The Best of Select: Games Special 3
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Copy this form to your printer or choose [R] then [P] from the main menu.
Name: _______________________________ | |
|Mail completed form & check to|
Street: _______________________________ | Darren V. Croft |
| PO Box 711706 |
City, ST Zip: _______________________________ | Salt Lake City, UT 84171 |
Registration level: (See REGISTER.FRM or choose [R] then [D] from main menu)
__ Level 1 $10 (US) - Licensed for use by one person or on one computer.
Your registration will be confirmed via postcard.
__ Level 2 $25 (US) - Licensed for use by one person or on one computer.
You will receive a short instruction manual with tips,
and a disk with the current version and additional
sample word lists. You will also be given priority
for tech support and upgrades. And, of course, you
will be voting with your dollars for future products.
__ Level 3 $150 (US) - Licensed for up to 50 users at one site.
You will receive a disk, & 2 copies of the manual
__ Level 4 $300 (US) - Licensed for unlimited users at one site
You will receive a disk, & 2 copies of the manual
____ Additional copies of the manual-- up to 3 (Level 3) or 8 (Level 4)
provided at no charge. $2 each after that. (Note: you may also copy
the manuals at your site for the licensed users.)
Please answer each of the items below that you feel comfortable
responding to. You will help us develop future products and versions!
Phone: ________________________ Fax: ___________________
Email Address: ________________________ Email service: ___________________
> Please list any enhancement requests, bug reports or suggestions for
other programs:
> What types of events or activities do you use the Puzzler puzzles for?
> Would you purchase an OS/2 (WARP) version of Puzzler? Yes No Maybe
In what price range? _________ What features would you want?
> Would you purchase a Windows version of Puzzler? Yes No Maybe
In what price range? _________ What features would you want?
> Would you be interested in sharing Puzzler word/clue lists with others?
__via compuserve forum __via a Utah BBS __via the internet ______other