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Text File
696 lines
1 Steer left then right
2 Accelerate
3 Braking
4 Shift Up
5 Shift Down
6 Reverse
1000 IndyCar Racing II
1001 IndyCar Racing II can not execute because there is not enough available memory.
1002 IndyCar Racing II can not execute because not enough memory could be obtained.
1003 The offscreen buffer could not be allocated.
1004 The car information could not be initialized.
1005 The special effects could not be loaded.
1006 The driving information could not be initialized.
1007 The video system could not be initialized.
1008 The subwindowing system could not be initialized.
1009 The font system could not be initialized.
1010 The compressed bitmap system could not be initialized.
1011 The core game environment could not be initialized.
1012 The car definitions could not be loaded.
1013 The sound effects could not be loaded.
1014 The 3-D track definition could not be loaded.
1015 The track information could not be loaded.
1016 The car palette could not be read.
1017 The track directory could not be found.
1018 The library system could not be initialized.
1019 The replay could not be initialized.
1020 The control settings could not be loaded.\nUsing defaults.
1021 No track directories were found.
1022 The driving window could not be created.
1031 No Replay Available
1032 The replay could not be saved because an error occurred writing the file.
1033 The replay could not be loaded because an error occurred opening the file.
1034 The replay could not be initialized (probably due to insufficient memory).
1035 The standings file could not be written. The standings were not saved.
1036 The background compressed bitmap system could not be initialized
1037 The replay can not be loaded during modem play
1038 The car set description could not be written because one of its lines is too long.
1039 Changing car sets will cause you to return to the start of a practice session. Change the car set anyway?
1040 Restart Session
1041 The control settings could not be saved.
1102 Entering Qualify Session
1103 Resuming Qualify Session
1104 Entering Warmup Session
1105 Resuming Warmup Session
1106 Entering Race
1107 Resuming Race
1108 Race Completed
1109 Entering Testing Session
1110 Resuming Testing Session
1111 Next Championship Season Race
1120 Go Practice
1121 Resume Practice
1122 Go Qualify
1123 Resume Qualify
1124 Go Warmup
1125 Resume Warmup
1126 Go Race!
1127 Resume Race
1128 Race Over
1129 Go Testing
1130 Resume Testing
1140 Prepare to Qualify
1141 Prepare to Qualify
1142 Prepare to Warmup
1143 Prepare to Warmup
1144 Prepare to Race
1145 Prepare to Race
1146 It's Race Day!
1147 It's Race Day!
1148 It's Race Day!
1149 It's Preseason!
1150 It's Preseason!
1160 Practice
1161 Qualify
1162 Warmup
1163 Race
1164 Testing
1170 Preseason Testing
1171 Single Race
1172 Championship Season
1173 Multiplayer Race
1180 Done
1181 Camera Angle:
1182 Car To Follow:
1200 IndyCar Racing II - Replay of %s session at %s
1201 %s thru %s
1202 %d:%02d:%02d.%02d
1203 %2d #%s %s %s
1204 %2d #%s %s
1205 IndyCar Racing II - Qualify Standings at %s
1206 %2d #%s %s %s
1207 %2d #%s %s
1208 IndyCar Racing II - Race Standings at %s
1209 %2d #%s %s -%s
1210 %2d #%s %s -%dL
1211 %2d #%s %s %s
1250 Save Replay Selection As
1251 Save Replay As
1252 Open Replay
1253 Save Standings As
1300 MS Sans Serif
1301 MS Sans Serif
1302 MS Sans Serif
1350 TV 1
1351 TV 2
1352 Rear Wing
1353 Front Wing
1354 In Car
1355 Roof
1356 Right Side
1357 Left Side
1358 Chase
1359 Rear Chase
1360 Sky
1361 Blimp
1399 Pitting
1400 Running
1401 Accident
1402 Engine
1403 Electrical
1404 Gearbox
1405 Oil Pump
1406 Wheel Bearing
1407 Header
1408 Fuel Pump
1409 Suspension
1410 Fire
1411 Water Pump
1412 Mechanical
1413 Wastegate
1414 Halfshaft
1415 Turbo
1416 DNF
1417 DQ
1418 DNS
2000 Access online help
2001 Help table of contents
2002 Help on using online Help
