Borland Programmer's Resource
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Assembly Source File
209 lines
include vkwin.inc
include vkoem.inc
memM = 1
?WIN = 0
?PLM = 0
include cmacros.inc
sBegin DATA
public _CTable
_CTable label byte
CyrTable label byte
; AsciiTable
DB VK_CANCEL , 03h, 03h, 57
DB VK_BACK , 08h, 08h, 57
DB VK_TAB , 09h, -1, 57
DB VK_RETURN , 0dh, 0dh, 57
DB VK_ESCAPE , 01bh, 01bh, 57
DB VK_SPACE , ' ', ' ', 57
DB VK_EXECUTE, 0dh, 0dh, 57
DB VK_0 , '0', ')', 11
DB VK_1 , '1', '!', 2
DB VK_2 , '2', '"', 3
DB VK_3 , '3', 167, 4
DB VK_4 , '4', '$', 5
DB VK_5 , '5', ':', 6
DB VK_6 , '6', ',', 7
DB VK_7 , '7', '.', 8
DB VK_8 , '8', ';', 9
DB VK_9 , '9', '(', 10
DB VK_A , 0f4h, 0d4h, 30
DB VK_B , 0e8h, 0c8h, 48
DB VK_C , 0f1h, 0d1h, 46
DB VK_D , 0e2h, 0c2h, 32
DB VK_E , 0f3h, 0d3h, 18
DB VK_F , 0e0h, 0c0h, 33
DB VK_G , 0efh, 0cfh, 34
DB VK_H , 0f0h, 0d0h, 35
DB VK_I , 0f8h, 0d8h, 23
DB VK_J , 0eeh, 0ceh, 36
DB VK_K , 0ebh, 0cbh, 37
DB VK_L , 0e4h, 0c4h, 38
DB VK_M , 0fch, 0dch, 50
DB VK_N , 0f2h, 0d2h, 49
DB VK_O , 0f9h, 0d9h, 24
DB VK_P , 0e7h, 0c7h, 25
DB VK_Q , 0e9h, 0c9h, 16
DB VK_R , 0eah, 0cah, 19
DB VK_S , 0fbh, 0dbh, 31
DB VK_T , 0e5h, 0c5h, 20
DB VK_U , 0e3h, 0c3h, 22
DB VK_V , 0ech, 0cch, 47
DB VK_W , 0f6h, 0d6h, 17
DB VK_X , 0f7h, 0d7h, 45
DB VK_Y , 0edh, 0cdh, 21
DB VK_Z , 0ffh, 0dfh, 44
DB VK_NUMPAD0, '0', '0', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD1, '1', '1', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD2, '2', '2', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD3, '3', '3', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD4, '4', '4', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD5, '5', '5', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD6, '6', '6', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD7, '7', '7', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD8, '8', '8', 57
DB VK_NUMPAD9, '9', '9', 57
DB VK_MULTIPLY, '*', '*', 57
DB VK_SUBTRACT, '-', '-', 57
DB VK_ADD , '+', '+', 57
DB VK_DECIMAL, 0feh, 0deh, 52 ; 57
DB VK_DIVIDE , '/', '/', 57
DB VK_OEM_1 , 0e6h, 0c6h, 39 ; 57
DB VK_OEM_2 , '/', '?', 53
DB VK_OEM_7 , 0fdh, 0ddh, 40 ; 57
DB VK_OEM_4 , 0f5h, 0d5h, 26 ; 57
DB VK_OEM_5 , '\', '|', 43
DB VK_OEM_6 , 0fah, 0dah, 27 ; 57
; DB VK_OEM_3 , '`', '~', 41
DB VK_OEM_3 , 191, 161, 57
DB VK_OEM_8 , -1, -1, 13
DB VK_OEM_PLUS , '=', '+', 51
DB VK_OEM_COMMA, 0e1h, 0c1h, 12
DB VK_OEM_MINUS, '-', '_', 52
DB VK_OEM_PERIOD, 0feh, 0deh, 57
DB VK_OEM_102, '/', '?', 0 ; -1
DB -1, '/', '?', -1
CyrTableEnd equ $-CyrTable
CyrCapitalTable label byte
DB VK_DECIMAL, 0deh ; ε
DB VK_OEM_1 , 0c6h ; ª
DB VK_OEM_7 , 0ddh ; φ
DB VK_OEM_4 , 0d5h ; σ
DB VK_OEM_6 , 0dah ; Ω
DB VK_OEM_COMMA, 0c1h ; í
DB VK_OEM_PERIOD, 0deh ; ε
CyrCapitalTableEnd label byte
sBegin CODE
assumes cs, CODE
assumes ds, DATA
cProc CyrLoad, <PUBLIC>
ParmW d
ParmW i
mov bx, offset CyrTable
add bx, i
mov al, byte ptr d
mov [bx], al
; cProc CyrTrs, <PUBLIC>
; parmW vk_key
; parmW shift
; parmW caps
; cBegin
; mov bx, vk_key
; mov si, offset CyrTable
;find_vk : mov al, [si]
; cmp al, -1
; je find_ok
; cmp al, bl
; je find_ok
; add si, 4
; jmp short find_vk
;find_ok : cmp shift, 0 ; is shift key pressed ?
; je nosh
; cmp caps, 0 ; is caps key toggled ?
; je shifts
; jmp short capssh
;nosh : cmp caps, 0
; je normal
; jmp capss
;normal : jmp short CyrTrsDone
;shifts : inc si
; jmp short CyrTrsDone
;capssh : cmp bl, VK_0
; jl noact
; cmp bl, VK_9
; jg noact
; inc si
; jmp short CyrTrsDone
;noact : jmp short CyrTrsDone
;capss : cmp bl, VK_0
; jl noactc
; cmp bl, VK_9
; jg noactc
; jmp short CyrTrsDone
;noactc : inc si
;CyrTrsDone: inc si
; mov al, byte ptr [si]
; xor ah, ah
; cEnd
; New TRS function:
cProc CyrNewTrs, <PUBLIC>
parmW vk_key
parmW shift
parmW caps
mov bl, BYTE PTR vk_key
mov si, offset CyrTable
inc si
inc si
inc si
find_vk : mov al, BYTE PTR [si]
cmp al, 0
je find_ok
cmp al, bl
je find_ok
add si, 4
jmp short find_vk
find_ok : dec si
dec si
dec si
cmp shift, 0 ; is shift key pressed ?
je nosh
cmp caps, 0 ; is caps key toggled ?
je shifts
jmp short capssh
nosh : cmp caps, 0
je normal
jmp capss
normal : jmp short CyrTrsDone
shifts : inc si
jmp short CyrTrsDone ; DMY - Mufel !
capssh : cmp bl, 2 ; Scan code of '1'
jl noact ;
cmp bl, 11 ; Scan code of '0'
jg noact
inc si
jmp short CyrTrsDone
noact : jmp short CyrTrsDone ; DMY - Mufel !
capss : cmp bl, 2 ; Scan code of '1'
jl noactc ;
cmp bl, 11 ; Scan code of '0'
jg noactc
jmp short CyrTrsDone
noactc : inc si
CyrTrsDone: inc si
mov al, byte ptr [si]
xor ah, ah