display.\nIgnoring\n
1282 Warning: Could not create stipple %d\n
1283 Warning : non-square pixels in GIF-file (%c %f)\n
1284 Warning: bogus character 0x%02x, ignoring\n
1285 Warning: Attempt to set IMAGE-attribute when TEXTURE-attribute is\nalready set. Ignoring IMAGE-attribute\n
1286 Warning: Received unknown event. Ignoring.\n
1287 Warning: Could not open image %s, using default.\n
1288 Warning: Attempt to set COLOR-attribute for IMAGE-object.
1289 Warning: Attempt to set IMAGE-attribute for LINE-object. Ignored\n
1290 Warning: The FILL-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1291 Warning: The TEXTURE-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1292 Warning: The DASHES-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1293 Warning: The LINEWIDTH-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1294 Warning: The STARTANGLE-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1295 Warning: The ENDANGLE-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1296 Warning: The FONT-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1297 Warning: Attempt to set OUTTEXT-attribute when OUTINT- or OUTFLOAT-attribute\nis already set. Ignoring\n
1298 Warning: The OUTTEXT-attribute is only valid for TEXT object\n
1299 Warning: Attempt to set OUTINT-attribute when OUTTEXT- or OUTFLOAT-attribute\nis already set. Ignoring\n
1300 Warning: The OUTINT-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1301 Warning: Attempt to set OUTFLOAT-attribute when OUTTEXT- or OUTINT-attribute\nis already set. Ignoring\n
1302 Warning: The OUTFLOAT-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1303 Warning: The DECIMALS-attribute is not valid for that object\n
1304 Warning: Could not load font: %s. Using default font\n
1305 Warning: Called with too many parameters. Ignoring redundant.\n
1306 Warning: Point %d behind point of view in project. Truncating.\n
1307 Warning: Unknown attribute %s. Ignoring.\n
1308 Warning: Illegal offset-parameter with respect to arraysize in addpoint. Truncating.
1309 Warning: arg 1 (volume) of function bell out of range, using default value.
1310 Warning: arg 2 (pitch) of function bell out of range, using default value.
1311 Warning: arg 3 (duration) of function bell out of range, using default value.
1312 Warning: Unknown event '%s' ignored
1313 Warning: Unknown attribute '%s'
1314 Warning: Opening brace '{' lacks matching closing brace '}'
1315 Warning: ╩ program is trying to open local file for writing. Access to the local filesystem is disabled in the client.
1316 Warning: ╩ program is trying to open local file for reading. Access to the local filesystem is disabled in the client.
1317 Warning: Writing over the network is not implemented yet.
1536 CandleWeb
1537 beta w1
1538 Loading URL %s
1539 Loaded URL %s into local file %s
2000 *.awe
2001 ┼ files (*.awe)|*.awe|Alle filer (*.*)|*.*|
2002 Send file
2003 Dialog error.