The Best of Select: Games 5
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┌─────┴─┐ │ (R)
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│ ┌────┴─╨┐ │ Association of
│ │ ├──┘ Shareware
└──┤ O │ Professionals
═══════╡ ║ ╞════════════════════════
└───╨───┘ MEMBER
TITLE: The Oakflat Nuclear Power Plant Simulator v3.0sw
AUTHOR: D. S. Gamble for GAMTECH/Gamble Technologies
COPYRIGHT: (C) Copyright 1987-1992 GAMTECH/Gamble Technologies
All rights reserved world wide
PURPOSE: To safely run a light-water pressure fission reactor and
generate electricity at a profit. A score based on amount
of power generated, damage to plant, and financial figures.
REQUIREMENTS: An IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible with at least 256kb RAM memory.
The programs can be installed onto a floppy or hard disk,
and the disk must NOT be write protected.
SHAREWARE: The shareware concept has made it possible for you to obtain
extremely powerful software at a price you can afford, and it
gives you the opportunity to try the software before you
register. The "try before you buy" concept only works when
software developers release full uncut versions of their
software and users register the software they use.
Evaluate the program for 30-days and give copies to your friends
for evaluation. If, after the 30 days, you continue to use the
program, then register it by sending us the registration form
included in this help file. Registered Users will receive the
latest version of the software, free technical support for a
minimum of 3 months by telephone or BBS E-mail (through
CompuServe(tm)), and low cost upgrades to future versions of
the program.
the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to
make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
unable to resolve a shareware related problem with an ASP member
by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for member's
products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at:
ASP Ombudsman
545 Grover Road
Muskegon MI 49442
or send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman
WARRANTY: GAMTECH/Gamble Technologies offers no warranties or guaranties
of the software or the media it is distributed on. GAMTECH
will not be held responsible for any damages, implied or direct,
from the use of, or inability to use the software. This
includes damage to hardware, other software, lost wages or
income, or any other unforseen expenses. GAMTECH is not
responsible for any actions or inactions of individuals or
corporations distributing its software.
PROGRAMS: The following files are compressed into the self-extracting
compressed file NUCLEAR.EXE. All of the files must be located
in the same disk directory when running OAKFLAT.EXE
OAKFLAT.EXE - Boot Program
OAKFLAT.001 - Main Simulator Module
OAKFLAT.002 - Final Evaluation Module
OAKFLAT.HLP - Command Summary Help File
OAKFLAT.DOC - Instructions/Help File (THIS FILE)
HYPRHELP.EXE - Document and Help file viewer
OAKFLAT.ICO - MS-Windows v3.x Icon File
All the above programs MUST be copied a single sub-directory.
If you do not receive all of the listed programs please contact
the distributor you received the software from.
Thes following data files are created by the simulator when it
is runs. Although these files will not be on your distibution
diskette they will appear in the directory where OAKFLAT.EXE is
OAKFLAT.DAT - Stores the Highest Score, Most Power
Generated, and Highest Profit for all
other simulations to be compared to.
OAKFLATS.COR - High score data file (created by the
system when the simulation is complete).
INSTALLATION: To properly install The Oakflat Nuclear Power Plant Simulator
simply use DOS to copy all of the above programs to a single
sub-directory on a hard drive or to an UN-WRITE PROTECTED
floppy disk with at least 340kb of free disk space.
WINDOWS: Although the simulator is a DOS application, it can run in a DOS
window inside Windows. An icon is included with the program
(OAKFLAT.ICO) and can be used when installing the simulator in
SECONDARY COOLANT PUMP (SCP) to maintain an equilibrium
reaction and generate electricity. For best results keep
the PERCENT OUTPUT = 100%. Higher outputs will cause plant
damage while lower settings generate less power and lower
START UP: To run the program, change to the program sub-directory
and type "OAKFLAT" at the DOS prompt. To avoid displaying
the first two title screens, start the program with a
command string of "/F" for Fast Start. At the DOS prompt
enter "OAKFLAT /F" for this faster way of booting up the
COMMANDS: <F1> = Help/Command Summary
<F2> = Enter Control Rod Settings (0 - 100)
<F3> = Enter Primary Coolant Pump Rate (0 - 100)
<F4> = Enter Secondary Coolant Pump Rates (0 - 100)
<F5> = Enter Emergency coolant Pump Rates (0 - 100)
<F6> = Display Main Control Panel
<F7> = Enter Simulator Command
<F8> = Damage Control
<F9> = Change Display View
<F10> = Change Help Line
QUICK START: 1. Start Program with "OAKFLAT" at the DOS prompt.
