The Best of Select: Games 9
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96 lines
Title : URBAN2.WAD
Author : Bill Zimmerman
Email Address : wzimm@u.washington.edu
Misc. Author Info :
Description : Deathmatch level set in a Bladerunner-inspired
seamy urban core. Fight in the open streets,
seek refuge in buildings, duck through dark
alleys, and ambush your opponent in an abandoned
subway station. This level has *lots* of detail
with new sprites, flats, wall textures, and
graphics. Cool lighting effects, a super shotgun
armory, lots of dark corners, a pit trap, neon
signs, city skyline and more. Extensively
playtested and refined. (Bring your hardware--
the map itself is fairly small for deathmatches
with plenty of contact, but the design of the
city has a fair number of visplanes). Music is
borrowed from Map08 of Doom2. Zipfile includes
DeuSF for a clean install with no filmy residue
like other PWADs.
Additional Credits to : Olivier Montanuy, for DeuTex & DeuSF
Jeff Rabenhorst, for Edmap
id Software
L.A.'s graffiti artists
Sheaf Stout
The playtesters: Matt Hoehnen, Shawn Smith,
Josh Yockey
E-Z Installation:
Unzip the files into your DOOM2 directory and run INSTALL.BAT
DeuSF will append the required sprites and flats from DOOM2.WAD
to URBGFX.WAD. Your DOOM2.WAD is *not* modified. Alternate method
if you have DeuTex: use DeuTex -merge URBGFX.WAD to add the
graphics to your DOOM2.WAD. This is fast and requires little
disk space but modifies DOOM2.WAD. Restoration of DOOM2.WAD is
easy with DeuTex -restore. Safe for kids.
After installation, run Doom2 thusly:
doom2 -file urban2.wad urbgfx.wad
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Good for sightseeing - a few monsters
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Music : Stolen from Map 08
New Graphics : New sprites, flats, wall textures, sky
Demos Replaced : Make yer own!
* Construction *
Base : Built from scratch - a few Doom2 graphics
borrowed and modified
Build Time : Awhile
Editor(s) used : Edmap, IDBSP, Dview250, DeuTex, DeuSF
Known Bugs : Blown thugs?
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may distribute these files freely on any media, provided they are
unmodified and this text file is included. If you want to use components
of URBAN2.WAD or URBGFX.WAD for future levels, drop me a note.
* FTP sites *
ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors
* Future plans *
»How 'bout adding some redefined sprites of police and/or armed security
drones ("Miscreant, HALT!") for target practice? Heck, why stop there--why
not a full Bladerunner theme conversion?
»Until Quake arrives, Doom needs exhaust-belching, gas-guzzling, wide-tired,
motorcycles to do battle upon. Try running around the streets on this pwad
with -turbo switched on and you'll get the idea. Now imagine chasing your
opponent down a long straightaway at 150mph with a side-mounted chaingun... ;)
"Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him."
-- Sun Tzu on The Art of War