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Main menu
A thru T = Access Program Files
~ = Used to register Program
@ = Program Command Keys C & E
F8 = Default Color Settings for current file
F9 & F10 = Toggle Colors
Note: F8, F9 and F10 work in the following files
Time Sheet, Employee Names List, New Jobs
Program Help, Registeration and Database file.
Time Sheet Tips
Note: D = Command Key to use to enter date.
However if the employee's names are saved and
the date is incorrect, then use T to enter the
day & date, note when the time sheet is exited
and saved. Then the date reverts back to the
previous date. The same holds true with L for
location and N for Name of Company.
If S is used and you realize the list of names
saved is not the one you want, then Press X
Y now type a name not previously used press
enter. The following warning will appear on
Data NOT FOUND: File Will Not be saved Name is Still Available.
If you wish to modify a name list for a time
sheet, select C Command Key you then you can
customize the list even add a name not in the
Employee Name List. If however you inadvertently
select C, Press X to return to the time sheet
and then PgUp or PgDn to select desired names list.
Employee Name's
The most important item to think of when entering
DATA in this file is the foreman should be at the
top of the list. Exceptions to this are when a
foreman supervises more than ten employee's.
To view Employee's Identification numbers:
You type key indicated between < >
Type # Command Key then <Caps Lock> <o> <f> <f>
Hide Identification numbers: # Command Key then <h>
Database file
Other commands:
$ I = Sort by Identification Number
When Sort menu is on screen I Command Key does not
appear as an option, don't worry use it anyway.
It is one of those un-documented commands.
Here is another option that can be used to add
accumulated hours from a previous file to a
current one.
V D <Tot> View only Totals
V D <Sub> View only Sub Totaled lines
V D <Sub> or <Tot> allow the creation of a new
file containing only sub totals or Totals only.
~ Enter create temp file.
S Save file
The file containing Sub Totals only file can be
used to import the current file named Smith into
then save and total.
Pass Word to view employee Identification numbers.
# <Caps Lock> <o> <f> <f> to view Employee
Identifications. Note: you will not be prompted
for pass word, as in the Employee Names List File.
Database File Time Saving Tips
The most efficient method to use when creating a
new file is to Load an empty file.
Example: keep a file named 1 available at all times.
[To create 1] V E <goofy> Enter ~ Enter S <1> Enter
will create empty file named 1.
Assume you wish to see all time for employee Smith
for 1995.
Load File 1
V E <Smith> Enter A Enter I <ALL1995> Enter
ALL1995 was created when Data was exported from the
Export file.
S <Smith> Enter Saves new file.
ALL1995 Can be any file you have containing data.