2. When Main Control Panel for the Simulator is displayed,
press the <F7> key.
3. Enter "DEMO" at the command prompt.
The Simulator is now running in DEMO mode and will continue
to do so until 1000 days have been simulated, the plant is
destroyed during the simulation, or the user presses <F7> and
"QUIT" at the command prompt. The displayed VIEW will change
automatically every 15 seconds in order to see all of the
different screens. Commands can still be entered at the <F7>
command prompt while in DEMO mode. Use the DEMO or AUTO modes
to observe how the plant operates, and how to use the controls.
Practice entering commands by pressing <F7> and entering the
command at the prompt followed by a carriage return <CR>.
GETTING HELP: Press <F1> to view the on line command summary/help file.
For a more detailed instruction on the simulators operation
press <F7> and enter DOCS or DOCUMENTATION at the Command
Prompt. In both cases the file will be displayed with the
option of moving about the file. Use the cursor keys and the
<PgUp>, <PgDn>, <Home>, and <End> to view different parts of the
file. To return to the simulation, press <ESC>.
RADIATION: There are many type of natural elements found on earth that are
unstable, and break down or decay naturally. The decaying of
the elements is referred to as 'Radioactive Decay' since
radiation is released in the process. Elements or compounds
that decay and release radiation are known to be radioactive.
As these radioactive elements and compounds decay they produce
different elements and compounds, many of them unstable and
radioactive. The type of radiation released and the rate of
release varies with the element or compound involved. Each
element has a specific decay formula, and the rate of decay and
by-products can be calculated. Eventually the radioactive
element completely decays and contains no more reactive
materials. In the case of uranium and plutonium, the time
needed to completely decay can be hundreds of thousands of
years! Towards the end of the 'life time' of the element,
the amount of radiation released in the decay becomes very
small. For this reason scientists use the amount of time it
takes for half of the element to completely decay and stop
reacting. This 'Half-Life' value tells us how long the material
will be decaying and releasing radiation, and thus dangerous
to living creatures.
There are 3 major types of radioactive decay that we will be
dealing with: Alpha, Beta, and Gama. Elements can decay
and release more than one type of radiation, although often
one type of emission is greater than all others. The real
danger of radiation is the effect it has on living cells. The
radiation release is in the form of low energy particles. Some
of these particles can penetrate living beings and even strike
and damage living cells within the bones. If the particle
hits an atom within a DNA molecule, it can alter the genetic
code of the cell. When the cell divides or reproduces, the
next generation of cells can be defective or non-functioning.
Because a fetus inside it's mother is growing very rapidly, it
is at risk being near any source of radiation. Alpha radiation
is released from alpha emitters atoms through alpha decay.
Alpha radiation can be shielded with heavy clothing or a
structure. Alpha emitters are most dangerous if they are
inhaled or ingested where they come in contact with living
cells for extended period of times. So long as the living
cells do not come in contact directly with alpha emitters they
generally are not harmed by alpha radiation.
Beta radiation is much more dangerous than alpha and affects
the body in different ways. Beta particles can penetrate deep
into the body and strike cells within the bones. Beta
particles can be stopped using concrete or steel shielding.
Since beta particles penetrate the body and can strike any cell,
they effect cells that reproduce quickly, such as bone marrow
and blood cells.
The most dangerous type of ionizing radiation is gama radiation.
Gama decay produces shortwave electromagnetic radiation similar
to x-rays, and capable of penetrating everything but the heaviest
concrete/steel shielding. The affects of gama radiation can be
very similar to beta radiation since they act on the body
through similar means.
As a molecule undergoes radioactive decay it produces
several major by-products: heat, radiation, and neutrons.
Neutrons are particles that make up the nucleus of the atom,
and when released from the atom, travel at very high speeds.
