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// AbasicA 1.00.00 9/12/93
#include "windows.h" // All Windows programs must include this
#include "AbasicA.h" // This is our private header file
HANDLE hKeyTranslatorTable; // This is the handle for what Windows calls ACCELERATORS
HANDLE hInst; // This handle is to make a copy of hInstance for our use
int PASCAL WinMain(hInstance,hPrevInstance,lpCmdLine,nCmdShow) // Every program must have one of these
HANDLE hInstance; // This is the handle of the CURRENT instance of the program
HANDLE hPrevInstance; // This is the handle of the LAST instance of the program
LPSTR lpCmdLine; // This is a pointer to the command line string
int nCmdShow; // This tells how the user wanted the program to start the window
{ MSG msg; // This is the variable that will hold the window's message
HWND hwnd; // This is the variable that will hold the window's handle
if ( !hPrevInstance ) { // If there is NOT a previous instance, register the window's class
WNDCLASS wc; // Variable to hold the window's class info
wc.style = 0; // Set initial window style
wc.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc; // Set where WinMain's messages get dispatched to
wc.cbClsExtra = 0; // Class extra storage if you need it
wc.cbWndExtra = 0; // window extra if you need it
wc.hInstance = hInstance; // Tells Windows what Instance is registering this window's class
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon ( hInstance,"MYICON" ); // Load an icon to use
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor ( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); // Load a cursor to use
wc.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); // Load a brush to paint the background
wc.lpszMenuName = "AbasicAMenu"; // Load a menu to use
wc.lpszClassName = "AbasicAWClass"; // What we will call our window's class
if(!RegisterClass(&wc)) // If the class doesn't register right for ant reason
return(FALSE);} // Exit and tell Windows to blow it all away
hInst = hInstance; // Make a copy of hInstance
hKeyTranslatorTable = LoadAccelerators(hInst,"AbasicAAcc"); // Load our key translator table
// Then create our main window
hwnd = CreateWindow("AbasicAWClass", "AbasicA", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 300, 300, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
if(!hwnd) // If creating the window fails
return(FALSE); // Exit and tell Windows to blow it all away
ShowWindow(hwnd,nCmdShow); // Now show the window
UpdateWindow(hwnd); // Update it in case something changed
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)){ // Go get a message from Windows
if(!TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, hKeyTranslatorTable, &msg)){ // If NOT a translated message
TranslateMessage(&msg); // Do local translation if any
DispatchMessage(&msg);}} // Then dispatch it to WinMainProc
return(msg.wParam);} // And send the wParam back to Windows
long FAR PASCAL MainWndProc ( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) // This is where your program does it's work
// By acting on Windows events
HWND hWnd; // Variable to hold the window's handle (can be one or many)
UINT message; // Variable to hold the message
WPARAM wParam; // Variable to hold the word paramerter (32 bits in NT)
LPARAM lParam; // Variable to hold the long paramerter
{ FARPROC lpProcAbout; // Variable to hold the pointer to the about routine
switch ( message ) { // Switch the message to check it against our choices
case WM_COMMAND : // If it is a COMMAND message
switch (LOWORD(wParam)){ // Switch it to check it against our commands
case IDM_ABOUT : // If the user clicked ABOUT
lpProcAbout = MakeProcInstance (About, hInst); // Have Windows load code and give us a pointer
DialogBox (hInst, "AboutBox", hWnd, lpProcAbout); // Have Windows display the dialog box
FreeProcInstance (lpProcAbout); // When done have Windows discard it
break; // break stop code execution here
case IDM_EXIT : // If the user clicked EXIT
DestroyWindow ( hWnd ) ; // Tell Windows to destroy the window
break ; // break ...
default : // If what the user did a command we don't handle
return ( DefWindowProc ( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) ) ; } // Send it back to Windows
return (0); // If the program gets here something bad happened
case WM_CLOSE : // User clicked on the CLOSE in the COMMAND MENU
DestroyWindow ( hWnd ) ; // Tell Windows to destroy the window
break ;
case WM_DESTROY : // After destroting the window Windows send this
PostQuitMessage ( 0 ) ; // before it destroys our code here
break ; // If that is what we want, we return a 0
default : // If the user did something we don't handle
return ( DefWindowProc ( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) ) ; } // Send the message back to Windows
return ( 0 ) ;} // If it gets here we destroy the thing
BOOL FAR PASCAL About ( hDlg, message, wParam, lParam ) // The about box code
HWND hDlg ; // This doesn't do much
unsigned message ; // A message box would do just as well
WORD wParam ; // But the about box is always added to samples
LONG lParam ; // As an example of how your program should
{ switch ( message ) { // Handle dialog boxes in general
case WM_INITDIALOG : // When Windows fires up a dialog box
return ( TRUE ) ; // It sends a INIT message so you do special setup
case WM_COMMAND : // This works the same as commands
if ( wParam == IDOK || wParam == IDCANCEL ) { // In your main window
EndDialog( hDlg, TRUE ) ; // You handle the responses
return ( TRUE ) ; } // That you want to here
return ( TRUE ) ; } // OK and CANCEL are it for this one
return ( FALSE ) ;}