TigerFlute RooBrassMinor RooBrassMajor CoyoteSnare LynxBassDrum RabbitHiHat MongooseBrass <<< IN-SAMPLE TEXT >>> Written: Electric Keet A.K.A. Jason Tracer Jason-Roo, troo bloo Copyright (c) 1995 Special thanks to my best furry friends... C.L.Themyst Hopper_roo Zeembineembi Kiyote Tim_Kangaroo spookyfox Everyone at the Dojo Anyfur I furgot (That means you!) And the newbie 'round the MUCK - Warp_Bunny! Enjoy... the only 4-ch MOD I've ever got to sound decent.... tracerj@umich.edu Jason-Roo on FurryMUCK