If a high speed neutron strikes the nucleus of another atom,
it will split the atom and release heat, radiation, and 2 or
3 more neutrons. The splitting of the atom, or its fission,
is the event that creates nuclear power.
FISSION: Nuclear fission, or the splitting of an atom is the bases for
both the early atomic bombs and atomic power plants. In both
cases a neutron particle strikes the nucleus of an atom and
splits the atom into two parts, releasing 2 or 3 more neutrons
and a relatively large amount of energy (about 200MeV).
Although this amount of energy is not very significant, it
represents the byproducts of one such event. Since each
fission reaction can lead to 2 or 3 more reactions like it,
a chain reaction can occur if conditions are right. The key
factor in starting a nuclear reaction is to get enough radio-
active material concentrated in one place. The amount of the
radioactive material needed to start a fission reaction is
known as the 'Critical Mass'. A 'Super Critical Mass' is an
amount of material in one place that starts an instant fission
reaction that releases an enormous amount of energy. An
atomic bomb simply creates a SUPER CRITICAL MASS inside the
bomb casing, and we all know what that does. A nuclear power
plant establishes a CRITICAL MASS inside the reactor, careful
not to let the mass become super critical and melt the core of
the reactor. This is what is known as a core meltdown or
'China Syndrome'. This balancing act is monitored by the
reactors operators, and requires precise information about
the reaction and its byproducts to control it safely.
CONSTRUCTION: The Reactor Vessel itself is nearly 44 feet tall and 15 feet in
diameter. The walls are made of high carbon steel and are 12
inches thick. The 12 foot long fuel rods lie under 10 feet of
water and are situated on the outer diameter of the Reactor
Vessel. In the center and in between the fuel rods are the
control rods enriched with neutron absorbing boron. The
control rods are attached to electrical motors from above by
steel cables. There are 12 Primary Coolant Pumps that pump
coolant from the reactor vessel to the Heat Exchanger (the
simulator treats the 12 individual pumps as 1). The Heat
Exchanger uses super heated primary coolant from the reactor
to heat secondary coolant into steam. The Reactor Vessel,
Primary Coolant Pump and pipes, and the Heat Exchanger are
all housed in the Containment Building. This building is made
of reinforced concrete and high carbon steel and helps contain
the atomic reaction and its by-products from the environment.
The 12 Secondary Coolant Pumps (also treated as 1 by the
simulator) pump coolant into the Heat Exchanger. The fuel rods
heat to incredible temperatures from the fission reaction that
takes place when the control rods are withdrawn. The coolant
flowing around the rods in the vessel is superheated to over
400°F. Because the Primary Coolant System is closed and void of
air it can not boil and remains a liquid. The Primary Coolant
Pumps move the superheated coolant water from the vessel to the
Heat Exchanger. As the Secondary Coolant that flows through
the Heat Exchanger is heated into steam, it rushes out and
turns huge turbines connected to powerful electrical generators.
As the coolant, now superheated steam, leaves the turbines it
enters the Condenser Unit. Inside the Condenser it flows
through pipes filled with smaller tubes filled with much cooler
water. As the steam passes the cooler condenser coils it
turns back into liquid. The now much cooler water is once again
pumped back into the Heat Exchanger by the Secondary Coolant
Pumps and completes the entire loop again.
NUCLEAR FUEL: To fuel a nuclear reaction, a radioactive element such as
uranium or plutonium must be used. Since not all radioactive
elements are fissionable, the usable elements must be separated
from the non-fissionable ones. Uranium for instance is found
in nature in two major forms: fissionable Uranium 235 and non-
fissionable Uranium 238. Since uranium ore contains less than
.7% of Uranium 235, the ore must be refined and "enriched" to
a concentration of 3% Uranium 235 for use in nuclear reactors.
(Uranium used in atomic bombs is enriched to a concentration
of at least 90% to create an explosive runaway chain reaction.)
The concentrated uranium fuel is formed into ceramic pellets
and assembled end-to-end into long rods made up of over 200 of
such pellets. The fuel rods are then arranged into bundles of
hundreds of rods each. A typical reactor core can have over
700 such bundles containing nearly 25 million fuel pellets.
