The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 September
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Text File
301 lines
2 Dana
3 \nUntitled\nDana document\n\n\nDana.Document.1\nDana Document
4 >...............
5 í%
7 Key Definition File
13 "'/+*-=|~e `,.?!;:d a []{}()b c <>
15 ([{b
16 )]},.ƒ ₧ c d a p
19 Cannot read more than 100 files.
20 Duplicate key assign was found.\nDelete either of them.
21 Executable(*.EXE;*.COM)
22 Syntax error.
23 Unexpected EOF.
24 Constant too long.
25 Illegal data type.
26 Illegal value.
27 Undefined symbol.
28 Cannot carry out an operation between different type.
29 Right parenthesys is expected.
30 It must be constant.
31 Extra characters on line.
32 Already defined elsewhere.
33 Illegal expression.
34 Illegal reference.
35 Unexpected error occured.
36 The number of argument is not proper.
37 This function has no return value.
38 'Then' statement is expected.
39 'End If' statement is expected.
40 Assignment to this property is not permitted.
41 'Main' procedure is not found.
42 'While' or 'Until' statement expected.
43 'Case' statement is expected.
44 Function "%s" is not found.
111 Input control code.
113 0000h
114 OVW
115 Change the program configurations\nPreferences
116 WRAP
117 Text
118 Background
119 Marked line
120 EOF Mark
121 CRLF Mark
122 Tab Display
123 Control Code
124 Line Number
125 Line No Bkgnd
126 Ruler
127 Ruler Bkgnd
128 Under Line
129 Changed Mark
130 HTML tag
200 Module '%s' is not found.
201 Function '%s' is not found.
32769 Go to previous found position\nFindPrev
32770 Go to next found position\nFindNext
32777 Paste an existing text file at the caret position\nPasteFile
32778 Copy the selection to a file\nCopyToFile
32779 Append the selection to an existing file\nAppendToFile
32782 Find specified string in files\nGREP
32783 Reactivate window which contains tag information\nTagFile
32789 Specify Undo/Redo steps\nStepDo
32793 Confirm to save files and exit editor\nExit
32795 Bring the selection to the left\nLeft
32796 Bring the selection to the right\nRight
32797 Bring the selection to the center\nCenter
32798 Sort the selection\nSort
32799 UnIndent the selection by one level\nUnIndent
32800 Indent the selection by one level\nIndent
32801 Append specified string at the top/end of the selection\nAppendString
32802 Convert the selection\nConvert
32803 Compare the current file to the other\nCompare
32804 Run another Dana and open files\nDanaOpen
32806 Open a project file\nOpenProject
32807 Save current work space as a project file\nSaveProject
32808 Select one of the registered folders and open file\nOpen Folder
57344 Text processor Dana
57346 Specify help target
57600 Create a new file\nNew
57601 Open existing files\nOpen
57602 Close this file\nClose
57603 Save this file\nSave
57604 Rename and save this file\nSaveAs
57605 Set up print page\nPageSetup
57606 Set up printer\nPrinterSetup
57607 Print this file\nPrint
57608 Show print preview image\nPreview
57616 Open this file
57632 Delete the selection\nClear
57633 Delete entire text\nDeleteAll
57634 Copy the selection to the clipboard\nCopy
57635 Copy the selection to the clipboard and delete\nCut
57636 Find specified string\nFind
57637 Paste clipboard data at the caret position\nPaste
57640 Repeat previous input command\nRepeat
57641 Replace specified string to the other one\nReplace
57642 Select entire text\nSelectAll
57643 Undo previous editing\nUndo
57644 Redo previously 'Undone'editing\nRedo
57648 Open a new edit window\nNewWindow
57649 Arrange the minimized windows\nArrangeIcon
57650 Cascade all the edit windows\nCascade
57651 Tile all the editing windows\nTile
57652 Tile all the editing windows vertically\nTileVert
57653 Split this window\nSplit
57664 Show information about the version and the copyright\nAboutDana
57666 Help index\nHelpIndex
57668 Context help\nContextHelp
57669 Help for the current dialog or the command\nHelp
57680 Move the input focus to the next window\nNextWindow
57681 Move the input focus to the previous window\nPrevWindow
58368 Caret up\nUp
58369 Caret left\nLeft
58370 Caret right\nRight
58371 Caret down\nDown
58372 Caret one word left\nWordLeft
58373 Caret one word right\nWordRight
58374 Caret at the top of the line\nTopOfLine
58375 Caret at the end of the line\nEndOfLine
58376 Caret at the left side of the window\nLeftSide
58377 Caret at the right side of the window\nRightSide
58378 Toggle insert/overwrite mode\nInsertMode
58379 Back space\nBackSpace
58380 Delete a character\nDelete
58381 Input a control code\nControlCode
58382 Insert a tab\nTab
58383 Flip the word or the selection to upper/lower case\nFlipCase
58384 Flip a character to upper/lower case\nFlipCaseOne
58385 Delete from here to the end of the line\nDelToEOL
58386 Delete from the top of the line to here\nDelToTOL
58387 Delete a word left\nBSWord
58388 Delete a word right\nDelWord
58389 Repeat this character\nRepeat
58390 Insert a find string\nPasteFindString
58391 Insert a time stamp\nTimeStamp
58392 Input carriage return\nSplitLine
58393 Delete this line\nDeleteLine
58394 Insert empty line below\nInsertNext
58395 Insert empty line above\nInsertBefore
