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SOS - Stan's Own Server
A NFS file server for the IBM PC
See-Mong Tan, Harvard Holmes, Craig Eades
Computer Science Research Department
Information and Computing Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720
SOS is a file server written to run on the
IBM PC or compatibles. It conforms to Sun
Microsystem's Network File System (NFS) protocol
version 2. This paper discusses the SOS implemen-
tation and includes notes on portability, for pro-
grammers who wish to understand or modify it.
_1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n
In general, a network of workstations provide more com-
puting power than a standalone mainframe does. Personal
computers, however, face the problem of file storage and
sharing, since some machines often do not have local disks
attached (e.g. Sun 3/50s), while files needed by different
users must be transferred from one machine to another, by
some program such as ftp. This method of file sharing is at
best still cumbersome.
Sun Microsystem's introduction of NFS, the Network File
System, is designed to provide transparent access and shar-
ing of files over a network. In essence, files exist on the
locally attached storage device of a machine called the _f_i_l_e
_s_e_r_v_e_r, whose job is to accept requests for operations on
files from the other machines on the network, called the
_c_l_i_e_n_t_s. The clients _m_o_u_n_t filesystems on the server. A
filesystem is a directory on the server. The _m_o_u_n_t _p_o_i_n_t on
the client is the directory at which the client chooses to
substitute for the server directory. Any operations on
files below the mount point are trapped by the operating
system and mapped into appropriate requests to the server.
Sun Microsystem's has also recently introduced PC-NFS[1].
PC-NFS allows IBM PC's or compatibles with ethernet inter-
faces to become NFS clients on the network.
[1] PC-NFS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
August 17, 1988
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We have designed a file server conforming to the NFS
protocol (version 2), that runs on the IBM PC. This allows
a dedicated PC to perform a task otherwise required of a Sun
workstation running NFS in kernel, or a VAX running a user-
level NFS daemon. The original project intended for a PC to
serve files from an optical disk to a heterogeneous network
of Suns and PCs (with PC-NFS) as clients.
_2. _M_a_n_a_g_i_n_g _C_o_n_c_u_r_r_e_n_c_y
The Sun NFS server consists of three different
processes running concurrently. There is the mount daemon,
port mapper and the server daemon proper.
The mount daemon handles requests from a client for a
filesystem directory to be mounted. If the request is
valid, the mount daemon hands back to the client a _f_i_l_e _h_a_n_-
_d_l_e. The file handle contains context information, and the
client must use it in further transactions with the server
daemon. The handle is opaque and varies from server to
The server daemon performs requested file operations
such as reading and writing files, and reading of direc-
The port mapper always exists at a well known port,
PMAPPORT, which is equal to 111. The server and mount dae-
mons can theoretically be bound to any port, and the port
mapper will answer queries from client machines regarding
the port numbers of the other two daemons. In version 2 of
the NFS protocol however, the server is expected to be bound
to port 2049. Clients do not query the port mapper for the
NFS port. This is a bug in the protocol which Sun Microsys-
tem claims it will fix in the near future.
MS-DOS does not allow concurrent processes. SOS
includes both port mapper and mount programs together with
the server. Calls to these are by necessity sequential, not
parallel. Since port mapper and mount requests are infre-
quent compared to NFS requests, this does not seriously
hamper the server's performance.
_3. _F_i_l_e _H_a_n_d_l_e_s _a_n_d _I_n_o_d_e_s
Between a client and the server, a file is identified
by a _f_i_l_e _h_a_n_d_l_e. NFS protocol specifies the length of a
file handle to be 32 bytes. In the Unix[2] implementation,
the file handle contains (among other things) the inode
number of the file.
[2] Unix is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.
August 17, 1988
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MS-DOS does not explicitly support index nodes
(inodes). Access to a file is almost completely path
driven. Since the file handle must be only 32 bytes long,
it is impractical to stuff the path name into the handle. A
32 byte long path would only allow the shallowest directory
trees. Thus, SOS has an artificial inode interface to the
files on disk. It assigns inode numbers to files as
requests arrive for it to lookup or read. An image of the
filesystem tree is built in memory, and a file's path name
is reconstructed from its inode number by referring to the
filesystem tree.
Since the inode numbers are artificial, they would not
be preserved if the server crashes or is interrupted.
Instead, the server writes to a file ("_i_n_o_d_e._d_m_p") the path
names of the files it had assigned inodes to. SOS will read
and reconstruct the filesystem tree from both the export
file and the inode dump file when it is next started up.
This means that SOS is not really stateless, because it must
preserve assigned inode numbers from one invocation to the
_4. _M_S-_D_O_S _C_o_n_s_t_r_a_i_n_t_s
MS-DOS was not designed for a multi-user system. Unix
file attributes are inherently richer than can be put into
an MS-DOS directory.
All files in an exported SOS filesystem are tagged
owned by the superuser (user id of 0). Further reflecting
MS-DOS, files can exist in only three modes: a directory
(global read, write and execute), a normal file, which is
globally readable, writeable and executable, and a read only
file, which is a normal file sans write permission.