MODERATORS: Neutron particles move at very high speeds (near the speed of
light!), and at these speed are very unlikely to hit the
nucleus of an atom and split it. If the neutrons are slowed,
the chances of it striking the atom are much better. To slow
these high speed neutrons a moderator is used. In most U.S.
nuclear reactors this moderator is water. Water makes an
excellent moderator because its mass is approximately the
same as a neutron. If a heavier moderator is used, the
neutrons are not slowed but stopped, and no chain reaction
can occur. The water used to moderate the reaction is also
used to cool the reactor core.
CONTROL RODS: When the fuel rods are in the reactor core surrounded by water,
control rods made of neutron absorbing cadmium are inserted
into the core to stop the fission reaction from occurring.
When the time comes to start the fission reactions and in-turn
start the reactor, the control rods are withdrawn slowly. As
the rods are removed from the core, some neutrons are allowed
to react with other uranium atoms and the temperature in the
core begins to rise.
CHAIN REACTION: At a certain temperature (usually 600° to 700°) the reaction
becomes self-sustaining. Since each fission reaction averages
2.5 neutrons released and a chain reaction needs only to
release 1 neutron, the control rods must absorb 1.5 neutrons
per reaction to prevent a runaway chain reaction. As more
reactions occur the fuel in the rods begin to lose their
concentration of fissionable material. To offset this, more
of the control rods must be withdrawn to allow the unused
fuel to react and maintain the chain reaction. Eventually
even with all of the rods withdrawn the reaction will be unable
to maintain itself and the reactor will have to be refueled
with fresh uranium fuel rods.
CONTROLS: The simulated power plant is controlled using the function keys
on the computer keyboard. The function keys have the following
defined values:
<F1> = Help/Command Summary
<F2> = Enter Control Rod Settings (0 - 100)
<F3> = Enter Primary Coolant Pump Rate (0 - 100)
<F4> = Enter Secondary Coolant Pump Rates (0 - 100)
<F5> = Enter Emergency coolant Pump Rates (0 - 100)
<F6> = Display Main Control Panel
<F7> = Enter Simulator Command
<F8> = Damage Control
<F9> = Change Display View
<F10> = Change Help Line
The following is a list of valid commands to enter at the <F7>
command prompt. Each of the commands are listed in alphabetical
order just as they must be entered at the command prompt. To
use any of these commands, press <F7> and enter the command at
the prompt and press RETURN. Following each command is a brief
explanation of the commands and uses:
A = AUTO START Command.
ACCIDENT = Simulates a sudden loss-of-coolant accident.
ALARM TEST = Tests all of the audible alarms if SOUND is active.
AUTO = Activates Automatic Control Mode.
AUTO OFF = Initiates an Automatic Shutdown and then ends the simulation.
AUTO SHUTDOWN = Initiates an Automatic Shutdown then repairs/refueling.
COLOR = Optimize the simulators display for a color monitor.
DAMAGE = Sets the quality of PCS and SCS to POOR (results in damage).
DAMAGE CONTROL ON = Activates automatic Damage Control Computer.
DAMAGE CONTROL OFF = De-activates automatic Damage Control Computer.
DELAY x = Activates a x second pause after each simulated hour (x = 1 - 60).
DEMAND ON = Activates Varying Demanded Power levels option.
DEMAND OFF = De-activates Varying Demanded Power Level option.
DEMO = Activates the interactive Demo Mode.
EXIT = Quit the simulation immediately to DOS.
I = INSPECTION command.
INSPECTION = Reports the last NRC inspection of PCS and SCS.
MANUAL = Deactivates Automatic adjustment of temp/power control settings.
MONO = Optimize the simulators display for a monochrome monitor.
PRCP ON = Turns on the Primary Reserve Coolant Pump.
PRCP OFF = Turns off the Primary Reserve Coolant Pump.
PPRV OPEN = Opens the Primary Pressure Release Valve.
PPRV CLOSED = Closes the Primary Pressure Release Valve.
PRETEST = Tests all simulated reactor components prior to starting.
QUIT = Quits the simulation displaying your final score.
REFUEL = Replace the reactors fuel rods to 100%.
REPAIR = Does a complete repair job on all systems having any damage.
RESTART = Restarts the simulator, and resets all settings.
RESTORE = Restores a saved simulation file, and resets the simulator to it.
