1. 2700Kb of free RAM (Choose "About this Macintosh..." from the Apple Menu
and check the largest unused block. This should be 2700K or greater).
To run the program in 16-bit mode (╥Thousands of Colors╙ in the Monitors
Control Panel), you must have 3500Kb of free RAM or greater.
2. QuickTime equipped Macintosh (1.5 or newer).
3. 13" Color Monitor.
4. System Software 6.0.7 or higher.
Step 1. Insert the ╥Gardening╙ CD in your CD drive.
Step 2. Drag the ╥Gardening╙ program icon from the open window ╥Gardening╙ to
your hard disk.
Note: Do not drag the icon representing the CD (the one on the desktop) to
your drive. You probably don't have enough space! You must first double-click
on the CD icon to open its window. Drag the color icon with the same name
as the title from this window to your hard drive. Run the program by double-
clicking on this icon. Running the program from the CD will cause problems!
Step 3. Drag the ╥Gardening Notes╙ icon from the open window ╥Gardening╙ to your hard disk. You need to put it in the same folder as the ╥Gardening╙ program.
Step 4. Most newer Macintoshes have QuickTime installed. If the QuickTime extension is not installed, it must be put into your Extensions folder. If you already have QuickTime installed and the opening animation still doesn╒t play, check the version. If it is older than 1.5, replace it with the copy provided on the CD. The QuickTime 1.6.1 extension is located in the Utilities folder on this CD. Drag this icon to the closed system folder of your hard drive. It will automatically be placed in the correct folder (Extensions). Restart your computer to activate QuickTime.
Double-click the ╥gardening╙ program icon that you copied to your hard drive to start the program.
Using Dubl-Click╒s ╥MenuFonts╙ extension will cause The Complete Guide to
Gardening to display incorrectly. Turn off MenuFonts when you run Gardening,
or contact Dubl-Click for more information.
In the Almanac if you receive the following error message "This operation has failed. No card button "xx" in the open almanac." You need to set the Date & Time format in the Date & Time Control Panel to U.S.
If you need more help, Multicom Technical Support can be reached at (800) 850-7272 or (206) 622-5530