This means that certain attributes cannot be set in
exported files; for example, chown(1) will not work at all,
and chmod(1) will only affect write access.
_5. _R_P_C/_X_D_R _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e
RPC and XDR stand for Remote Procedure Call and Exter-
nal Data Representation respectively. RPC is a convention
for calling remote procedures. A server program is identi-
fied by its program number and version number. Each pro-
cedure within a program is represented by a procedure
number. For example, the read procedure in a NFS server is
identified by this triple: 100003 (program number), 2 (ver-
sion number), 6 (procedure number). A client wishing to
read a particular file would send a request to the server in
the form of the previous identifying triple, followed by the
file's file handle. In order to decipher what is sent over
the wire, both servers and clients use the XDR routines.
XDR encodes and decodes data sent over the network in a
August 17, 1988
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format not dependent on each machine's architecture.
Sun NFS runs on an RPC/XDR interface. We ported the
public domain Sun server side RPC and XDR code to the PC.
Only a few minor changes were made. One was allowing the
procedure svcudp_create() to take two arguments, the second
of which specifies whether to use a large (8800 byte) UDP
send and receive buffer, or to use a small (400 byte)
buffer. The port mapper and mount daemon use the small
sized version, and the server daemon uses the large sized
buffer. Also, the ported RPC procedures do not register
services with the port mapper. The SOS port mapper knows of
only two service ports, the mount daemon port and the server
daemon port, which are compiled into SOS.
Only datagrams are used in SOS; the TCP interface was
not moved. This mainly affects the port mapper. It cannot
receive TCP requests.
_6. _I_P_C _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e
The project used a PC attached to the net with an
Excelan EXOS card.
The Excelan EXOS package provided a socket interface
quite similar to 4.2 BSD UNIX. A seperate module was writ-
ten on top of the Excelan library ("_s_o_c_k._c"). This
abstracts the socket interface which the rest of the program
sees from Excelan specific details. Portability in the
future to a different ethernet card will simply consist of
rewriting this module in concert with the new library pro-
_7. _S_o_m_e _D_i_f_f_i_c_u_l_t_i_e_s _E_n_c_o_u_n_t_e_r_e_d
Before we moved development to a PC with an Excelan
ethernet card, we tried to write the server on another
machine running PC-NFS. PC-NFS provides a very congenial
environment for writing a server. The toolkit provides XDR
routines and client side RPC routines, as well as a good 4.2
BSD Unix socket and networking interface. Unfortunately,
PC-NFS uses the local port number 2049 for its own transac-
tions. In NFS protocol version 2, port 2049 is the de facto
NFS port, and clients do not query the port mapper for the
port number of the server. This means that any PC-NFS
client cannot also be a server. We were forced to abandon
this approach and use a PC with an Excelan card and Excelan
software instead.
_8. _S_e_r_v_e_r _P_e_r_f_o_r_m_a_n_c_e
Some informal timings of server performance were done.
We compared the speeds taken to access a large file by
several different clients, from both a Sun 3/280 server and
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a PC running SOS. The reference SOS configuration was an
IBM PC with a hard disk drive[3].
The Sun runs at 25 MHz with twenty times the bandwidth
of the 4.77 MHz IBM PC. On the average, SOS on a PC was
about nine times slower than the Sun, with a PC as a client.
With a Sun client, SOS was some seventy times slower. The
table below shows transfer rates in kilobytes per second.
Transfer rates in kilobytes per second
Clients PC (SOS) VAX (11/785) Sun (3/280)
IBM PC 4.2 14.4 36.0
Compaq 386 4.4 17.7 125.9
Sun 3/60 2.9 100.7 220.0
Note that the performance of the Sun client with the PC
server is not as good compared to the PC and 386 clients.
This irregularity is explained by the fact that the Sun
client tends to time out before the PC server's reply, hence
causing a double read request to be sent out.
Running the server in verbose mode (where the server
advises of all incoming requests) slowed performance by
about two-thirds. Running the server with files accessed
from a virtual disk (RAM disk) created in memory gained a
20% increase in performance.
_9. _I_m_p_r_o_v_e_m_e_n_t_s
The port mapper and mount daemons are incomplete.
Clients currently cannot dump listings of ports or exported
filesytems from the server.
The inode interface is inelegant. A better scheme
would be to use the starting cluster numbers of files on
disk to serve as inode numbers. We suspect that this would
involve quite some work.
_1_0. _A_c_k_n_o_w_l_e_d_g_e_m_e_n_t_s
Fred Gey's generosity in loaning us his PC for SOS's
development over one summer is greatly appreciated. Thanks
to David Robertson for his bug free host to network and net-
work to host data conversion procedures. We are also grate-
ful to Bill Johnston for his help in troubleshooting PC-
NFS's perculiarities.
[3] We used a Microcode 20 Megabyte hard drive.
August 17, 1988
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_1_1. _C_o_m_m_e_n_t_s
Bugs and comments should be sent to:
stan@lbl-csam.arpa, stan@lbl-csam.lbl.doe.gov, lbl-csam.arpa!stan
August 17, 1988