2009 About the windy application
5000 Default
5001 New
5002 Delete
5003 Are you sure you want to delete %s?
5004 Delete Connection
5005 COM 1
5006 COM 2
5007 COM 3
5008 COM 4
5009 9600
5010 14400
5011 19200
5012 28800
5013 38400
5014 Direct Connect
5015 Modem
5016 Delete Modem Entry
5017 5
5018 6
5019 7
5020 8
5021 1
5022 1.5
5023 2
5024 None
5025 Even
5026 Odd
5027 Mark
5028 Modem/Null Modem
5029 Network
5030 Grass Texture
5031 Asphalt Texture
5032 Objects
5033 Object Textures
5034 Grandstand Textures
5035 Wall Texture
5036 Horizon Texture
5037 Car Texture
5038 Smoke/Dirt
5039 Skids/Paint
5040 MS Sans Serif
5041 Ariel
6000 OK
6010 Position
6011 Car
6012 Driver
6013 Speed
6014 Time
6020 MS Sans Serif
6030 Pos Car Driver %s
6031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6040 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s %s
6041 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s
6042 #%-2.2s
6050 Arial
6051 Arial
6200 OK
6201 Accelerate Time
6202 Decelerate Time
6210 Position
6211 Car
6212 Driver
6213 Speed
6214 Time
6220 MS Sans Serif
6230 Pos Car Driver %s
6231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6240 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s %s
6241 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s
6242 #%-2.2s
6243 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s -%s
6244 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s -%dL
6245 %2d #%-2.2s %-32.32s %s
6246 -%dL
6247 -%s
6250 Arial
6251 Arial
6260 Lap:
6262 Flag:
6263 %d of %d
14000 %d.%03d
14048 New Championship Season
14049 %d:%02d.%03d
14050 %d:%02d.%1d
14051 Championship Season (*.%s)
14052 Single Race (*.%s)
14053 Open
14054 Save As
14055 %s is not a valid command-line parameter.
14056 %s not found.
14057 Do you wish to save your current game?
14058 Save Game
14059 Do you wish to end your current game?
14060 End Game
14061 Error during game save
14062 Could not save the game
14063 Save Game
14064 Error during game restore
14065 Could not restore the game
14066 Restore Game
14067 SAVED
14068 File already exists. Overwrite?
14069 Save Game
14070 Command Line
14080 Variable
14081 Constant
14085 None
14086 Realistic
14087 Arcade
14090 If you accelerate time you will be out of the race. Are you sure you want to do this?
14091 Accelerate Time
14100 Load Garage Settings
14101 Save Garage Settings As
14102 stg
14103 Garage Settings
14107 Default Settings
14112 cmp
14113 Championship Season
14120 Arial Bold
14121 16
14122 MS Sans Serif
14123 14
14130 Times New Roman Bold
14131 18
14132 Times New Roman Bold
14133 18
14134 Times New Roman Bold
14135 18
14141 Finish
14142 Pos
14143 Start
14144 Pos
14145 Car
14147 Driver
14149 Laps
14150 Completed
14151 Laps
14152 Led
14153 Reason Out
14155 Points
14157 None
14158 Laps
14160 Track
14161 Weather
14162 degrees
14163 Number of laps
14164 Race time
14165 Average speed
14166 Margin of victory
14167 Caution flags
14168 # of lead changes
14171 Rank
14173 Car
14175 Driver
14177 Total
14178 Points
14179 Wins
14181 Top 5
14183 Top 10
14185 Poles
14200 %s\n================\n
14201 Mode: Single Race\n
14202 Mode: Championship Season\n
14203 Session: Qualify\n
14204 Session: Warmup\n
14205 Session: Race\n
14206 Session: Resume Race\n
14207 Session: Race Over\n
14208 Track: %s\n
14209 \nRace Information\n================\n
14210 Race Time: %s\n
14211 Position: %d\n
14212 Current Lap: %d\n
14213 Laps Left: %d\n
14214 Laps Led: %d\n
14215 Best Lap: %s\n
14216 Time from Leader: %s\n
14217 Laps from Leader: %d\n
14218 \n Season Standings\n --------------------------\n Driver Points\n --------- ---------\n
14219 %2d) %s %d\n
14220 (Unavailable - Season not yet started)
14240 Indycar : video color depth error
14241 For best results set the number of video colors to 256.\nThis can be done from the Control Panel.
14242 The program is unable to determine the video color depth.\n\n
14250 Place the Indycar II CD ROM in the CD ROM drive.