RUN UNTIL x = Run the simulator until the x day is reached (x = 1 - 2000).
SCRAM = Immediately takes the reactor off-line in emergency.
SHIELD ON = Activates an anti-neutron radiation shield, lowers radiation.
SHIELD OFF = Turns off the SHIELD option.
SPEED x = Sets the calculate to view ratio for simulated hours (x = 1 - 24).
SOUND ON = Activates the SOUND option.
SOUND OFF = Deactivates the SOUND option.
SPRV OPEN = Opens the Secondary Pressure Release Valve.
SPRV CLOSED = Closes the SPRV if the valve is open.
SRCP ON = Turns on the Secondary Reserve Coolant Pump.
SRCP OFF = Turns off the Secondary Reserve Coolant Pump.
TARGET = Allows for manual setting of Demanded Power level.
TOWER PUMP ON = Turns on the Cooling Tower Pumps.
TOWER PUMP OFF = Turns off the Cooling Tower Pumps.
TURBINE TRIP = Bypasses the Steam Turbines in emergency.
V = Value command.
VALUE = Displays the current value of the power generated by the plant.
VALVE 1 OPEN = Bypasses Steam Turbine Group #1 in emergency.
VALVE 1 CLOSED = Closes the bypass valves for Turbine Group #1.
VALVE 2 OPEN = Bypasses Steam Turbine Group #2 in emergency.
VALVE 2 CLOSED = Closes the bypass valves for Turbine Group #2
VIEW ON = Activates automatically changing view screens.
VIEW OFF = Deactivates automatically changing view screens.
OPERATIONS: In the Oak Flat Nuclear Power Plant Simulator, water is used
to moderate the atomic reaction. The water is also used to cool
the reaction, and carry the heat generated by the reaction from
the REACTOR CORE, to the HEAT EXCHANGER to create steam.
The steam is carried in large turbines which are turned by
the super heated steam. Generators connected to the turbines
generate electrical power. the steam continues on to condenser
coils to be condensed back into water. The water is then
pumped into huge cooling towers to be cooled to below 100° F.
Once the water has been cooled enough it is pumped back
into the reactor core to begin the process all over again.
Most of the control settings are entered using the function
keys (referred to as <F1> to <F10>). The <F1> key brings
a brief HELP file to the screen using HYPERhelp (tm). Using
the curser keys will allow you to view the entire file. The
CONTROL RODS are adjusted using the <F2> key. The Primary
Coolant Pumps (PCP), Secondary Coolant Pumps (SCP), and
Auxiliary Coolant Pumps (ACP) are controlled by the <F3>, <F4>,
and <F5> keys respectively. The <F6> key will change the View
to the Main Control Panel (the first screen seen in the
simulation), and the <F9> key will display one of 4 different
information screens: Damage, Performance, Financial, or
Radiation Levels. The Damage screen will list the different
plant systems and the amount of damage they currently have. The
Performance screen tells of the amounts of power produced, and
at what levels. The Financial screen lists the costs of plant
operations, and the value of the power produced. Finally the
Radiation Levels list the escaping radiation level from the
different systems. Keep in mind that the Reactor and Primary
Coolant Systems are enclosed in the massive containment
building which shields the outside environment from the
radiation. The <F7> key (described above) activates the
Command Prompt from where simulator commands can be entered.
The <F8> key allows on-line repairs to be started to help
reduce plant system damage. Finally the <F10> key changes the
Information line on line 25 to change to list all function
key uses.
The simulators display has the following general layout:
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────┐
└─────────────────────────────────────┘ │ │
┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ REACTOR │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ DIAGRAM │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
└─────────────────────────────────────┘ │ │
┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │
└─────────────────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────────┘
Each of the displays has the WARNING LIGHTS at the top of the
screen, the FUNCTION KEY HELP LINE at the bottom, and the
REACTOR DIAGRAM on the right side of the display. The only
screens that do not show this information are the Help screens.
The SIMULATOR CONTROL STATUS LINE lists the current settings of
certain control parameters of the simulator: AUTO/DEMO/MANUAL
To see how to change each of these parameters, see the previous
section on Commands syntax and usage. The large window to
the left of the REACTOR DIAGRAM can display any one of 5
different displays. To change the viewed display press the <F9>
key. To return to the MAIN CONTROL DISPLAY (the default
display) press <F6>. The following paragraphs describe each of
the available displays.
