The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 December
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SVList from Soft_Ventures rev: 01-Dec-96
This is the shareware evaluation version of SVList, which was/is
designed to be a Windows 95 or Windows NT program, and won't run
on Windows 3.x.
To install SVList:
1. Run svl20.exe to install SVList.
2. Read both the Help file, "What is SVList?" and "Quick Start."
Thank you for trying out SVList. Your comments are welcomed.
Best regards,
Rob Stevens
Internet: stevensr@cadvision.com (or) 71441.734@compuserve.com
CompuServe: 71441,734
Other software available:
SVMail - Simple auto-reply mailer for Windows95/NT.
SVInstal - Developer's install utility for Windows.
Checkout our web page for the latest updates/info about SVList.
Just point your browser to: http://www.cadvision.com/softventures
Here's what's been happening ... (some of which won't make any
sense until you start using the software; but then you'll see the
important enhancements and improvements on the software over the
past few months). Expect more, too.
This file contains information not found in the on-line help.
Release Notes:
Version 2.0 (December '96)
New Stuff:
- Auto Connect/Disconnect [optional] SVList can now make a
dialup networking connection, process mail then it'll
Note: For users who have non-RAS dialup or a permanent
Internet connection, a NON-RAS version of SVList is now
available upon request.
- "Large List" Support - RFC 821 states that SMTP mail
servers must be able to buffer at least 100 recipient
names for an outgoing message. Some seem to handle more.
To comply, SVList now sends multiple messages to a group
of no more than 100 recipients at a time ... For example
if you have 250 List members, SVList will send out a
copy of each message, but do it in three separate
"batches" ... i.e. SVList transmits each message to the
first 100 members on the list, followed by another
transmission to the second 100 list members, and yet
again, a third (and final) transmission to the last 50
List members will occur.
- List Mail Prefix [optional] - You can specify a string
of characters that must be present in the "Subject:"
line of a mail message, so that SVList can process it.
This is especially helpful for those users who want to
run a List using their personal e-mail account-(though
still not fully recommended).
- "Command" Prefix [optional] - You can specify a string
of characters that must prefix a command; e.g. setting
a command prefix of "CMD:" means that SVList will not
interpret messages containing the word "help," as a
command to send a help file, but rather, will look
specifically for "CMD:HELP" (with NO blank spaces) to
be present before it will treat it as a command.
If found, SVList would send out your "HELP" File to the
Although the SVList internal "scanning" is not testing
for case-sensitivity, it's good practice for your Users
to learn to use CAPITALIZED WORDS when issuing a Command
when filling in the "Subject:" field. It also makes for
easier reading of the Subject field if you are in
"Moderate" mode. Also, some Users may on occasion, joke
around and enter "Need Help!" or something to that
effect, in the Subject field ... but by not detecting
"CMD:" as a prefix, SVList would allow the message to
"pass through" as a regular posting and not transmit
your Help File.
- Moderated List [optional] - If this option is selected,
each incoming message is presented on a "pop-up" preview
window for you to either accept, reject, or ignore; to
decide later after reading thoroughly. Rejected messages
can either be deleted from the mail server or ignored.
You would then use another mail client like Eudora or
MS-Exchange to deal with it.
- Dissimilar SMTP and POP3 server names - SVList now will
support users who have different SMTP and POP3 servers.
On our [SETUP] screen, Users should put the same (DNS)
name into both fields if their server handles both SMTP
and POP3 alike.
- Multi-select on List and Digest maintenance boxes - You
can now select a group of members and setup their status
all at once. Place your mouse pointer over the first one
hold down the left button and "drag" the mouse towards
you. Let go, and click on the [STATUS] button you want.
The highlighted names will all be changed to the status
you've selected.
- Import/Export of lists - you can now EXPORT your List
and/or Digest members to a text file. The e-mail address
and status is arranged for you using this format:
'userid@domain,status'. You can also IMPORT from a text
file using the format 'userid@domain,status'. Only
non-existent addresses will be added; if the address is
already in the system it will be ignored.
- Timed message box - alert messages that do not prevent
SVList from continuing, are displayed on a timed message
box. After about 10 seconds, the message box will
disappear and SVList will continue processing.
- Returned Mail - There is no standard way for SMTP mail
servers to report undeliverable mail. I checked ten (10)
different servers and got 10 different replies. AArrgghh!
SVList looks for "Returned Mail" and "Undeliverable"
keywords in the "Subject:" of incoming mail. If found,
the messages are placed in the Command file and are not
re-transmitted to the List. I think this should trap
about 80% of bounced mail.
- News Letter Mode [optional] - When selected, SVList will
"screen by default" new incoming 'subscribe' and/or
'subscribe digest' Users to 'Read Only'. This enables
you to be selective as to whether you open your List to
"just anyone" or not. This feature can prevent less-than
well-intentioned subscribers from disrupting your List
members with spurious postings. For example, if your
List exists to provide a forum for a specific group such
physicians, stamp dealers, or botanists, you can e-mail
the new subscriber and ask for his/her qualifications,
which will discourage the goofballs who like to join a
list to rail against the List members' professions. If
you are satisfied that they would be a welcomed addition
then simply change their [STATUS] from "RO" (read only,
to "Active" (full access). In fact, you should encourage
them to post a short self-description so the other List
members could welcome them.
