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- This digitally compiled map includes petroleum geology, geologic provinces, and oil
- and gas fields of South Asia. The map is part of a worldwide series released by the
- U. S. Geological Survey World Energy Project. The goal of the project is to assess the
- undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas resources of the world and report
- these results by the year 2000. For data management purposes the world was divided
- into eight energy regions corresponding approximately to the economic regions of the
- world as defined by the U.S. Department of State. South Asia (Region 8) is represented
- on this CD-ROM (see Reference Map), and includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
- India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
- Each region was then further divided into geologic provinces on the basis of natural
- geologic entities and may include a dominant structural element or a number of
- contiguous elements. Some provinces contain multiple genetically related basins.
- Geologic province boundaries for South Asia were delineated using data from UNESCO
- geologic maps, and other tectonic and geographic data (see Selected References).
- Offshore province boundaries were defined by the 2000 meter bathymetric contour from
- the UNESCO geologic maps (see References). Each province was assigned a unique
- number; the first digit is the region number. An attempt was made to number the
- provinces in geographical groups; onshore, offshore, and combined on and offshore.
- In South Asia, the numbering starts in the west.
- Oil and gas field data from Petroconsultants International Corporation worldwide oil and
- gas field database were allocated to these provinces. The geologic provinces are being
- further subdivided into petroleum systems and assessment units in order to appraise the
- undiscovered petroleum potential of selected provinces of the world. For a more in-depth
- discussion of the geologic provinces and their relative ranking in terms of total known
- petroleum volume, see Klett and others, 1997.
- This map for South Asia was compiled and synthesized primarily from the UNESCO, 1976
- and 1990, geologic maps of South and East Asia, 1:10,000,000 and 1:5,000,000 scales
- respectively. Specific details of the data sources are given in the metadata file on
- this CD-ROM. Geologic units were combined to simplify the map and to maintain
- consistency with other maps of the series. Precambrian rocks are undivided. Paleozoic,
- Mesozoic, and Cenozoic rocks have been combined in many cases (see Explanation). Oil
- and gas field markers represent field centerpoints published with permission from
- Petroconsultants International Data Corp., 1996 database.
- This map was compiled using Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)
- ARC/INFO and ArcPlot softwares. Political boundaries and cartographic representations
- on this map were taken, with permission, from ESRI's ArcWorld 1:3 million digital
- coverage, have no political significance, and are displayed as general reference only.