Labels:text | screenshot | tool OCR: Kings Baasha's Invasion King Baasha's Invasion King Baasha of Israel has invaded our country! Don't panic my people. I have come up with a brilliant plan, if I say so myself. I am going to take the silver and gold from the Lord's temple and from the palace and send it to the King of Aram. I will ask him to be our ally, to fight King Baasha A Recent Update from The Royal Physician: Patient: King Asa Disease: A foot infection Prognosis: Grim. Asa only has months to live. King Asa is now in the forty-first year of his reign. Our team of doctors has been treating a serious foot disease which has afflicted His Highness for nearly two years now. We have had little success. This disease is now threatening the very life of the king. His days are numbered. Pray for the king. He is stubborn. He will ...