Bila Vrana
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Text File
119 lines
Title : "The Place Of Belonging"
Filename : placebo.bsp
Author : Martin Hryniewiecki, aka: univision
Email Address : uvision@ibm.net
Description : Complete, Very Large Quake Map
Additional Credits to : id Software: for a great game;
Quest authors, C. Carollo & T. Harrison: for a great editor;
American McGee: for all the editing information;
Jim Lowell: for help with testing and for valuable insight;
Donald Lawrence: for help with testing and finetuning;
Tomas Brabec & Dennis Ball: for feedback and support;
And last but not least, my wife, Nathalie:
for her patience <g> and encouragment;
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative : Yes
Deathmatch : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Quest (1.072 to 1.092)
Known Bugs : None
Build Time : A very long time
Texture Wad used : Wizard
Compile machine : P75 w/ 48MB RAM
QBSP Time : ~800 secs
Light (-extra) Time : ~ 800 secs
VIS (-level 4) Time : ~8 hours
Brushes : 1741
Entities : 386
* Other Info *
This map was created to be "complete." There should be everything you have
come to expect from Quake levels: Single Player, Coop, Deathmatch, Difficulty Setting,
even hints, level variations, etc. depending on difficulty setting and Single Player/Coop/DM.
It is also set within the "guidelines" of Quake World in regards to textures and "style."
If you have ever seen a "lightbulb" texture used for stairs, you will know what I mean <g>.
Realism was my goal. It is a very large map, that was tested on a minimum P75 with 8MB
of RAM. It was tested successfully under OS/2 Warp 4.0, Windows '95 and PCDOS 7.0.
For true experience play it on skill 2, if you can handle it. One word of advice:
save often.
I have set up a WEB Page at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/2723
You will find info about my levels and some tips how to survive the difficult areas.
Since it seems like we all need more info about editing and links related to it.
I will add it to my WEB Page, ASAP. Thanx to Jim Lowell for his advice. It will include
both basic and "tough" editing issues, without being too editor specific. We already have
great WEB sites dedicated to most popular Quake Editors. The information regarding
*.MAP file format is also well publicized.
PLACEBO.ZIP includes a CUSTMAP.TXT file which explains how to run custom levels.
Feedback is greatly appreciated, by e-mail to uvision@ibm.net.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
If you would like to use it on commercial server, contact me first.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission. The .MAP file is not included.
You can distribute CUSTMAP.TXT on any media, as long as you don't change it.