Labels:text | screenshot | black | black and white | font OCR: it with a graving tool, that Moses delayed to come down fashion ad made it a molten calf: out of the mount, the people after he aid, These be thy gods, ( gathered themselves together unto and the ich brought thee up out Aaron, and said unto him, Up, Israel, W of Egypt. 5 And when make us gods, which shall go of the la v it, he built an altar before us; for as for this Moses, the Aaron s and Aaron made man that brought us up out of the before i ion, and said, Tomorrow land of Egypt, wewot not what is proclan o the LORD. . And they become of him. 2 And Aaron said is a feas rly on the morrow, and unto them, Break off the golden rose up rnt offerings, and earrings, which are in the ears of offered eace offerings; and the brough down to eat and to your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters ...