32merge2.zip 792001 12-19-96 WorldMerge is a tool that delivers
| personalized e-mails to all of your contacts
| with the click of a button. Each contact
| receives an e-mail message as though you
| created it just for them. Version 2.0
| contains lots of new features, including
| support for Microsoft Access database files,
| Broadcast mode which allows for super-fast
| sending of non-personalized e-mails, and much
| more. For more info, check out WorldMerge
| Home Page.
BL3201.zip 916302 12-16-96 (Formerly Skyler's SigGen) A program for
| creating e-mail or newsgroup signature
| files. It works with any program that uses
| ASCII files for a signature, such as
| Netscape, Eudora or Microsoft's Mail and
| Newsgroup programs. ByeLines will append
| taglines to your signature and change the
| tagline periodically. For more info, check
| out Byelines Home Page.
mainst.exe 726740 12-14-96 MailAlert is a Taskbar utility for Windows 95
| and NT 4.0 which notifies you when you have
| received e-mail without having to keep your
| mail program always running. You can
| customize MailAlert to play different sounds,
| movie clips, run any program, etc based on
| author or subject. For more info, check the
| Mail Alert Home Page.
PERSIM~1.ZIP 819205 12-14-96 A utility to be used with Microsoft Internet
| Mail and Internet News. This will allow you
| to set up Profile Sets so that you can change
| Mail and News settings on the fly without
| logging out/in of Windows. Allow for
| configuration of unlimited MULTIPLE POP3
| SEVER polling (simultaneous). Feature
| packed. For more info, check out PersIMAN
| Home Page.
popit.zip 95338 12-13-96 POPIt is a Windows 95 winsock application
| which sits in the Taskbar tray and monitors
| up to ten (10) POP3 compliant
| mailboxes. POPIt continuously displays in the
| icon tray the number of received E-Mail
| messages. InstaScan displays the headers of
| any received mail. Any recieved message may
| viewed using the InstaView feature. Un-wanted
| messages can be deleted quickly with a simple
| button click. For more info, check out POPit
| Home Page.
tf12_32.exe 1936633 12-13-96 TranS-ForM is an indispensable and easy to
| use software to convert the content of the
| files that you receive by email when people
| fillout and submit a form from your web
| site. TranS-Form removes all the hexadecimal
| codes that make the content of the
| posted-forms difficult to read and replace
| them by the corresponding punctuation marks,
| grammatical accents or symbols. TranS-Form
| also breaks the information into individual
| lines, one for each "input name" of
| the form inside the html document where it
| was designed. For more info, check out
| TranS-ForM Home Page.
switch32.zip 40857 12-28-96 Switch It! is a "frontman" for
| Microsoft's Internet Mail that sets up
| profiles to change various settings with 1
| click. For more info, check out Switch It!
| Home Page.
windmail.zip 29794 12-11-96 Automates sending email from the command
| line, CGI Scripts, and Batch Files. Supports
| any message content, as well as encoding MIME
| Attachments. For more info, check out
| WindMail command-line email Home Page.
maillitb.zip 260185 12-05-96 A app that makes it so other people cannot
| see what x-mailer you use, protecting your
| privacy over the Internet and creating a
| simple mailgate for a LAN. It also shows you
| how many mails you have sent in total and
| when the last action has been performed. For
| more info, check out the Mailitta Home
| Page.
newmail.zip 984302 11-28-96 NewMail is a small program (only 42K!) for
| Win95/NT4.0 that stays in the system tray and
| notifies you when new e-mail arrives. NewMail
| can notify you with sounds, message on screen
| or automatically run your e-mail reader. For
| more info, check out NewMail Home Page.
TrayMail-Full.zip -1 11-23-96 A Windows 95/NT System Tray E-Mail
| Notification Program. Features include:
| Resides on the System Tray, Automatic POP3
| Checking, Supports Multiple MailBoxes,
| Audio/Visual/Program Notification,
| Single-Click Internal Browser, Double-Click
| External Reader, Supports TOP POP3 Command,
| and many more. For more info, check out the
| Tray E-Mail Home Page.
mail2txt.zip 691874 11-17-96 This program is Version 2.0 of the mail2txt
| utility that allows you to extract messages
| from Eudora mailbox files (as well as UNIX
| compatible mailboxes) and store the extracted
| messages as either pure text or HTML
| files. The program also includes the
| capability to change any file's date/time
| info to any time desired. For more info,
| visit the mail2txt.zip Home Page.
