The Best of Select: Games Special 3
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DOS Batch File
59 lines
@echo off
rem ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
rem │
rem │ Notes about the DOS4GVM environment variable
rem │
rem │ The DOS4GVM environment variable is used to control the virtual
rem │ memory features for HardBall 5. There are a number of parameters
rem │ the experienced computer user can adjust to tune VM for their
rem │ computer system:
rem │
rem │ VirtualSize#7000 Sets the size of the virtual address space to
rem │ 7000K. Do _not_ decrease this number or
rem │ HardBall 5 will not work properly.
rem │
rem │ Note that a '#' character is used in place of
rem │ an '=' character because command.com won't let
rem │ you put an '=' in an environment variable.
rem │
rem │ NoDeleteSwap If you specify this option, the swap file will
rem │ not be deleted when the game exits. The default
rem │ is to delete the swap file when the game exits.
rem │
rem │ SwapName#VirtMem.SWP Sets the swap file name to "VirtMem.SWP". You
rem │ can put the swap file on other partitions by
rem │ specifying a full pathname, such as:
rem │ SwapName#D:\Temp\VirtMem.SWP
rem │
rem │ Swap files should not be put on compressed
rem │ drives (e.g. with DoubleSpace or Stacker)
rem │ because the disk access time might be too slow.
rem │ Other than being slower, it should work fine.
rem │
rem │ SwapInc#0 Causes space for the entire swap file to be
rem │ reserved when the program first boots. This is
rem │ important to prevent the game from running out
rem │ of memory during game play.
rem │
rem │ To disable virtual memory, simply clear the DOS4GVM environment
rem │ variable with the command "SET DOS4GVM=".
rem │
rem └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
if "%1"=="off" goto turnoff
if "%1"=="OFF" goto turnoff
if "%1"=="Off" goto turnoff
set DOS4Gvm=VirtualSize#7000 SwapInc#0 SwapName#%1VirtMem.SWP
echo Virtual memory for HardBall 5 has been enabled.
echo The swap file will be called "%1VirtMem.SWP"
goto done
set DOS4Gvm=
echo Virtual memory for HardBall 5 has been disabled.