Bila Vrana
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Text File
368 lines
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Many many thanks to Thomas Tennille, who has played a HUGE part in
making QCC the stable, bug free program that it is.
[1.0] Installing and configuring QCC.
[1.1] The interface.
[2.0] The options.
[3.0] How to Register.
[3.1] How to Contact the Author.
[3.2] Where to Get the Latest Version.
[3.3] Distribution Information (license).
[3.4] Version History.
1.0: Installing and Configuring QCC.
To begin with, unzip Quake Control Center into the directory of
your choice and type QCC from that directory. For instance, if you
unzipped it into C:\QCC, you would type QCC from the C:\QCC> prompt.
If it is the first time you have run the Quake Control Center, or if you
do not have a v1.5+ configuration file in the same directory as QCC.EXE,
QCC will automatically bring you to the configuration screen where it
will ask you for the location of QUAKE.EXE. Type in the drive and path
where QUAKE.EXE can be found (i.e. C:\GAMES\QUAKE) and press ENTER.
It will then ask you if you wish to have QCC "beep to confirm mouse
clicks". This causes QCC to beep out of your computer's speaker when you
click on an "active" area of the screen, such as a button or a text box.
This is handy if you're running QCC in a window under Windows 95 because
the cursor isn't as precise as the one in full screen mode. Press "Y" to
enable these beeps, or "N" to disable them.
After you have configured, Quake Control Center will take you to the main
menu. You can re-configure at any time by pressing "C" at the title screen.
1.1: The Interface.
Quake Control Center features an easy-to-use, mouse-driven interface.
Use the mouse to click on the setting you wish to modify or change.
There are several types of ways in which QCC gets input. They are:
"CHECK BOXES". They look like [ ] or [X]. These are used when you can
select any number of options. For instance, QCC allows you to choose
if you want to have Quad Damage power on startup, God Mode on startup,
and/or Invisible Mode on startup. They are displayed at the bottom the
main menu:
[ ] Quad Damage [ ] Invisible [ ] God Mode
If you decide that you want Quad Damage and God mode, click between the
brackets to check the options. It will look like this:
[X] Quad Damage [ ] Invisible [X] God Mode
If you change you mind later on, just click on a checked button to
de-select it.
"RADIO BUTTONS". They look like ( ) or (). These are used when you
can select one of several options (like a difficulty level). They mark
the option which is currently selected. For instance, the difficulty
selection menu looks like this on startup:
( ) Easy () Normal
( ) Hard ( ) Nightmare
Normal is the default, but if you want to start Quake using a different
difficulty level, all you have to do is click on the difficulty you want to
use. "Normal" is deselected and the character appears next to the new
"INPUT BOX". Looks like a small black box. It is used to get text
information. When you click on an input box, it turns blue and you can
type in it. Hit ENTER to accept, or ESCAPE to cancel and go back to
whatever setting you had.
"BUTTON". Looks like a red square with white text in it. Clicking on
a button may do one of several things.
2.0: The Options.
The Quake Control Center allows you to select many options not directly
supported by Quake. You do so by modifying settings on the main menu.
Here is a representation of the main screen of Quake Control Center, with
parts of it numbered. For a description of a certain part, note the number
placed near it on the diagram, and then look below for the same number along
with a description.
▓ ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ▓▓▓
▓ ║ ( ) Easy () Normal <-1. .->Create Configuration file: DEFAULT.QCC<.║ ░░▓
▓ ║ ( ) Hard ( ) Nightmare <' '2-----------------------------------------'║ ░░▓
▓ ║ ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ () Dimension of the Doomed <--. [ ] Load external map file. <-.║ ░░▓
▓ ║ ( ) The Realm of Black Magic | BASIN.BSP |║ ░░▓
▓ ║ ( ) The Netherworld 3| () Registered CANYON.BSP █|║ ░░▓
▓ ║ ( ) The Elder World |_ ( ) Shareware DEATH.BSP ▒|║ ░░▓
▓ ║ ( ) Deathmatch Arenas/Miscellaneous| DUEL.BSP ▒|║ ░░▓
▓ ║ E1M1: The Slipgate Complex <---' EVISCRTE.BSP |║ ░░▓
▓ ║ <-4║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [X] Axe <-. .-> [ ] Load savegame (right-click to rename)║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [X] Shotgun 25 | | Jimmy Bob (Castle of the Damned) ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Double-Barreled... | |5 Billy Bob (The Dismal Oubliette) █ ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Nailgun 0 6| | Bubba Bob (The Cistern) ▒ ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Perforator | '-> Bobby Bob (The Abandoned Base) ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Grenade Launcher 0 | ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Rocket Launcher | Health (1 - 32767) 100 <-.7 ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Thunderbolt 0 <-' Gravity (0 - 3500) 800 <-'.->Run Quake Now! ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ 8_________________________________________________ |9 () QUAKE.EXE ║ ░░▓
▓ ║ [ ] Quad Damage [ ] Invisible [ ] God Mode <-' '->( ) Q95.BAT ║ ░░▓
▓ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ░░▓
1) SKILL LEVEL: In the upper left of the main menu are four radio buttons,
each representing a difficulty level. Click on the one which corresponds
with the difficulty level you want Quake to be set at when you begin your
2) CREATE CONFIGURATION FILE: Quake Control Center allows you to create
a file containing all the settings you have selected thus far, which you
can then load when you start QCC. This can save time if there are several
settings which you always like to select, because you won't have to manually
select them each time your run QCC. For instance, if your favorite weapon
is the perforator and you always like to start with it in your inventory
along with 255 nails, simply select these options as you normally would
and click on the button labeled "Create Configuration File:". QCC will
create a file called DEFAULT.QCC which contains these settings. If you
wish to have QCC save the file with a different name, simply click the
input box with the contents "DEFAULT.QCC" and type in a name you would
prefer (i.e. MYCONFIG.QCC).
When you want to load a configuration file, simply do it from the
command line. For instance, to start QCC with the configuration file
MYCONFIG.QCC, you would run QCC by typing "QCC -CFG MYCONFIG.QCC"
(without the quotation marks).
NOTE: The configuration (*.QCC) files must be in the same directory as
3) WARP INFORMATION: The Quake Control Center