The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 December
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184 lines
tmpro.zip 3228924 12-20-96 Ever had that application that just wont die?
| Task Manager pro allows unconditional
| termination of any process, also change
| priority and look at other process info. For
| more info, check out the Task Manager Pro
| Home Page.
wdiff149.zip 199741 12-10-96 WDiff32 displays the differences between two
| text files or between two directories or ZIP
| archives. The two text files (or directories)
| are displayed side by side. Common and
| different sections are clearly marked with
| separator lines and different colors. It is
| also possible to mark areas of lines at one
| or both sides and to copy this texts into the
| clipboard for further processing. A marked
| area on one side can be copied into the
| corresponding area of the file on the other
| side. Lines from the clipboard can be pasted
| over marked areas.For more info, check out
| the WDiff32 Home Page.
win95tip.zip 53435 12-05-96 This is a great collection of tips in Windows
| Help format. This group of secrets and more
| will help you to become much more productive
| under Windows 95.
ttricks.zip 137963 12-04-96 Tips & Tricks for Windows 95 contains
| more then 150 Tips, Tricks and Undocumented
| features that Microsoft forgot to tell us
| about! You need this program! For more
| information, check out the Tips & Tricks
| for Windows 95 Home Page.
Full window drag for Windows 95, without the
| need for Plus! This cool package gives
| Windows 95 the ability to drag or resize
| windows keeping thier contents visible - no
| more tacky rubber band outlines. This is
| similar to part of the functionality of
| Microsoft Plus! but without the overhead of
| memory and disk space. Now with a Windows 95
| Add/remove option from within Control
| Panel. For more information, check out the
| Full Window Drag Home Page.
swsetupx.exe 795813 11-29-96 An interpreter that can proccess a lot of
| functions for examble installation's over the
| network or program distribution for Windows,
| Windows 95 and Windows NT. You can copy files
| from a WWW-Server. You can copy files from or
| to an FTP-Server. You can use Swsetup as
| CGI-Application, for example: Counter,
| create/modify Userdata, view Files or
| Directorys, etc. For more information, check
| out the SwSetup Home Page.
hidden.zip 17786 11-29-96 Hidden is a tiny program which starts any
| other program in a hidden state. Hidden
| programs do not display their main window,
| they don't show up in the task manager, nor
| can you switch to them. Most useful for
| programs that must be running but need no
| interaction. This program will get those guys
| out of your way! For more info, check out the
| Hidden Home Page.
PDeval20.exe 1349632 11-22-96 Great new shareware utilities for Win 95
| & NT 4.0. Includes a fantastic Explorer
| Plus with many features and
| enhancements. Also includes a PowerDesk
| utility that includes a multi desktop
| feature. Very nice set of utilities. For
| more info check out the PowerDesk Home Page.
shrtctr2.zip 199150 11-21-96 Upgrade from version 1.0. A complete revamp
| of the complete shortcut management utility
| for Win95/NT. ShortCutter finds all links on
| your computer and allows you to perform
| actions including deleting or resolving
| broken links. It will also find empty files,
| empty directories, and internet shortcuts.
| For more info check out the ShortCutter Home
| Page.
perkey10.zip 539057 11-15-96 Program allows you to define several
| shortcuts that, once typed, are expanded to
| another (longer) text or MACRO. The shortcut
| can be either a short text (like
| "hdr"), or a combination of keys
| (like Ctrl+Alt+N). You can define shortcuts
| for mostly used phrases, form templates,
| macros, date, time, e-mail addresses, URLs,
| etc. For more info, check the Perfect
| Keyboard for Windows 95/NT Home Page.
qcolor3.zip 166441 11-09-96 A display control utility like Microsoft's
| QuickRes, supporting dynamic resolution,
| color depth and refresh rate switching under
| Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95, with
| user-defined presets and auto-configuration
| for most graphics cards. For more info, check
| the QuickColor for NT 4.0 and Windows 95 Home
| Page.
