21 Nov 1751
Siri -
20 Oct 1754
After marriage lived at Stangeland.
Gitle Enoksen, gift med Kari Aslaksdatter, enke efter Morten Bjerkreim, og bosatt i Bjerkreim, skifte 10/9 1696.
lived at Stangeland.
In 1683 lived at Tu in Kleppe.
lensrekneskapet 1563 schveivrbonde
Bodde p
Haugland i Time og var lensmann i Hauglands skibrede.
Bodde p
Hobberstad i Varhaug og ver lensmann i Kvie skibrede.
rdbruker p
S r-Braut i Klepp.
brev av 4 Feb 1959 - USA
Kay Lund Clark does not believe that Christian Larsen Lund is the father of Ane Marie Lund, but he did marry her mother. We do not know who Ane Marie's father is.
larsdtr., kirsten, svennevig1736norway, vest agder, spangereid %+
martevest agde, spangereid, svennevig 4A
en or lauritsen, eli or ellen1633norway, rogaland, egersund $1
stre-Stangeland i Sola i 1645. lensrekneskapen 1610.
seilte i 1701 med en bergensk spaniefarer og tok visstnok senere fast ophold i Bergen.
lived at Gimre 1645
Divide Estate 28 Jan 1679
Han blev lensmann i Sola skibrede.
Lensmann efter faren. Blandt deres efterkommere er familien Meling i Stavanger.
Lived at Rott. Blandt efterkommerne er Stavangerfamilierne Kleppe og Roth.
Blandt Karis effterkommere i 1ste ekteskap - det annet ekteskap var barnl
st - er familiene Monsen, Laland, Kolbenstvedt, Mauritzen m. fl.
nevnes i odelsmanntallet for Klepp for 1663, men var d
r manntallet av 1665 blev optatt.
var g
rdbruker p
Skei i H
yland. After marriage- var en tid lensmann i Gand skibrede.
Source: Norwegian Archives researched by Gudrun Rage This is an end-of-line. Please do baptism, endowment and sealings.
Source: Norwegian Archives researched by Gudrun Rage This is an end-of-line. Please do baptism, endowment and sealings.
Source: Norwegian Archives researched by Gudrun Rage This is an end-of-line. Please do baptism, endowment and sealings.
Source: Norwegian Archives searched by Gudrun Rage This is an end-of-line. Please do baptism, endowment and sealings.
borger in Bergen
Fridrich owned a farm in Skj
rum where Mogen Hans was raised.
At the time his wife took Ane Marie, he lived at Holmen (close to the Royal Navy's shipyard). The address was Skolemesterlaengen No. 432. (The street is now called Klerkegade.)
1702-1743 fol 211 Holle sogn Marr - Dom 5R Trinit Templellister utskr 8 barn & ektskap 1723 for foreldrene
Source: Norwegian Archives researched by Gudrun Rage
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 141
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 149 Chr date was "Nyttaarsdag" (New Years Day) 1730
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 156
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 163
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 168
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 174
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 189
At time of marriage name appeared as Inger SORENSEN, At engagement and probate name appeared as Inger SALVESEN
Sex of this child is unknown
Sex of this child is unknown
Guri's husband, Lars, and Lars sister Ingeborg died the same year. Then Guri married Ingeborg's husband, Laurits Torsteinson Heigre and moved with him to Heigre.
Divide Estate 11 Oct 1695
Divide Estate 5 Jun 1683
Var i 1591 sammen med lensmannen og annen lagrettsmann utsending fra Klepp skibrede til hyllingen av Christian IV i Oslo.
Source: Birth - Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 211 Holle sogn Marr - Dom 5R Trinit Templellister utskr 8 barn & ektskap 1723 for foreldrene
Source: Norwegian Archives researched by Gudrun Rage
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 141
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 149 Chr date was "Nyttaarsdag" (New Years Day) 1730
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 156
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 163
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 168
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 174
Source: Strand Kirkebok 1702-1743 fol 189
At time of marriage name appeared as Inger SORENSEN, At engagement and probate name appeared as Inger SALVESEN
Sex of this child is unknown
Sex of this child is unknown
Guri's husband, Lars, and Lars sister Ingeborg died the same year. Then Guri married Ingeborg's husband, Laurits Torsteinson Heigre and moved with him to Heigre.