ECHECK~2.ZIP 637520 11-13-96 E-Check is the best software to check your
| POP3 E-Mail accounts for new mail. Any
| feature you need is supported. Multi-account,
| modem dial up, MIME format, cool interface,
| low network loading. For more info, visit the
| E-Check Home Page.
maredw32.zip 812318 11-07-96 MailRed redirects messages from a mailbox to
| another address and/or sends absent
| notifications (out-of-office messages). For
| more info, check out the MailRed Home Page.
masndw32.zip 111056 11-07-96 MailSend's purpose is to send MS Mail
| messages from the command line or from batch
| files. After you do your overnight backup,
| send the backup log to your mailbox. Export
| data out of your app and pass it to MailSend
| as an attachment for sending. For more info,
| check out the MailSend Home Page.
mailchk.zip 2199038 11-05-96 This program automatically checks your POP
| account for mail at regular intervals and
| notifyes you with a small icon at the bottom
| of your screen. Requires only 2K memory. For
| more info, check out the Automatic Mailcheck
| Home Page.
celec10.exe 323064 10-30-96 Cartero Electronico (CElec) is a tool to help
| you to know quickly your new mails that
| arrive to your mailbox. It's small, elegant
| and easy to use. At same time we receive new
| mails on our mailbox we can see with a pretty
| animation. CElec was wrote Spanish
| Language. For more info, check out Cartero
| Electronico Home Page.
fwdmail3.zip 1574213 10-29-96 Scans your inbox for all incoming messages
| (including faxes or any other MAPI compliant
| E-mail that lands in the inbox), and forwards
| it to a person of your choice. For users of
| VB4, a smaller version is available here. For
| more info, check out the ForwardMail Home
| Page.
WMAIL2~1.EXE 771696 10-24-96 New revision of the VERY popular Internet
| mass mailer. Email hundreds or thousands of
| email addresses the same letter, memo,
| update, etc. with just ONE press of a
| button. Attach files, automatically handle
| MIME, UUENCODE. Reads from standard text
| files. Fully SMTP/POP compliant and EXTREMELY
| easy to use. For more info, check out the
| Internet Mass Mailer Home Page.
MINSTA~1.EXE 932991 10-23-96 Check your email easily! For more info, check out MailCheck Home Page.
nsp1095.zip -1 10-21-96 Allows users to easily use Multiple E-Mail accounts with Netscape Navigator! Minimizes to Tray for easy access and switching between providers is just a click away! For more info, check out NS Providers Home Page.
EMAILF~1.EXE 516096 10-19-96 Great program that searches e-mail databases
| for addresses whose owner's names match the
| one you type in. For more info, check out
| Email Ferret Home Page.
fwdmail.zip -1 10-18-96 Forward Mail is small program that scans the
| Inbox folder for all incoming e-mail
| (including faxes) and forwards it to an
| address you choose. This can be a user on
| your internal system, a fax recipient, or any
| other valid e-mail address. For example, it
| can be used to forward all incoming faxes
| from an unattended to computer to an
| administrator's account. For more info, check
| out Forward Mail Home Page.
eud2html.zip 35647 10-10-96 Eudora2HTML is a Win32 console program that
| will convert a Eudora nickname/address file
| (usually nndbase.txt) to an HTML file that
| can be imported into Netscape Mail
| client. This is useful to people that need to
| move to a different computer that may not
| Eudora installed but typically has Netscape.
| For more info, visit the Eudora2HTML Home
| Page.