The MAIN CONTROL DISPLAY shows the temperatures for the reactor
core (CORE TP), the heat exchanger (XCHG TP), the condenser
coils (CDSR TP), and the cooling tower (TOWR TP). It also
displays the current power output, control settings, remaining
fuel in the reactor core, coolant levels for the three coolant
systems, days and hours simulated, and current: power output,
demanded power, radiation exposure per hour, percentage damage,
and score. This screen is the default screen the simulator
displays when it is started.
The DAMAGE ASSESSMENT DISPLAY shows the major plant systems and
the amount of damage they currently have sustained. The damage
is listed as Total Plant Damage percent and the number of days
needed to repair. Each plant system then lists the amount of
the total plant damage that has occurred to that system. If the
damage percentage exceeds 5% for any one of the plant systems,
emergency repairs can be started by using the <F8> Repair
The PERFORMANCE RECORDS DISPLAY shows several facts about the
current simulations power output, time running, days down for
repairs, and other information about the plants performance.
The high marks for many of these readings are displayed in
parentheses to the right of the reading. The line titled "Days
Simulated" displays the total days simulated and the percentage
of scheduled days completed in parentheses. The line labeled
"Days at Target Output:" displays the number of days that the
plant generated exactly what was demanded of it. On the same
line in parentheses is the percentage of days simulated at the
target output. The lines labeled "Days Down For Maintenance:"
and "Days Down For Refueling:" display the number of days the
reactor spend off-line and not generating power for each of the
events. In parentheses each line also displays the percentage
of simulated days doing each event, as well as the total count
of each event. Although the 'Maintenance Days' counts the total
days spent repairing the plant, The counter only gets
incremented if repairs are done WITHOUT refueling the plant.
The FINANCIAL RECORDS screen displays the sources of income (and
how much) as well as plant expenses during the current
simulation. The total "Cost of Power Generated" and the total
"Value of Power Generated" are displays in reverse colors,
reflecting there mathematical sign (green for positive / red for
negative). The last line in the window shows the current score
for the simulation as well as the highest recorded score in
Finally the RADIATION DETECTORS DISPLAY shows the radiation
levels at several of the remote sensory stations throughout the
plant. The first four lines list radiation levels for the
current hour at strategic locations in the plant (CORE = main
reactor core, PCS = primary coolant system, XCHG = heat
exchangers, and SCS = secondary coolant system). The last two
detectors meter the total radiation exposure levels for personnel
in the control room (BIO) and the total radiation output levels
of the spent fuel storage facility (SFSF). If the BIO level
becomes very high the plant operators are in danger. If the
SFSF levels reach the danger level the plant will be unable to
refuel, and the simulation will end when the current fuel is
This simulator was designed to simulate many of the important
functions and features of a real nuclear power plant.
Naturally, not all of the details could be put into this
simulator, but the concept and scientific theory is intact. The
two most important things in a successful simulation run are:
- Keeping the OUTPUT close to but never above 100%
- Never allow the fuel level below the 9% mark.
The reactor core was designed to perform at optimum
efficiency at 697° - 700° fahrenheit, and produce 3000 Mwatts
per hour. Exceeding the 3000 Mwatt mark is ok as long as
PERCENT OUTPUT is never more than 100%. The Primary and
Secondary Coolant Pumps operate ideally between 70% - 90%.
Running the pumps at above the 90% mark will lead the pump to
overload and damage, to a possibility of coolant leaks or early
If the core temperature exceeds 700°, the core must be cooled to
prevent damage. The power plant has several ways of
accomplishing this. First, the control rods can be removed from
the reactor, thus increasing the number of neutrons absorbed and
unavailable for fission reactions. Second, the AUXILIARY
COOLANT PUMP can be used to additionally cool the reactor. The
rates of both the PRIMARY and SECONDARY COOLANT PUMPS can be
increased, removing more heat from the reactor and lowering the
The only problem with this method, is it will also increase the
amount of power generated. If the temperature is already over
700° it is likely that the power output is already close to
100%. In the case of an emergency, there are several other
methods a bit more drastic to cool the reactor core and bring
the power output down. Both the PRIMARY and SECONDARY COOLANT
pressure inside the respective coolant systems. As the pressure
is reduced, so is the temperature of the coolant. The drawbacks
to this is the lowering of the coolant level as the coolant is
released through the valve. The other major problem with the
PPRV is the coolant itself is VERY RADIOACTIVE, and releasing
the coolant equals releasing radiation into the environment.
