( ) Please register my copy of Szipw32 v2.x for $20
(add $2 for shipping and handling)
( ) - I need a receipt please.
Site licenses:
A site license for Szipw32 entitles an organization to receive one copy of the distribution package and duplicate the distribution disk for the specified number of copies.
Szipw32 Single Copy ____ copies at $20 each = ______
Szipw32 Site License
2 to 9 computers: ____ computers at $18 each = ______
10 to 24 computers: ____ computers at $15 each = ______
25 to 49 computers: ____ computers at $12 each = ______
50 to 99 computers: ____ computers at $10 each = ______
100 to 199 computers: ____ computers at $7 each = ______
Pennsylvania residents add 8% sales tax + ______
Total payment ______
I got Szipw32 from ____________________
Name _____________________________________
Company _____________________________________
Address _____________________________________
_____________________________________ (Include postal code)
Phone __________________________
Fax/e-mail _________________________
Payment ( ) Cheque payable to OLLIVIER CIVIOL
I agree to the Disclaimer and Shareware Conditions in the Help file.