CoderPad.zip 188795 10-08-96 CoderPad is designed to be a very versatile
| decoder and encoder. It can decode all of
| the popular encoding schemes: UU code (and
| its less common cousin, XX code); Base64
| (MIME formatted or not); and Macintosh
| BinHex. CoderPad can handle most encoded
| files without requiring any editing
| beforehand, making it ideal for processing
| messages straight from newsgroups and email.
| CoderPad offers a slew of options for
| controlling the behavior of file decoding and
| encoding, and has many features that make the
| handling of decoded files quick and easy. For
| more info, check out the CoderPad Home Page.
wSendMail.zip -1 10-08-96 wSendmail is a Win32 utility that sends
| emails from the command line - or you can use
| the program directly as a standard CGI-BIN
| app. In CGI-BIN mode it will pick the data
| from your HTML Forms and send it all as email
| to whoever you choose. Can be used
| stand-alone, or be called from other programs
| or scripts to automate
| mail-sending. Distribution includes full
| c/c++ source code. For more info, check the
| wSendmail Home Page.
qsb1a.zip 185239 10-02-96 This is a niffty little program that will sit
| on your system tray, checks to see if you
| have any mail waiting, and, if you have mail,
| downloads the headers for you to browse. For
| more info, check the Quick Scanner Home Page.
sgmst20.zip 2059119 10-02-96 SignatureMaster is a full-featured
| Signature/Tagline Manager with the following
| features: Generates Signature files with
| random Taglines, Saves Signatures with user
| specified file name/location, saves
| signatures at user specified location, each
| Signature can contain up to 255 lines, up to
| 255 characters per line, user controlled
| delay times up to 2 hours, Date & Time
| Stamping, database can contain millions of
| Taglines! Adds, Deletes, Edits Taglines. For
| more info, check out SignatureMaster 2 Home
| Page.
minstall.exe -1 10-01-96 Checks your POP for waiting mail. Supports
| multiple mailboxes on different servers. Now
| check Compuserve E-mail. For more info,
| check out Starbase 21 Home Page.
yourdora.exe 900673 09-22-96 Enhanced multiple configuration manager for
| Eudora. Incredibly EASY to use and
| setup. Send and receive email from many
| different mail boxs or servers with Eudora
| with just a couple of mouse clicks. For more
| info, check out the YourDora Home Page.
madmin.zip 655 09-19-96 Mail Administrator allows the manager of an
| MS Mail post office to access important
| information that is not easily accessible or
| available at all! This tool will allow the
| manager to view and evaluate the necessary
| changes required to keep an efficient post
| office running. As an added bonus, Mail
| Administrator comes with MMF Checker. MMF
| Checker will automatically send out
| notification to users who exceed set MMF size
| limits! For more info, check out the Mail
| Administrator for MS Mail Postoffices Home
| Page.
mtamon.zip 700 09-19-96 McLean Consulting's MTA Monitor provides MS
| Mail network administrators with a proactive
| tool to monitor and analyze their MS Mail
| network. This product is designed to run on
| Windows 95 or NT workstations. For more info,
| check out the MTA Monitor Home Page.
bwm30_32.zip -1 09-18-96 BWMerge merges Blue Wave mail packets. It
| does not need a lot of system resources and
| can merge packets without any limits of
| messages. It is fast and reliable. This is a
| significative version, with a lot of
| innovations. Raised shareware
| limits. Complete software installation, do
| not requires other files. For more info,
| check out the BWMerge Home Page.
endora13.zip 155637 09-17-96 Allows multiple configurations for Eudora,
| automatically runs Eudora Pro or Lite with
| the configuration you select. For more info,
| check out the Endora Home Page.
cybmail.exe 1019471 09-17-96 CyberMailer Pro makes it easy to manage and
| send email to lists of Internet users. It's a
| great way to keep in touch with your
| customers, prospects, web site users, or any
| other group of people! For more info check
| out the CyberMailer Pro Home Page.
ntxrc2.exe -1 09-16-96 Email-User-Agent with integrated PGP Support
| in German and English. Features: Secure mail:
| direct, easy to use PGP-support!;
| MIME-support!; Encrypt attachments as well as
| mail-text!; Supports multiple languages
| (currently English and German). Language is
| stored in the users profile, if more than one
| user share an installation, they keep their
| settings!; Easy management of your messages
| by hierarchical folders!; Hierarchical
| address-book allows better organization by
| hierarchical mailing-lists! For more info,
| check out NTXMail Home Page.
