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- To install the FST UPDATE:
- 1. This is a self-extracting archive that should have been copied into your
- FST\TOOLS directory
- 2. Once the file(s) are extracted, you will be asked to overwrite the exsist-
- ing files - answer "Y" for yes
- 3. The MODEL.EXE - WORLD.EXE - VIEW.EXE files will be updated
- 4. You are now updated to the final version of Flight Sim. Toolkit
- 5. Now, run the DOS utilites - SCANDISK and DEFRAG to optimize your hard drive
- What the update adds:
- 1. TEAM Conflicts
- You now are not fighting against the whole world of the original
- FST. Instead a TARGET flag, you now have a RED and BLUE flag.
- This enables you to have friendlies (wingman). Guided weapons
- will ONLY lock on the enemy aircraft. If neither RED nor BLUE flags
- are checked as an option, you will be considered NEUTRAL and not be
- attacked.
- Each flag color's hangers will produce team aircraft for the battle.
- If two opposing color aircraft are within 8 kilometers (16 squares)
- they will attempt combat. If you are in the same vincity range, there
- is a higher chance you will be attacked, rather than your wingman.
- You can now drop\use torpedoes. Remember to be flying under 100ft and
- under 100 knots. "ALT-M" (missle view) will show you the torpedeos.
- If an aircraft is not on a runway, it will placed at an altitude of
- 10 meters. The aircraft will be flying at 50% thrust. NOTE: You
- cannot place aircraft in air while over an airfield.
- Objects with height can now be marked as RUNWAYS. Please note:
- constructing carriers is somewhat problematic; since only the
- topmost polygon is considered to be landable. You can assign KP (kill
- points) to a runway to mark it as a bombing target. If you want a
- couple of pre-made carriers - please contact customer support. (only
- emails accepted - techsupp@domark.com)
- The AI used by aircrafts has been vastly improved. These "new" pilots
- were developed by actual military pilots. You can alter the flight
- model to strengthen or weaken the enemy.
- Aircraft now have a blind spot at 120' degrees. Surprise attack the
- enemy at this heading (his six o'clock).
- You can now edit the aircraft that appear from hangers. You can
- assign different characteristics. You can make aircraft with heavy
- armor (high KP) and a large supply of Cannon rounds.
- The aircraft you now design will fly differently than the previous
- version. This is due to a redesigned Force Model. In general, you
- can now design very heavy aircraft with a higher thrust ratio.
- Aircraft generated from hangers are now of three classes: BOMBER,
- TRANSPORT, FIGHTER. The bomber class will bomb enemy targets along
- their path. They will deviate slightly from their target to avoid
- enemy attack, but not aggressively. You may want to add a defensive
- gunner to the bomber for added protection.
- You will be given the choice of bomb payload for the bombers. The
- more bombs given will result in carpet bombing but mean less target
- accuracy.
- A rear gunner added to the miltary player's plane will be computer
- controled.
- 9. FLAPS
- Flaps can now be lowered to 30' to assist is low speed (carrier) landings.
- 10. AA GUNS
- You can now simulate "fixed: AA guns. Just mark the 'Fixed angle'
- flag in the Properties box. These guns will do ZONE gunning to
- simulate larger AA guns.
- 11. IN GAME MAP - PRESS "CTRL-M", you will be the red dot
- 12. PADLOCK VIEW - PRESS "P", for a padlock (fixed) view on an enemy, just
- remember to be alert to your surroundings
- Initially we charged for this upgrade in the form of add-on disk -"WWII".
- This product is actually a complete and detailed simulation of WWII aerial
- combat. Though this product is discontinued, look for it in bundled game
- products or in used game stores.
- FST support is now limited to faxing (415-571-0437) or emailing
- (techsupp@domark.com) your questions. We do have a great, free guide
- available through the mail or by faxing. ewa 12/5/95
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *** this is WWII information, but is relevant to the upgrade changes ***
- Notes for Flight-Sim Junkies and FST Owners
- While "FST: WWII" is intended to be a "fun" flight simulator,
- there are a number of realism features that will appeal to the "serious"
- simulation fans:
- Damage Effects: The player's aircraft can suffer damage in different
- ways. The cockpit has a number of instruments that indicate the
- damage the plane is taking. Handling in all three axes can be effected,
- as well as the engine's power output. If the player's aircraft is smoking,
- that indicates an engine hit, and an impending loss of power. The
- computer-flown aircraft suffer identical effects. During the missions,
- smoking aircraft will be seen "augering in" when their engines die, or
- plowing into the ground when their controls begin to fail.
- Ground Effect: Particularly applicaple to takeoffs and torpedo
- runs, Ground Effect provides a small amount of additional lift that the
- player will actually notice. Don't let a plane's performance in Ground
- Effect lull you into a false sense of security. Once the carrier's deck is
- out from under you, things might get hairy!
- Rudder-Roll Relationship: Players will notice that rudder
- coordination is particularly important with the new flight-modelling
- computations. Rudder deflection also induces a roll, precisely as it
- does in reality. The windy conditions of the "Combat" and "Veteran"
- scenarios illuminate the importance of the rudder!
- High-Speed Stalls: It's possible to pull too much aft elevator and
- cause the wing to enter a high-speed stall through a drastically-
- increased angle of attack. This is referred to by some as "mushing,"
- and can be very dangerous to ground-attack aircraft and dive-bombers.
- Don't attempt to bully a plane too much at high speeds.
- Flight Models: The "Arcade" and "Training" flight models have
- been tweaked with much higher thrust, and much lower overall wing
- loading than the flight models of the "Veteran" and "Combat"
- scenarios. The easier models are a ball to fly, but still have to deal
- with the full computational considerations of the more realistic
- versions. The models of the "Combat" and "Veteran" scenarios are very
- faithful to the actual handling and speed characteristics of their real-
- life counterparts, but have had the wing loading (Wing Efficiency)
- adjusted to provide better climb performance. While this makes these
- flight models less "realistic," it does make them much more enjoyable
- to fly. FST users who wish to tweak these flight models for the utmost
- in accuracy should start by reducing the Wing Efficiency of each
- aircraft to the 0.5-0.75 range.
- *** WARNING:***
- The new WORLD.EXE editing Tool IS NOT completely
- compatible with older FST scenarios, due primarily to the additional
- features such as Teams and Bombers that "FST: WWII" adds. If you
- have a scenario that you've developed with the -OLD- FST
- WORLD.EXE editing Tool, DO NOT try to edit it with the -NEW-
- WORLD.EXE. This will result in many of the old scenario's variables
- becoming scrambled, and will not run with EITHER version of FST.
- For FST users who wish to edit and run the scenarios from DOS,
- the following naming convention is how the game's graphic front end
- selects and loads the individual mission files:
- DDAY or MIDWAY is the obvious prefix for each theatre. The
- suffixes are broken into three sections: Country, Mission, and Skill
- Level (A=Arcade, T=Training, C=Combat, V=Veteran.) For example,
- MIDWAY.A1A is the file name for a Midway scenario, (A)merican
- Side, (1)st Mission, (A)rcade Skill Level. DDAY.G4C is the name for
- a D-Day scenario, (G)erman Side, (4)th Mission, (C)ombat Skill Level.
- For FST users wishing to adapt their existing FST Scenarios, please
- refer to the FORMATS.TXT file in this directory.
- For FST users wishing to experiment with different command-line
- arguments while running the FLY.EXE program from DOS, the
- enclosed ARGS.TXT file has a number of new switches that allow
- considerable flexibility and options in running FST.