The PPRV should only be used in extreme cases to prevent core
meltdowns. The final ways to cool the reactor is to shut it
down. The fastest way to do this is a REACTOR SCRAM. When a
SCRAM is initiated the CONTROL RODS are immediately re-inserted
into the reactor core in an instant to stop the reaction
IMMEDIATELY. Because this is a drastic measure it represents
a NRC Emergency and requires a complete shutdown of the plant
for maintenance and inspection by federal officials. A less
dramatic shutdown procedure is the AUTO SHUTDOWN command. It
will re-insert the CONTROL RODS in an orderly manner, and
activate the AUXILIARY COOLANT PUMP if needed. The main
difference between an AUTO SHUTDOWN and a REACTOR SCRAM is the
AUTO SHUTDOWN does NOT require a NRC report or inspection (it's
also cheaper and doesn't cost the simulator user any points).
If the turbine output exceeds 100% the turbines can be
bypassed by using the TURBINE TRIP command. This causes
the steam to be piped around the turbine, thus not generating
any electrical power. Once a trip is initiated, it can not be
'un-tripped' and re-initiate power generation without shutting
down for maintenance.
To change the information displayed about the simulation, use
the <F9> key to change the View Screen. Anytime you want to
return back to the Main Control Panel simply press the <F6>
key. To automatically change the displayed View, enter the
VIEW ON command at the <F7> prompt. With the VIEW option on
the View will change every 15 seconds (providing it isn't
changed manually sooner). To de-activate the option enter
VIEW OFF at the command prompt. This option is activated
automatically in DEMO mode, but can be manually de-activated
at any time.
As time goes by the plant may develop some damage depending on
how well the plant was built. To find the quality of the plant
construction, the INSPECTION command must be entered at the
command prompt (press <F7>). The inspection will tell the plant
operator if the quality is GOOD, FAIR, or POOR, for the PRIMARY
and SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEMS. The lower the quality, the more
likely incidental damage will occur. If the plant is overheated
or the output exceeds 100%, damage is very likely to increase.
To combat the damage, the simulator has a DAMAGE CONTROL SYSTEM
(<F8> at the command prompt) to partially repair the damage of
the affected system. The DAMAGE CONTROL SYSTEM can not be
started until damage is at 5% or more for the individual system,
and is automatically stopped when it is once again below 5%.
The DAMAGE CONTROL SYSTEM costs are dependent on the system
involved. The REACTOR CORE is the most expensive while the
TURBINES are the least. It is important to control the damage
at the lowest possible levels since as the damage increases, so
does the radiation exposure levels. Hourly radiation levels
should be kept at or below .01 mRAD per hour, although
temporarily higher levels are possible without danger to the
operator. If the exposure level gets too high, additional
shielding can be used with the SHIELD command. The additional
shielding comes in the form of an anti-neutron shield that
reduces the current background radiation by 60%. The cost of
this additional shielding is the inability to view any of the
ALTERNATIVE VIEWS (<F9>). If the total exposure level exceeds
600 RAD, the plant operator is at a high risk of death within
the hour of radiation exposure.
Any time the percent output exceeds 100% or the core
temperature exceeds 700°, an NRC event will occur. In a real
nuclear power plant, these happenings constitute a report to
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The NRC oversees all
of the U.S. nuclear power industry, from ore processing to
spent fuel storage. The fewer events that occur the better.
If a PRIMARY COOLANT SYSTEM leak or venting occurs or the
reactor is scrammed, a NRC Emergency is documented and
Maintaining the coolant levels can be done with the RESERVE
COOLANT PUMPS. Each of the Primary and Secondary Coolant have
pumps installed to move coolant from the RCS to the PCS or
SCS as needed. Note that once the pumps are started they
will continue to move coolant until they are turned off or
the destination system is once again full. The RCS is
slowly replenished, replacing any coolant used. The RCS
also supplies the ACS with its coolant.