winpmmac.zip 16708 09-13-96 WinWord 7.0 macro to use the power of WinWord
| with the speed and ease of Pegasus mail.
| Cuts text to open Pegasus Mail messages and
| sends it back. Supports text as text only or
| send as an enclosure for heavily formatted
| documents.
e2m.zip 99758 09-10-96 Easily convert your Eudora mailbox files to
| MS Internet Mail mailbox files. For more
| info, check out Eudora2MS Home Page.
taglines.zip 122273 09-01-96 An application that sits on the system tray
| and will create a new signature file for your
| mail client by choosing a random tagline and
| appending it to a template. Version 1.1 now
| includes automatic changing of taglines in
| signature base on any arbitary time interval
| supplied. For more info, check out the Random
| Taglines Home Page.
e2m.zip 99758 09-01-96 Convert Eudora to Microsoft Folders. A
| little buggy, but gets the job done. Finally
| you can easily migrate to the future of
| Email. For more info, check out Eudora to MS
| Home Page.
es9521.zip 505332 08-29-96 ESig95+ is designed to change signature files
| for most Internet e-mail clients that uses an
| ASCII file for the signature. ESig95+ can
| change signature many ways and sits on the
| SysTray. This archive includes ESig95
| (non-SysTray version) For more info, check
| out ESig95+ Home Page.
formtodb.exe -1 08-24-96 FormToDB converts mails from hexidecimal to
| its decimal equivalent and record the data
| into a mdb database (MS Access
| compatible). For more info, check out the
| FormToDB Home Page.
mmaker10.zip -1 08-24-96 QWK compatible offline reader for Windows 95
| and Windows NT (16bit version also
| included).Fast database to organize your
| mail. Includes features like text search,
| folders, internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text
| justification, optional spellchecker, file
| attachments, picklists, easy install and
| uninstall and much more. For more info, check
| out the MailMaker Home Page.
svm100.zip -1 08-22-96 Auto-Reply Mailer for Windows 95
| Internet/SMTP/POP3 Mail utility. Simple
| auto-reply mailing for software distribution
| or internet marketing. Select key text string
| to trigger SVMail replys. Set up what file(s)
| you wish sent and SVMail will do the
| rest. For more info, check out the SVMail
| Home Page.
sgmst113.zip -1 08-14-96 Adds a user defined signature to you outgoing
| email. It features: Database can contain over
| to 250 million Taglines, Toolbar icons and
| Status bar, Multiple userNames and E-mail
| addresse, Compatible with Netscape, Eudora,
| Agent, and most popular E-mail applications,
| and Automatically sorts Tagline database. For
| more info, check out the Signature Master
| Home Page.
autospel.exe 1095701 08-14-96 AutoSpell 4.1 Beta 3 adds many new features
| to our popular automatic spell checker for
| Netscape, Eudora, Microsoft Exchange and
| Wordpad. AutoSpell is the only fully
| automatic spelling checker for E-mail. Can be
| used with 32 bit versions of Eudora or Eudora
| Pro or Netscape Navigator. Automatically
| checks your E-mail when you send it. Includes
| freeware copy of AutoSpell for notepad. For
| more info, check out AutoSpell Mail Home
| Page.
exch_f15.zip 38787 08-06-96 Merges multiple mail accounts with Exchange.
| Acts like a simple mail exploder.
e-msg!.exe 720896 08-06-96 Goal was to provide a message-taking by
| e-mail, a database containing all messages
| taken regardless of by which receptionist
| (for universal lookups), and an integrated
| in/out employee log. For more info, check out
| the E-MSG! Home Page.
autocorr.zip 441740 08-01-96 The Boldon James Automatic Correlation
| Processor for Microsoft Exchange, intercepts
| delivery and read confirmations and
| automatically matches them against individual
| addressees of the original message. For more
| info, check out the The Boldon James Home
| Page.
mailx123.zip -1 07-30-96 In short, Mail Explorer is the program that
| interfaces your mail to the Windows Explorer,
| where you may act on your mail using a
| powerful, robust interface. For more info,
| check out the Mail Explorer Home Page.
