Labels:text | font | number | black and white | paper | screenshot | handwriting | document OCR: HARDWARE and SOFTWARE used to create TV-ROM Too. SOFTWARE LICENSE GETTING STARTED As a registered owner of the TV-ROM Make sure your system meets the Optimal Configuration: orBoard 364, Kodak's Photo CD, La- Too, you can use the contents of TV- "Minimum system requirements" Macintosh Centris 650 8/230, Raster- Cie's SilverScan, misc. VHS, VHS-C, ROM Too to enhance your printed or printed on the outside of this package. Ops MediaTime board with MoviePak and Video8 video sources. digital materials without paying any daughterboard, FWB Hammer 1.2 GB additional licensing fees. Insert the CD in your CD-ROM external hard drive, SONY CVD-1000 Additional Software: drive. You should see the purple TV- V-deck, and Adobe's Premiere 3.0 Apple's ConvertToMovie, Movie Con- If you use the content, please credit ROM Too icon, and a window with Frugal Configuration: verter, MovieShop, Movie Analyzer, BMUG's TV-ROM Too as the source. several icons and folders on your Macintosh IIci 20/230, SuperMac Vid- ComboWalker, PICT Compressor, Also, certain images/movies are the ar- screen. If you don't see the icon and eoSpigot, Macromedia MacRecorder MovieMaking Stack, Movie Recorder, tistic expression of specific artists. window, check the directions for your audio digitizer, Peripheral Land Inc. MoviePlayer, ResEdit, Disk First Aid & They have given their permission for particular CD-ROM drive to ensure 645 MB Turbo external hard drive, of course, the QuickTime extension you to use these clips. We ask that that you are using it correctly. SONY CDC V-801 Hi8 camcorder, and Adobe's Photoshop and Illustrator you acknowledge their work. Artists' SuperMac's ScreenPlay Vision Software's CameraMan · Base- names and how to contact them can Copy QuickTime to your Exten- line Publishing's Spectator . be found in the MooV Library and sions Folder, which is in your System Alternative Configuration: Gryphon's Morph . Delta Tao's Mon- PICT Library stacks. Folder and restart your computer. Macintosh Centris 650 8/230, Radius et . HATNET's VideoParadise . Stack- (Skip this step if you have QuickTime VideoVision, PLI 1.2 GB external hard ToPICSFile . Aldus's Fetch and Super- The contents of TV-ROM Too may not 1.6 or later installed.) drive, SONY CVD-1000 V-deck, and Paint · Claris's HyperCard and Quick- be duplicated or manipulated for re- HATNET's QT-Paradise Time Toolkit . RasterOps MediaGrab- sale in the form of a clip art collec- Double-click the START HERE docu- ber . Macromedia's SoundEdit Pro tion, film or digital media library. ment to open it. Additional Hardware: Symantec's Norton Utilities . Fifth However, you can contact BMUG for APS 1.3GB DAT drive for backup, Mac- Generation Systems' Public Utilities more information on distribution. HAVE FUN! intosh II 8/40, DPI 44MB Syquest for Macintosh . Dantz's Retrospect drive, Apple CDSC Plus & NEC CDR- FWB's Hard Disk Toolkit 36M CD-ROM drives, RasterOps Col- TV-ROM, TV-ROM Too and BMUG are trademarks of BMUG, Inc. Software, interface, packaging, materials, and disc contents Copyright @ 1993 by BMUG Inc. All rights reserved. QuickTime, MoviePlayer, Sound Manager, and HyperCard are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. used under license. HyperCard QuickTime XCMD @ Claris Corporation, used under license. FileCopy XCMD, @ Frederic RINALDI 1990 ... 1992, used by permission and licensed by the author. All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.