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AML Function Quick Reference
This Quick Reference lists all AML statements and functions and by
category, including builtin (A.exe), library (Lib.x), and extension
(Ext.aml) functions.
To use the Quick Reference within a macro: move the cursor to a
function name or statement keyword and press <shift f1>. This Quick
Reference can be used in any text file, including the Language
Reference (Language.dox), and the Function Reference (Function.dox).
To transfer to the full AML Function Reference: move the cursor to a
function name or statement keyword in this Quick Reference and press
<shift f2>. Note that most extension functions are not documented in
the Function Reference.
Copyright (C) 1996 by nuText Systems. All rights reserved worldwide.
No parts of this document may be copied in part or in whole, except as
provided in the License in the accompanying documentation.
Language Statements
break // exit loops
case when otherwise / end // complex conditional statement
constant/const // define a constant or constant function
databuf / end // define or add to a data buffer
#exec / #endexec // define compile-time constants/functions
event / end // define an event-handling function
for to/downto step/by / end // indexed loop
forward // declare a function or object symbol
function / end // define a function
#if #elseif #else / #end // conditional compilation
if elseif else / end // conditional statement
if? // short conditional statement
include // include a macro source file
key / end // define a key-handling function
keyword // define syntax highlighting keywords
loop times / end // unconditional loop
menu item / end // define a pull-down or popup menu
menubar item / end // define a menu bar for a window
object // create object / change current object
ref // pass a variable by reference
repeat / until // repeat-until conditional loop
return // return from a function or macro
variable/var // declare a local or global variable
while do / end // while conditional loop
object // create an object or change the current object
builtin functions:
createobject // create an object
destroyobject // destroy an object
destroyvar // destroy a public object variable
function? // test if a public function exists
getcurrobj // get the current (executing) object
geteventobj // get the current event object
inheritkeys // enable/disable key inheritance
lookup // get the value of an public object variable
object? // test if an object exists
objtype? // test object inheritance hierarchy
set // change the value of a public object variable
seteventobj // change the current event object
setfunction // change the definition of a public function
setobjtype // change the inheritance path of an object
settype // change the inheritance path of the current object
variable? // test if a public variable exists
Event Handling:
builtin functions:
call // dispatch an event in the current object
dispatch // wait for and dispatch the next event
endprocess // return from a recursive invocation of the editor
event? // test if one or more events are in the event queue
getcurrobj // get the current (executing) object
geteventcount // get the number of real events
geteventobj // get the current event object
pass // call the current function in a parent object
passprev // call the current function in a preempted object
process // invoke the editor recursively
purgequeue // remove all events from the event queue
queue // add an event to the event queue
queueobject // queue an event to a specific object
send // dispatch an event in the current event object
sendobject // dispatch an event to a specified object
seteventobj // change the current event object
sizequeue // change the event queue size
Macro Compilation and Execution:
builtin functions:
compilemacro // compile a macro source file
eval // evaluate a string as macro source code
geterror // returns error information
getcurrfile // get the current filename being executed or compiled
loadobject // load an object
resident // force a macro to remain resident or terminate
runmacro // execute a compiled macro
seterror // generate a compiler error
extension functions:
askcmacro // prompt to compile a macro source file
askeval // prompt to evaluate a macro expression
askrmacro // prompt to run a compiled macro file
compilemacro2 // compile a macro source file (with messages)
recompile // recompile the editor
runcfg // run a macro in the Cfg\ subdirectory (w/prefix cfg)
runmacro2 // load, execute, and discard a compiled macro
savecfg // save current config variables and recompile
builtin functions:
bin2hex // convert binary strings to hex strings
bin2int // convert a 1, 2, or 4-byte string to an integer
char // convert integers to 1-byte strings
char2 // convert integers to 2-byte strings
char4 // convert integers to 4-byte strings
concat // concatenate strings together
copystr // duplicate a string one or more times
flipcase // toggle the case of each character in a string
hex2bin // convert hex strings to binary strings
icompare // test strings for equality, ignoring case
joinstr // combine strings into a 'multistring'
locase // convert a string to lower case
parse // parse substrings (or substring positions) into variables
pos // search for a string within another string
poschar // search for a character class in string
posnot // search for ~character class in string
splitstr // split a 'multistring' into substrings
sub // replace a substring within another string
thousands // convert a number to a thousands-separated string
upcase // convert a string to upper case
builtin functions:
arg // access function arguments
array // create an array
array? // test if an array exists
base // convert a number to a string in a new base
beep // beep the PC speaker
delay // suspend execution of a macro
eval // evaluate a string as macro source code
halt // exit to Dos immediately
machine // execute machine-level code
peek // return a copy of a Dos memory area
poke // modify a Dos memory area
rand // generate a random number
system // execute a Dos program
databuf // define or add to a data buffer
builtin functions:
actualcol // get the actual column for an apparent column
actualrow // get the actual row over an apparent d