Setupex.exe -1 07-28-96 Now you can import ODBC information into any
| Exchange folder. ActivExchange has a demo
| that will import up to 20 records. Useful for
| distributing Data in Exchange for a form that
| you already have, or are creating. For more
| info, check out Import Wizard demo Home Page.
eps141.zip 99411 07-28-96 The Exchange Profile Selector utility will
| allow you to start a specific messaging
| profile directly. Simply specify the name of
| the profile on the command line (do not
| forget to enclose it in double quotes if the
| profile name has spaces in it) and this
| little utility will do the rest. For more
| info, check out Exchange Profile Selector
| Home Page.
RESEND10.EXE 28955 07-28-96 Add a Eudora style "Resend" function to MS
| Exchange. For more info, check out Resend
| Extension for MS Exchange Home Page.
iblast.zip 2156296 07-26-96 CompuAid E-Mail Broadcaster, the affordable,
| full-featured e-mail list maintainer/sender.
| Keep track of customers, friends, etc. with
| this powerful new tool! Unlimited number of
| lists, unlimited number of recipients in each
| list. For more info, check out the iBlast
| E-Mail Broadcaster Home Page.
e120w95.exe -1 07-20-96 Advanced Internet Mail Notifier sitting in
| the WIndows 95 Tray area e-Mail Notify
| downloads headers from your POP3 server and
| notifies you when there is new mail. Includes
| integrated win95 dialin, Quick View and Quick
| Delete. For more info, check the E-Mail
| Notify Home Page.
inetxidm.zip 29072 07-18-96 Internet Idioms lets a user specify the font
| to read incoming messages, append boilerplate
| text to outgoing messages, and change the
| format of replies. It demonstrates extending
| property sheets, adding a command to the note
| menu and toolbar, and changing the behavior
| of Exchange's own note form. Requires the
| MSVC 4.0 Runtime. For more info, check out
| the Home Page.
wig.zip 3219641 06-26-96 Enables any MAPI enabled client, such as MS
| Exchange or Netscape to seamlessly send and
| receive Internet mail for a workgroup. WIG
| can fit seamlessly inside MS Exchange as a
| service. Can send and receive binary
| attachments in both MIME and UUENCODE
| format. Other features include auto
| responding, auto forwarding event logging and
| lots more. For more info, check out the
| Workgroup Internet Gateway Home Page.
wbf3235.zip -1 06-24-96 An e-mail notification program that features:
| User-selectable icons for no-mail and
| new-mail status, Scrollable list of headers,
| can be sorted in reverse order, MIME-decoding
| of headers for the display of accented
| characters, and more. For more info, check
| out WinBiff Home Page.
wdog95.zip 34518 06-20-96 Watchdog Mail Monitor is a 32-bit winsock
| application that communicates with a POP3
| mail server to inform you of mail in your
| account. Watchdog requires Windows 95, a
| properly installed 32-bit winsock, and a POP3
| account. For more info, check out the
| Watchdog Mail Monitor Home Page.
setup32.zip 1129544 05-27-96 DMS Profiler enables you to have multiple
| configurations of Eudora from a single
| installtion. It replaces your Eudora links
| and when launched prompts you for a
| configuration from a drop down list, it then
| launches Eudora with your selected
| settings. Requires VB40032.ZIP. For more
| info, check the DMS Profiler Home Page.
preview.exe 905240 05-25-96 Adds a preview window to Microsoft Exchange,
| as well as providing hypertext links for
| URL's within the mail. For more info, check
| the Deming Preview for Microsoft Exchange
| Home Page.
cannon1.zip -1 05-13-96 The Email Cannon is a list server that can
| send broadcast type email to thousands of
| users. You can create as many lists as you
| want with as many subscribers as you want.