58396 Duplicate this line\nDuplicate
58397 Toggle a bookmark of this line\nToggleMark
58398 Paste string that was deleted by "Delete Line" command\nPopLine
58399 Start/Stop to record key sequences\nRecordKey
58400 Playback the recorded key sequences\nPlayKey
58404 Run/Edit/Register scripts\nJukeBox
58405 Scroll up the text\nRollUp
58406 Scroll down the text\nRollDown
58407 Scroll up the text in high speed\nHighRollUp
58408 Scroll down the text in high speed\nHighRollDown
58409 Page down the text\nPageDown
58410 Page up the text\nPageUp
58411 Scroll down the text\nRollDown
58412 Scroll up the text\nRollUp
58413 Scroll up both this text and the other\nRlupBoth
58414 Scroll down both this text and the other\nRldnBoth
58415 Scroll up the sub-current text\nRlupAnother
58416 Scroll down the sub-current text\nRldnAnother
58417 Page up half a page\nPgupHalf
58418 Page down half a page\nPgdnHalf
58419 Scroll screen left\nRollLeft
58420 Scroll screen right\nRollRight
58423 Scroll up slowly until any key is pressed\nRlupSlowly
58424 Scroll down slowly until any key is pressed\nRldnSlowly
58425 Toggle word wrap mode\nWordWrap
58426 Bring this line to top of the window\nMakeTop
58427 Bring this line to the bottom of the window\nMakeBottom
58428 Bring this line to the middle of the window\nMakeMid
58429 Go to the top of the text\nTopOfText
58430 Go to the bottom of the text\nEndOfText
58431 Go to the position specified by the line number\nJumpTo
58432 Go back to the previous position\nPrevPosition
58433 Go to the next marked line\nNextMark
58434 Go to the previous marked line\nPrevMark
58435 List up all the marked line in this text\nListMarks
58436 Clear all bookmark in the entire text or the selection\nDeleteMark
58437 Move the caret at the top of the window\nTopOfScreen
58438 Move the caret at the bottom of the window\nBottomOfScreen
58439 Open file according to the retrieved tag information\nTagJump
58440 Go to the correspondent brace\nCorrParen
58441 Begin the selection\nBeginSelect
58442 Paste a box text previously copied or cut\nBoxPaste
58443 Discard a previous clipboard buffer\nDiscardStack
58444 Paste from the list of the clipboard buffer\nHistoricalPaste
58445 Begin the box selection\nBoxBegin
58446 Find the string forward\nFindForward
58447 Find the string backward\nFindBackward
58448 Replace again using previous replace information\nReplAgain
58450 Set bookmarks on the lines which begin with one of the title characters\nMarkTitle
58451 Get a word as the find string from the caret position\nGetFindWord
58452 Close this text after saved\nSave&Close
58453 Save all the work files\nSaveAll
58454 After saving all the work files, exit Dana\nSaveAll&Exit
58455 Activate another window\nAnotherWindow
58456 Discard changes and reopen this text\nReOpen
58457 Update all the work files except new files\nAllUpdate
58458 Do the same as the auto backup\nAutoBackupByHand
58461 Save all work file and work space, and exit editor\nSaveWork&Exit
58462 Make this file unsaveable\nReadOnly
58463 Select an edit window in the list\nSelectWindow
58464 Bring up 'File Maintainer'\nFileMaintainer
58465 Run another application\nShell
58466 Run another application using launcher\nLauncher
58467 Tile recently referred two window\nTileTwo
58468 User defined menu\nMenu1
58469 User defined menu\nMenu2
58470 User defined menu\nMenu3
58471 User defined menu\nMenu4
58472 User defined menu\nMenu5
58473 Next changed position\nNextChanged
58474 Previous changed position\nPrevChanged
58501 User help1\nHelp1
58502 User help2\nHelp2
58503 User help3\nHelp3
58504 User help4\nHelp4
58505 User help5\nHelp5
58506 User help6\nHelp6
58507 User help7\nHelp7
58508 User help8\nHelp8
58509 User help9\nHelp9
58510 User help10\nHelp10
59137 CAPS
59138 NUM
61184 Change window size
61185 Move window
61186 Minimize window
61187 Maximize window
61188 Activate next window
61189 Activate previous window
61190 Close work window with confirming to save
61202 Restore window size
61203 Current Task List
61215 Activate this child window
61216 Finding ...(ESC key to break)
61217 %d words are replaced
61219 Preferences
61220 Syntax Error.
61221 This file has been changed by the other application.\nDo you open it again?
61222 Processing auto backup
61223 Previous work might have been abnormally terminated.\nDo you recover it?
61224 ========================= Open New File =========================
61225 The command didn't work properly\nPlease check if the command or the file name is correct.
61226 Browse
61227 You cannot choose multiple files.
61228 Are you sure to delete
61229 The file name has not been changed.
61230 The process is normally terminated :-)
61231 The comparison is complete.\nDifferent lines are marked.
61232 No difference.
61233 Are you sure to remove this process?
61234 Confirmation
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61504 on %1
61505 &One Page
61506 &Two Page
61507 Page %u
61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n
61588 Linked %s
61589 Unknown Type
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61984 OK
61985 Cancel
61986 &Apply Now
61987 &Help
61988 Close