ra32_30.exe 770122 12-17-96 The most popular real time audio app goes
| 32-bit. Allows you to listen to audio in real
| time across the internet with no downloading
| required. For more info and registration,
| check out the RealAudio Home Page.
QTPIVR32.EXE 208379 12-15-96 Allows you to view quicktime movies (.MOV) in
| your Web Browser. For more info, check out
| the Quicktime Home Page.
c23n952.exe 874209 12-03-96 Quite simply, it is a Plug-in for Internet
| Explorer/ Netscape Navigator browsers that
| lets you listen to background music as you
| browse a web site. Of course, that depends on
| the site actually designing background music
| into its pages. For more info, check out the
| Crescendo Home Page.
vdol3221.exe 966103 12-02-96 Multimedia plug-in for playing real-time
| audio and video files. For more info, check
| out the VDO Live Home Page.
tpg1c917.exe 1086951 09-22-96 Get high quality audio feeds inline over the
| Web. It has very good quality sound even over
| a slow connection because it uses 53:1
| compression. Use any server to server the
| audio. For more info, check out the ToolVox
| Home Page.
VDO Liv -1 02-22-96 9/20/96
Live video streaming player for the Internet, even over low bandwith. Forget the ISDN lines with this one. Requires at least a 486 DX2 / 66MHz, 8MB RAM, an Internet connection of 14.4 kbps or higher. For more info, check out the VDO Live 32 Home Page.
Crescend -1 02-22-96 9/1/96
700 K
Quite simply, it is a ActiveX control that lets you listen to background music as you browse a web site. Of course, that depends on the site actually designing background music into its pages. For more info, check out the Crescendo Home Page.
Free beta
mp95ev2.zip 2352627 08-20-96 MIDPLUG is a Yamaha plug-in for Netscape
| Navigator or Microsoft Internet
| Explorer. MIDPLUG features a Yamaha
| "Soft Synthesizer" which makes it
| easy to enhance web pages with high-quality
| music. It has MIDI file playback, stop, tempo
| adjustment, and transposition and well as 128
| GM-compatible voices, 8 drum kits, reverb,
| and 32-note simultaneous polyphony. For more
| info, check out the MidPlug Home Page.
~MIRAGE.ZIP 1772257 08-04-96 Strata's Mirage plug-in to Netscape allows
| browsers to view MediaForge movies or titles
| anywhere in the world via the Web. For more
| info, check out the Mirage Home Page.
Vosaic A.0 -1 01-04-96 8/3/96
Real time streaming of video means you don't have to wait for the whole video to be downloaded before being able to watch it. Vosaic's Video Datagram Protocol intelligently adapts to the available network bandwidth and CPU power on your machine, providing the best possible video transmission under the circumstances. For more info, check out the Vosaic Home Page.
OLiVER P -1 01-04-96 7/25/96
250 K
Using the OLiVR viewer, you can view streamed, instantly-interactive movies which have been optimized for the current Internet connection infrastructure. For more info, check out the OLiVER Home Page.
ctalk32.exe 1951510 07-11-96 CoolTalk is a realtime audio and data
| collaboration tool specifically designed for
| the Internet. Users can enhance interpersonal
| communications and avoid long distance phone
| charges.
emblz32.exe 374039 07-21-96 A software based technology, allows any
| animation to be displayed at a rate of 12 to
| 24 frames per second at a 1 to 1.5 Kbs line
| quality, in 256 colors using a standard 14.4
| Kbps modem while browsing through the
| W.W.W. (World Wide Web) at a quality visual
| image comparable to that of a Simpson's
| cartoon. For more info and registration,
| check out the Emblaze Home Page.
vivoplay.exe -1 07-18-96 A plug-in that allows for real-time streaming
| of video across the web. Vivo uses HyperText
| Transport Protocol (HTTP), the same protocol
| used to deliver ordinary Web text and image
| files. For more info, check the Vivo Home
| Page.
tsply95.exe 962087 07-17-96 Like RealAudio, allows you to listen to audio
| in real time with no downloading required. As
| you would expect, it works best with at least
| a 28.8 connection. For more info, check out
| True Speech Internet.
PreVU fo -1 01-17-96 7/16/96
681 KB
An excellent plug-in for Netscape that allows the real-time viewing of embedded or downloading(ed) MPEG files. Displays the movie as it's being downloaded, and thus allows for embedded MPEG movies to be placed on your web page. For more info, check out the InterVU Home Page.
Free Beta
setup32.exe 394240 07-14-96 A "streaming" plug-in for Alaris
| VideoGrams. Videogram technology from Alaris
| allows you to produce highly compressed video
| files that can be downloaded from the
| Internet or sent via email. You can fit a 60
| second video onto a single 3.5 inch
| floppy. For more info, check the Steaming
| VideoGram Home Page.
CineWeb -1 01-14-96 7/8/96
1082 K
With CineWeb, you can view movies in real-time without waiting for a lengthy download to complete. Using Digigami's JetStream technology, all movie formats, including QuickTime, Video for Windows, Autodesk (FLIC) Animation, and MPEG, can be viewed as they are being downloaded. For more info, check out the CineWeb Home Page.
ibmchach.exe 789815 06-20-96 ChaCha is a technology demonstration of a
| streaming audio plug-in from IBM Research
| that allows you to play streaming audio over
| the Internet. For more info and
| registration, check out the Cha Cha for
| Netscape Home Page.
ssplugin.exe 1349904 05-11-96 A netscape plug-in the supports real-time
| video conferencing over the 'Net. On-line
| fax-back services, questionnaires with
| graphed results and more! For more info,
| check out the Galacticomm Home Page.
npe32_12.exe 35654 05-05-96 A plug-in that compresses speech over the
| Internet. For more info, check out the
| EchoSpeech Home Page.
tecplay.exe 68693 05-02-96 The TEC Player is a QuickTime movie player