LITE.zip 583132 05-09-96 Arial's E-Mail Merge gives you "mail-merge"
| functions for your internet e-mail. Excellent
| for use in providing support and messaging to
| your in-house customer or sales lead
| databases, "E-Merge" works with any version
| of Eudora and requires Windows 95.For more
| info, check out the Arial's E-Mail Merge Home
| Page.
PGPEXT.ZIP -1 05-05-96 The PGP Extension for Microsoft Exchange is
| an add-on to Exchange that allows you to
| Sign, Encrypt, and Decrypt messages from
| within Exchange. It uses your existing
| version of PGP, like the (many, excellent)
| Windows PGP shells available, but is not a
| stand-alone application. For more info, check
| out PGP Extension for Microsoft Exchange Home
| Page.
esig95_202.zip -1 05-04-96 ESig95 is designed to change signature files
| for most Internet e-mail software that uses
| one text file for one signature. Changes
| signature during during loading of ESig95 and
| then loads mail client. This is the
| non-SysTray version. For more info, check
| out ESig95 Home Page.
inetmail.exe 241152 04-18-96 Internet Mail Service for Windows adds POP3
| client mail services to the Windows 95
| Microsoft Exchange client. For more info,
| check the Internet Mail Service for Windows
| 95 Home Page.
nmail32.exe 191534 04-05-96 NotifyMail is a POP3 new mail notifier that
| runs in the background and alerts you
| whenever new mail arrives in your server
| mailbox. For more info, check out NotifyMail
| Home Page.
btebm.exe 2129077 03-20-96 An powerful mailing list manager for Windows
| 95. Supports multiple lists and database
| technology. For more info, check out
| Braintree's Home Page.
beta200d.zip -1 03-16-96 The Internet Series of products for MS Mail
| provides individuals with mail and news
| services commonly found within the Internet
| or corporate network through the familiar
| graphical interface of Microsoft's Mail
| client ( MSMAIL ). For more info, check out
| netApps Home Page.
wig.zip 3219641 03-11-96 The Workgroup Internet Gateway for Microsoft
| Exchange (WIG) lets your entire organisation
| send and receive Internet mail via a single
| connection to the Internet. For more info,
| check out Workgroup Internet Gateway Home
| Page.
mailx6.zip -1 03-08-96 Mail eXtension for Visual Basic 4.0 & DELPHI
| 2.0 applications. You will add powerful
| e-mail capabilities in minutes. Mail System
| supported: Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft
| Mail, Lotus cc:Mail & Lotus Notes. For more
| info, check out Mail eXtension Home Page.
sig95_2g.zip 623663 02-25-96 Siggen 95 Generates ASCII-Art Letters for
| your signature file. Includes 14 character
| sets. Make your own using the Built-in
| character set editor or import DOS
| Figlets. For more info, check out Siggen Home
| Page. Requires VB Runtime Files
propgp10.zip 1898765 02-16-96 ProPGP is the first 32-bit, Windows '95-based
| front end for Pretty Good Privacy version
| 2.6.2. Designed for people who know no PGP
| commands!
pgpclp32.zip -1 02-18-96 PGPClip provides one-click access to most PGP
| (Pretty Good Privacy) functions. Works with
| any application that allows copying and
| pasting to/from the Windows clipboard. PGP
| is NOT provided with PGPClip, and must be
| obtained separately.
dsm3.zip 224701 01-26-96 Allows the user to maintain mailing lists of
| their own and automatically distribute
| information to those mailing lists. For more
| info, check out Blue Squirrel Home Page.
moby95en.exe -1 01-15-96 A demo of a MAPI transport provider for
| sending and retrieving messages to cellular
| phones and pagers using European service
| providers. Can be used with MS Exchange and
| other MAPI compliant software. For more info,
| check out the Marcwell Software House Home
| Page.
mtwb.zip 20588 12-31-95 Adds a command to Exchange to purge old
| messages from the Deleted Items folder. For
| more info, check out the Home Page.
mlogon.zip 17575 11-26-95 Lets a user launch the Exchange mail client,
| specifying the profile on the command
| line. For more info, check out the Home Page.
mfetch.zip 16562 11-24-95 Lets a user download messages from an