- SVList will now detect several of the most common
undelivered mail replies. Since there is no standard text
sent back by mail servers the best I can do is look for
certain commonly used text strings. The returned message
is stored in the Private message file for the administrator
and not re-processed by SVList. (future version 2.1? will
forward undelivered mail to an administrator designated
email address - probably his/her own)
Now, so you'll know that we're "earning our keep" ....
Bug fixes:
- The Command "WHO" was listing Digest people under 'List'
and List people under 'Digest'.
- If 'Only Post Messages from Members' was set, SVList
would only post Digest member's messages to the Digest
and List member's messages to the list. It now posts to
both from a member of either category.
- When SVList compiled a Digest for sending it went through
the digest file looking for occurrences of "Subject:" to
build a list of subjects. A problem arose where the body of
a message contained the string "Subject:". This happens when
people hit the 'Reply' button, many mail clients will repeat
the message in the body of the reply. The resulting list of
subjects in the out-going digest was kind of confusing.
SVList will now just list the first 'subject' after each
<SVL> message designator.
- SVList now sets an internal flag when it starts a 'checkmail'
and clears the flag when done. If another checkmail is called
while the flag is still set - the new checkmail is aborted.
This will stop the problem where a long mail-out is going on
when another checkmail is started - the result being the new
checkmail ends and closes the socket being used by the still
processing mail-out causing it to crash.
- More logging has been added to help me track down strange and
wonderful problems.
- SVList creates a temp file for each message it will mail out.
When a send fails there are two choices you have to deal
1 - Save the temp file so the message will get send next time
2 - Delete the temp so it won't be sent again.
The default behavior will be '1', keep the temp file. SVList
will not delete any temp files until all are successfully
sent. If you have a large list, >100 members, this can be a
problem. If the first 100 get recipients get the message but
the send fails on the second 100, SVList will keep sending
the same message to the first 100 people. To get around this
you can set SVList to delete the temp files even if it fails
during the send. The reasoning here is that it is better to
have the first people get one message only.
See below how to manually set the ini file to zap them files.
To have SVList delete temp files even in the case of a send
Zap Temp Files=-1
To have SVList only delete temp files when send completes
successfully (note this is the default behavior and SVList
will do this even if there is no "Zap Temp Files" setting in
the ini file)
Zap Temp Files=0
- Some mail servers require an extra blank line between the
header and body of a message. This is very rare but if you
are getting list members complain that the messages from your
list have messed up headers, you can try turning this option
on. To turn on the extra blank line edit the file SVList.ini
and add the folowing to the [Options] section:
Blank Line=1
- Neither the List "Name" nor the Digest "Name" can have
any blank spaces in them. This is because SVList uses
the name as an integral part of the "To:" field in the
outgoing message header and most SMTP servers try to
convert the "To:" field into an address. This can result
in commas being inserted where the spaces are located
with the domain added to the end. If you leave all blank
spaces out, the mail server successfully passes the
unmodified "To:" information, in its' entirety.
- For users who have non-RAS dialup or permanent Internet
connections, a NON-RAS version of SVList is available on
Version 1.1 (August 96)
New Stuff
- Receive Only and Post Only status can now be applied to
any List or Digest member. Receive Only means the member
will receive List/Digest mailings but cannot post.
- SVList now sends an "Unsubscribe successful!" message.
- If there are no Digest messages stored but you hit send
Digest anyway, SVList will tell you there are no Digest
messages to send.
- SVList does not put up a 'No messages' message anymore.
This caused problems for unattended running with screen
not minimized; if minimized the message was not shown.
- BIGGIE!! => SVList now uses an INI file rather than the
Windows registry. Two reasons - 1. INI files are easy to
find, edit, and send to your support person and 2. By
using an INI file that's located in the directory with
SVList, you can have multiple copies of SVList in many
different directories that are set to access different
mail servers, resulting in SVList being able to support
multiple Lists !:-)
Known limitations
- SVList mails out single messages with all members as
recipients. All SMTP Mail servers are suppose to support
a minimum of 100 recipients for a mail message. Some
mail servers support more than 100. Future versions of
SVList will break long lists into 100 recipient groups
but for now if your list is > 100 members, you should
test it with your ISP's mail server to see if it will
(Author's Note: The above limitation is no longer a limitation!!)
- During development of SVList I was continuously facing
frustration by the inconsistency of SMTP mail servers'
inept handling of address formats. A format that one
server was happy with, another server would reject. As a
result, SVList now strips the full address of incoming
SUBSCRIBE requests to the minimum workable format of
userid@domain. When manually entering List members, you
can experiment with "userid@domain (real name)" or try
"user@domain <real name>" (without the quotes) to see if
it works without fail with your server.
Version 1.0b (July 23, 1996)
Bug fixes
- WHO command not working quite right - well, actually it
is not (yet) working at all.
- Corrected spelling of "Archive" in menu.
- Changed subject of Subscribe Digest welcome message from
"Subscribe" to "Subscribe Digest"
- When running in Digest mode with no entries in the List,
SVList would not send out a welcome message to new
- Check existence of data file before launching notepad
for viewing your *.TXT files.
- Send separate message out for every incoming message in
List mode.
- Strip personal name off address - future versions will
have the ability to handle personal names but I am
finding too many variations that work fine on one mail
server but "bomb "on another. Here's an example:
Rob Stevens <stevensr@cadvision.com>
will be treated as
Version 1.0a (July 11, 1996)
Bug Fixes
- SVList would crash on sending of Digest if 'Logging'
was turned ON and list of subjects > 255 characters.
end - Readme.txt
rev: 10/12/96