Labels:text | screenshot | menu OCR: ath, Meshach, a The Hottest Site on the Internet Our real names are Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, but nobody calls us by those names anymore. When the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem, our homeland, we were taken captive and given new, Babylonian names-Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The king of Babylon ordered that the healthiest and most educated young men in Jerusalem be trained to serve in his court. We were among the young men who were selected for this honor. During our training, we were not treated like prisoners. In fact, we were served the same food and wine that the king ate and drank. Unfortunately, this was a big problem. You see, portions of the king's food and wine were offered to idols. For us Israelites, that meant the food was contaminated We couldn't eat it. Royal Food ...