visuact.zip 253216 11-09-96 New utility allowing you to DRAW COMMANDS IN
| ORDER TO EXECUTE THEM! Anywhere on the
| screen, draw a 'C' to cut some text, draw an
| 'S' to save a document, draw a 'Q' to QUICK
| EXIT WINDOWS, a 'W' to launch Word, or create
| your own commands... Powered by a real-time
| shape recognition system. For more info,
| check out the Visuactive Home Page.
instwn95.exe 569749 11-05-96 Steve Jenkins, founder of the Windows95.com
| Web site provides a useful tip or trick every
| day. From the newbie to the power-user, his
| calendar will help you master the ins and
| outs of Miscrosoft's 32-bit operating
| system. For more information, go to the Tips
| & Tricks home page.
XPRESS~1.EXE 1383977 10-05-96 XPress is the best in Home Automation for
| Windows 95. With XPress, you can control any
| electronic appliance in your home or office
| (e.g. lights, stereo, coffee maker, etc.)
| right from your computer. You can even use
| the Internet to turn on or off applicances
| using the built-in WWW software! For more
| info, check the XPress Home Page.
vbsys340.zip 340067 09-22-96 This program is designed to help a user
| monitor many system resources at all times
| and to combine some utilities that you may
| already use. Too many features to
| list. Requires VB40032.dll. For more info,
| check the VBSys Win95 System Monitor Home
| Page.
wheelm32.zip 1487533 09-01-96 The Wheel Maker will help both professional
| and home mechanics calculate the spoke
| lengths needed for any hub and rim
| combination quickly and easily. VB Runtime
| files included. For more information, check
| out the Wheel Maker Home Page.
kyx95.zip 381074 08-25-96 Nice keyboard macro program. Small but does a
| nice job. Capture keystrokes, edit and modify
| them, launch programs, insert date, add
| pauses for input or delay times. User
| assignable hotkeys. For more info, check out
| the Keyboard Express Home Page.
Resource.zip -1 06-13-96 The HardSoft Resource Monitor (32 Bit) is a
| program which is designed to keep track of
| your Windows 95 System, User, and GDI
| Resources, Disk Space and Memory free. For
| more info, check the Resource Monitor Home
| Page.
ttricks2.zip 137963 05-21-96 Tips & Tricks for Windows 95 contains
| more then 140 undocumented features that
| microsoft forgot to tell us about. For more
| information, check out the Tips & Tricks
| for Win95 Home Page.
sru96.zip 341760 05-17-96 Program to simply change Business Server
| registration details in a three-tier
| client/server environment. Includes a wizard
| to register servers, and the ability to test
| to ensure that they have been registered
| correctly. With Runtime Files. For more
| information, check out the SRU96 Home Page.
RUBBER~1.ZIP 23319 04-16-96 RubberBoot allows you to boot from Windows'95
| or your old version of DOS by predefined
| choice. The operating system chosen will boot
| up until RubberBoot is run again to change
| the default. For more information, check out
| the RubberBoot Home Page.
MSPHON~1.ZIP 45049 04-15-96 A complete listing of Microsoft Support Phone
| Numbers and Support Options. Includes .Inf
| for installation and removal from your
| Computer. For more information, check out the
| MSPhone Directory Home Page.
rot13.zip -1 04-14-96 A simple, easy to use rot13
| encoder/decoder. Cut and paste text to and
| from your favorite applications. Requires VB
| Runtime Files. For more information, check
| out the Spoiled Rotten Home Page.
cfit95.zip -1 03-23-96 Utility that allows you to define a set of
| X-Y data points, select a curve type and fits
| the data to the selected curve type. For more
| information, check out the Curve Fit Home
| Page.
wipe.zip 1231 01-02-95 A shortcut and a batch file for Win95 that
| works with PGP. When a file is dragged onto
| the incinerator shortcut on the desktop, a
| minimized copy of pgp is initiated (users
| must provide their own copy) and wipes the
| file in less than 10 seconds.