Labels:text | screenshot | black | black and white | letter | document OCR: Give justice to the king, O God, and righte ousness to the king's so ht way; 2 Help him judge your people in the r let the poor always be treated fairl or all 3 May the mountains yield prosperity and may the hills be fruitful, because the king does what is righ 4 Help him to defend the poor, to rescue the children of the need and to crush their oppressors. May he live as long as the sun shine e skies. as long as the moon continues in Yes, forever! springtime rains- 6 May his reign be as refreshing as th like the showers that water the ea reign. 7 May all the godly flourish during hi until the end of time. May there be abundant prosperity 8 May he reign from sea to sea, ends of the earth. and from the Euphrates River to t Desert nomads will bow before him; the dust. his enemies will fall be ...