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User Tips
This file contains a few miscellaneous Aurora user tips which you may
wish to review. For complete documentation on how to install and use
Aurora, see the Users Guide (User.dox). Note that any key definitions
shown here are the Aurora-style defaults.
Basic Configuration
The editor should always be installed in an empty directory. Never
mix files from different editor versions.
Whenever you make a change to any of the editor configuration files
(such as Config.aml, Kbd.aml, Menu.aml, etc.), you must execute the
'recompile' command ('Recompile the editor' <alt f2> on the Set menu)
for your changes to take effect.
If you prefer to start Aurora by another name, you can simply rename
the file A.exe to whatever you wish (such as E.exe). Do not rename
any other files distributed with the editor.
You can re-install Aurora by selecting Full Installation from the
Macro List on the Macro menu.
The Keyboard
When adding new key definitions to Kbd.aml, be sure to place each
definition in the appropriate 'object' for the window in which you
would like the key to be active. For most editing key definitions,
this will be the 'edit' object.
If you have added or changed keyboard definitions, you will probably
also want to change any Menu definitions which show the old keys.
To prevent the editor from using the keypad <grey/>, <grey*>,
<grey->, and <grey+> keys as function keys, remove option 'g' from
'kbdoptions' in System.aml.
To execute a key or macro function from the Dos command line, use the
'-e' command line option. Key or event names must be enclosed in
double quotes. For example:
C>a -emymacro
// executes the function 'mymacro' after the editor is started
C>a -e"<shift f1>" -e"<alt =>"
// simulates <shift f1>, <alt => after the editor is started
The Mouse
If scrolling is too fast when using the mouse, change the Scroll
Delay on the Mouse Options dialog box to a higher value.
To hide the mouse pointer whenever a key pressed, change the
appropriate option on the Mouse Options dialog box.
The Menus
If part of a pull-down menu is displayed off the edge of the screen,
use the mouse to grab the menu border and drag the menu to a better
To hide the menu bar so that it is only displayed when <esc> or the
right mouse button is pressed, remove the menu bar on the Window
Style 1 dialog box.
The Ascii Chart <alt => can be displayed from within a prompt and
used to enter any character. The Enter Literal <ctrl [> command can
also be used to enter any character in a prompt. In addition, you can
enter any character by holding down the <alt> key, then entering the
decimal Ascii value of the character on the keypad, and then
releasing the <alt> key.
Use <pgup> or <pgdn> within a prompt, or click on the prompt retrieve
tab () to display a popup menu of all prompt history. You can copy a
string from the menu to the prompt by pressing the <enter> key or the
left mouse button.
Use the Prompt Style command on the Window menu to sample the four
editor prompt styles. Select Save Configuration on the Set menu to
make the current style the default prompt style.
To move the cursor a relative number of lines away from the current
position in the Go To Line <ctrl j> prompt, specify '+' or '-' before
the line number.
The Macro Expression prompt <ctrl v> on the Macro menu can be used as
a command line calculator, since the macro language compiler and
interpreter are available at this prompt. For example:
Macro Expression> say 1 + 2 + 30 - 40 <enter>
// displays -7
Macro Expression> msgbox (4 * 15) mod 7 <enter>
// displays 4 in a message box
Macro Expression> write 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 <enter>
// enters the string '11' at the cursor
The Desktop
You can prevent windows from remembering their sizes, cursor
positions, and settings by checking the appropriate options on
Desktop Options dialog box.
To use the existing Dos screen as the editor background when the
editor is started, change the Background Fill String to '' (null) on
the Video Options dialog box.
If your video card supports special video modes such as 132 x 43, you
can use these video modes within the editor by setting the Rows and
Columns to 'Dos' on the Video Options dialog box. Then select Save
Configuration on the Set menu, exit the editor, and set the desired
video mode in Dos before re-starting the editor.
Enter the 'showentry' command in the Macro Expression prompt to
display the screen as it appeared in Dos before the editor was
Syntax Highlighting
Syntax highlighting definitions are located in the Syn\ directory.
If you are using syntax highlighting with multi-line comments in your
program source code, you may wish to increase the number of lines to
scan backward in the appropriate syntax definition file in the Syn\
directory. Note however, that this may decrease scrolling performance
for highlighted files.
The Hilite Word <ctrl \> command highlights all occurrences of the
word at the cursor. This can be very useful for finding instances of
a word in a document, or marking occurrences of variables, functions,
or other identifiers in your program source code.
Individual keywords can be highlighted in colors other than the
default keyword color by treating the keyword as a public object
variable and assigning it the desired color attribute. For example,
in Syntax.aml:
: // end of keyword list
_if = color brightred on blue
_else = color yellow on blue
To erase all of your existing prompt history, window positions, etc.,
simply delete Default.prj after you have exited the editor.
Do not attempt to manually update the file Default.prj. This file is
automatically updated by the editor during normal usage.
The File Manager
To open a file manager window for the current directory from the Dos
command line, enter 'a .'.
To open a file from the file manager while also closing the file
manager window, use <ctrl enter>, or check the option 'Quit on Open'
on the file manager options dialog box.
To locate a filename within the file manager or a file picklist,
enter the first few characters of the desired filename until the
cursor is positioned at the file. To locate a directory, enter a
backslash character (\) before the first letter.
To create a separate file manager window from a directory in the file
manager, use <shift o>.
To display the amount of disk space used by an entire directory and
all subdirectories, use the Statistics command on the Command menu.
To generate a file manager listing of all files in all directories on
the D drive, run the Where macro and and specify a filespec of
'D:\*.*'. To generate a listing of all files on your computer, run
Where with a filespec of '*.*' (Warning: these filespecs may generate
listings with tens of thousands of files, which may take some time to
To display Windows/95 long names in the file manager, set the format
to Variable on the File Manager options dialog box.
To make more room for long names in the file manager, configure the
time to be displayed without seconds (International Options dialog
box), and the file size to be displayed in 1k increments (File
Manager Options dialog box).
Opening Files
To open a file from the Dos command line and place the cursor on a
specific line, enter the option 'l' followed by the line number. For
C>a myfile.txt/l253
// opens 'myfile.txt' and