The Best of Select: Games 9
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Text File
328 lines
## ##
## This is the THING/LINEDEF/SECTOR TYPE information file ##
## for DOOM (Registered) ##
## ##
## (c) 1995, Simply Silly Software ##
## ##
## for use with HFDE! ##
## Things use the following format: Id, Desc, radius, type, filename
## type: 0 = Decor, 1 = Player, 2 = Monst, 3 = Weap, 4=Ammo, 5 =Bonus, 6=Dead
1,Player 1 Start , 20, 1,PLAYA1
2,Player 2 Start , 20, 1,PLAYA1
3,Player 3 Start , 20, 1,PLAYA1
4,Player 4 Start , 20, 1,PLAYA1
11,Deathmatch Start , 20, 1,PLAYH0
14,Teleport Landing , 20, 1,TFOGA0
-2,MONSTERS , 0, 0,-
3004,Former Human , 20, 2,POSSA1
9,Former Sergeant , 20, 2,SPOSA1
3001,Imp , 20, 2,TROOA1
3002,Demon , 25, 2,SARGA1
58,Spectre , 25, 2,SARGA1
3006,Lost Soul , 15, 2,SKULA1
3005,Cacodemon , 25, 2,HEADA1
3003,Barron of Hell , 20, 2,BOSSA1
7,Spider Mastermind , 35, 2,SPIDA1
16,CyberDemon , 30, 2,CYBRA1
-3,WEAPONS , 0, 0,-
2005,ChainSaw , 15, 3,CSAWA0
2001,Shotgun , 15, 3,SHOTA0
2002,ChainGun , 15, 3,MGUNA0
2003,Rocket Launcher , 15, 3,LAUNA0
2004,Plasma Gun , 15, 3,PLASA0
2006,BFG , 15, 3,BFUGA0
-4,AMMO , 0, 0,-
2007,Ammo Clip , 15, 4,CLIPA0
2008,Shotgun Shells , 15, 4,SHELA0
2010,Single Rocket , 15, 4,ROCKA0
2047,Energy Cell , 15, 4,CELLA0
2048,Box of Ammo , 15, 4,AMMOA0
2049,Box of Shells , 15, 4,SBOXA0
2046,Box of Rockets , 15, 4,BROKA0
17,Mega Energy Cell , 15, 4,CELPA0
-5,BONUSES / HEALTH / ETC , 0, 0,-
8,Backpack , 15, 5,BPAKA0
2011,Stim Pak , 15, 5,STIMA0
2012,Med Kit , 15, 5,MEDIA0
2014,Health Potion +1% , 15, 5,BON1A0
2015,Spirit Armor +1% , 15, 5,BON2A0
2018,Green Armor 100% , 15, 5,ARM1A0
2019,Blue Armor 200% , 15, 5,ARM2A0
2013,Soul Sphere 200% , 15, 5,SOULA0
2022,Invulnerability Sphere , 15, 5,PINVA0
2023,Berserk Box (100%) , 15, 5,PSTRA0
2024,Invisibility Sphere , 15, 5,PINSA0
2025,Radiation Suit , 15, 5,SUITA0
2026,Computer Map , 15, 5,PMAPA0
2045,Lite Goggles , 15, 5,PVISA0
5,Blue Keycard , 15, 5,BKEYA0
40,Blue Skull Key , 15, 5,BSKUA0
13,Red Keycard , 15, 5,RKEYA0
38,Red Skull Key , 15, 5,RSKUA0
6,Yellow Keycard , 15, 5,YKEYA0
39,Yellow Skull Key , 15, 5,YSKUA0
-7,DECORATIONS , 0, 0,-
2034,Barrel , 20, 0,BAR1A0
48,Tall Techno Pillar , 20, 0,ELECA0
30,Tall Green Pillar , 20, 0,COL1A0
32,Tall Red Pillar , 20, 0,COL3A0
31,Sht Grn Pillar , 20, 0,COL2A0
36,Sht Grn Pillar w/Heart , 20, 0,COL5A0
33,Sht Red Pillar , 20, 0,COL4A0
37,Sht Red Pillar w/Skull , 20, 0,COL6A0
47,Stalagmite , 20, 0,SMITA0
43,Burnt Grey Tree , 20, 0,TRE1A0
54,Large Brown Tree , 20, 0,TRE2A0
2028,*Floor Lamp , 15, 0,COLUA0
34,*Candle , 15, 0,CANDA0
35,Candelabra , 20, 0,CBRAA0
44,Tall Blue Firestick , 20, 0,TBLUA0
45,Tall Green Firestick , 20, 0,TGREA0
46,Tall Red Firestick , 20, 0,TREDA0
55,Short Blue Firestick , 20, 0,SMBTA0
56,Short Green Firestick , 20, 0,SMGTA0
57,Short Red Firestick , 20, 0,SMRTA0
41,Evil Eye , 20, 0,CEYEA0
42,Floating Skulls , 20, 0,FSKUA0
49,Victim: Twitching , 20, 0,GOR1A0
63,*Victim: Twitching , 20, 0,GOR1A0
50,Victim: Arms Out , 20, 0,GOR2A0
59,*Victim: Arms Out , 20, 0,GOR2A0
52,Pair of Legs , 20, 0,GOR4A0
60,*Pair of Legs , 20, 0,GOR4A0
51,Victim: 1 Legged , 20, 0,GOR3A0
61,*Victim: 1 Legged , 20, 0,GOR3A0
53,Leg , 20, 0,GOR5A0
62,*Leg , 20, 0,GOR5A0
25,Impaled Human , 20, 0,POL1A0
26,Twitching Imp. Human , 20, 0,POL6A0
27,Skull on a pole , 20, 0,POL4A0
28,5 Skulls ShishKebob , 20, 0,POL2A0
29,Pile of Skulls , 20, 0,POL3A0
-8,DEAD BODIES , 0, 0,-
10,Bloody Mess , 20, 0,PLAYW0
12,Bloody Mess , 20, 0,PLAYW0
24,Pool of Blood & Flesh , 20, 0,POL5A0
15,Dead Player , 20, 0,PLAYN0
18,Dead Former Human , 20, 0,POSSL0
19,Dead Former Sergeant , 20, 0,SPOSL0
20,Dead Imp , 20, 0,TROOM0
21,Dead Demon , 20, 0,SARGN0
23,Dead Cacodemon , 20, 0,HEADL0
## Next comes all the linedef Tags, their format is:
## id, longdesc, short desc
0, No linedef Special , none
-1, MANUAL DOORS ,1234567890123
1, Manual : Raise Door ,M_DoorRai
26, Manual : Raise Door (BLUE) ,M_BlDoorRai
28, Manual : Raise Door (RED) ,M_RdDoorRai
27, Manual : Raise Door (YELLOW) ,M_YeDoorRai
31, Manual : Open Door ,M_OpenDoor
32, Manual : Open Door (BLUE) ,M_BlOpenDoor
33, Manual : Open Door (RED) ,M_RdOpenDoor
34, Manual : Open Door (YELLOW) ,M_YeOpenDoor
46, Impact : Open Door When Shot ,I_OpenDoor
117, Manual : Blazing Raise Door ,M_DoorRaiBlz
118, Manual : Blazing Open Door ,M_OpnDoorBlz