To help control plant damage and coolant levels automatically,
the simulator has the DAMAGE CONTROL command. Once this
option is started the simulator will have damage control
teams work on any plant system when the damage level reaches
6%, and will work until the damage is reduced to 4%. This
option will also start the PRIMARY or SECONDARY RESERVE
COOLANT PUMPS automatically (if the RCS has coolant in it).
The DEMAND option allows the simulator to vary the amount
of power that should be generated. Generally the demanded
level is at 100%. The DEMAND command will periodically
change the demanded level, making the operator change the
current power output of the plant. The benefit to the
operator is an almost doubled hourly score. It is
important to keep the power output at the demanded levels.
To insure the plants readiness, it can be tested with the
PRETEST command. The PRETEST looks at all major plant systems
and reports any problems found. The option also increases the
score by 500 points for each pretest while in DEMO or AUTO
mode, and 1000 points if the simulator is being run in MANUAL
To demonstrate the operations of the plant the simulator has
a built-in DEMO mode that starts the reactor and runs it
automatically. In DEMO mode the DAMAGE CONTROL option is
started as is the DEMAND option. With these control settings
the plant can operate without intervention by the operator.
The other automatic option is the AUTO or A option. When
entered at the command prompt the simulator is started
and the computer controls the control rods and all coolant
pumps to maintain the plant output at the current demanded level.
If the plant is already on-line and generating power the AUTO
mode will take over the control of maintaining the output at the
demanded level.
To end the simulation you have 3 choices, the best of which
is the AUTO OFF command. It will initiate an automatic
shutdown of the plant and then go directly to the simulation
evaluation screen. The QUIT command will display the same
evaluation screen, but without first properly shutting down
the plant. Once at the evaluation screen you may restart the
simulator with a new simulation run, or you may exit to DOS.
The EXIT command from the <F7> prompt will exit directly to
DOS without displaying the final evaluation screen.
The FINAL EVALUATION SCREEN gives a brief overview of the
simulated run and then lists the values of the more important
figures from the run. It has references to lines from several
of the display screens and will tell you if any of your marks
are the best ever. These 'High Marks' are saved in the
OAKFLATS.COR file for future comparisons.
When first running the simulator it is recommended you first
watch a full simulation in the DEMO mode. This will let you
see many of the options and features without being overwhelmed.
Once you have a feel for the operation try interacting with
the simulation while in DEMO mode. Soon you'll be ready for
a full MANUAL operation and the thrills (and dangers) of
nuclear power!
For further information on the individual commands consult
the <F1> help file. For even more information including
examples and suggestions for particular situations, consult the
printed program manual that is available to all registered
REGISTRATION: If you find this software useful in any way you are asked to
register it with the authors, GAMTECH/Gamble Technologies.
Once registered you will receive a free update to the most
current version of the software without any Shareware messages.
To register please send your NAME, SHIPPING ADDRESS, PHONE
NUMBER (optional), the PROGRAMS NAME (very important), and
$15 + $3 shipping and handling (U.S. funds) to:
Gamble Technologies
P.O.Box 6753
San Mateo CA 94403
Compuserve ID: 70401,2160
The text file "REGISTER.OF3" can be used to register to insure
that all needed information is included when registering.
Registered users can receive product support by phone, U.S.
Mail, and Compuserve(tm). All users are free to write for
technical assistance or questions about the program by sending a
SASE to the above address with your question. Due to the cost
of postage today, questions without a Self Addressed Stamped
Envelope can not be answered except through a supported BBS.
Be sure to include the programs name and version when
registering or sending for information. If you can receive
your answer through Compuserve(tm) let us know your user ID
and we will send the reply via E-Mail ASAP.
Any suggestions regarding the simulator, its documentation, or
any other GAMTECH software is always welcome. We have tried
hard to make the simulation both enjoyable and entertaining and
any ideas on how to improve on this is greatly appreciated.
We are currently working on a MS-Windows v3.x version of this
program and hope to have it available before the end of 1992!
Register users of the this DOS version will be eligible for a
low cost upgrade to the new windows version when it becomes
Thank you for trying GAMTECH/Gamble Technologies products!