Divide Estate 11 Oct 1695
Divide Estate 5 Jun 1683
Var i 1591 sammen med lensmannen og annen lagrettsmann utsending fra Klepp skibrede til hyllingen av Christian IV i Oslo.
Divide Estate 24 Oct 1636
Lived at Vig.
kalles i 1675 Siffuer Gr dem.
lived at rsland in Varhaug.
Lived in Friestad in Klepp, om hun ogs
bodde der en tid med sin rste mann vites ikke.
Lars -
Abt 1780
Kirsten *
Abt 1782
oved to Utterslev, Maribo but there are some rolls available until 1805 but they had obviously moved by then. I've lost them on the rolls. Kay's notes on 14 June 1994.
The only record of this child is the 1840 census record which indicated a child of one year of age with this name living with Hans Larsen and Ane Marie Lund. This child would be one year older than Mogen Hans. Some have wondered if he is actual
ly the same person as Mogen Hans Lund.
Johanne hadde klumpfot. Hun ble operert, men denne operasjon var en slik pakjenning at hun ble innlagt pa Dale sinnsykehus. Hennes mann John reiste til Brooklyn og dode der i 1912. Fortalt av Johannes niese Audny Rage gift Aase.
Source: Norwegian Archive Records searched by Gudrun Rage approx 1950
Source: Norweigan Archive records searched by Gudrun Rage approx 1950
Source: Norwegian Archive Records
Source: Norwegian Archive Records
Source: Strand (Hole) Church Register nr 2 1744-68 page 250 Confirmed 1761 @ 19 years old
Source: Norwegian Archive Records
Lived at S mme in Sola.
tjente i 1801 p
lived at Vestre-Stangeland.
Bodde F
rst p
rsvoll, senere p
Nov i H
land, muligens ogs
Kolnes, men opholdt sig i det siste hos s nnen Enok p
Uncertain of the sex of this child
First lived at Kleppe, then later moved to Vestre-Bore.
Source: Lister skifteprotokoll 18 fol 101b, 27 fol 452 Skifte pa Flastad 27 Nov 1720 og 7 Nov 1742
Source: Kirkebok for Spangereid Sor-Audnedal beg 1726 fol 152b,154b,160,163,168,172 Lister skifteprotokoll 28 fol 588, 27 fol 505b
DOC 4 Dec 1742 GMF# 001-3784-179 s/n 00316
Tomine and first husband had a total of 9 children. After second marriage lived in House #867 - St. Hansvolden.
The children of Tormod OLSEN and Karen Johnson were sealed to Karen's first husband, Anders Berntsen - 9 May 1955 SL.
Karen was sealed to her first husband only and the children all sealed to her and her first husband. Sep 11, 1994: I will include her and second husbands marriage in temple submission. They will now seal a wife to all husbands.
Berit ,
Abt 1649 k
Ane Marie Lund did not marry two Hans Larsens. She only lived with one. Kay Lund Clark has found two different Hans Larsens, either of who could be the father of her children. Kay does not know which one is the correct one, therefore both are i
ncluded in the database.
Kay Lund Clark has found Hans Larsen's death (#2) on Frederiks Hospital sick lists GS 373749. It gives his age as 48, from Lolland, is a labourer, give address as St. Torvegade No. 374 in backhouse, entered the hospit
al 3 March, and left or died the 16 April, & he was taken to "F:" (what ever that means). The rest she doesn'tt understand. She have been unable to determine which Hans Larsen is ours in Taars, so far.
Hans Larsen was living at this same ad
dress with Ane Marie and the child named Hansen in the 1840 census and again in the 1845 census with Ane Marie and Mogens Hans. So, this death explains why Kay couldn't find him in 1850 and why he wasn't metioned in Ane Marie's probate. The census in 1845
gave his birth place as Taars.
She believe that the Hans Larsen (#1) (christened on 26 Dec 1801 in Sandby parish 49827) to be the correct one. There were two Hans Larsens from Taars parish but neither one of them seemed to work out. The one
married and was still in Taars in 1840 the other one move to Fejo, Maribo. He married and then became a widower and married again. The one in Fejo was still there in 1838 and then dropped because of his age and health acording to the military levying rol
l. The Hans Larsen (#1) (from Sandby) mother has the same name as Hans first child. Originally she didn't think he was the father to all the children but now is changing her mind. Hans was in the Sandby military levying roll in 1801. He and his family m