Labels:text | publication | printing OCR: BLE RELATED GAMES . BIBLI BRIDGESTONE BIBLEWARE E · Bible Games · Bible Studies · Sermons . Reference Study Tools Bible Search · Educational Titles . Translations ... and more! Bridgestone Multimedia Group is proud to present BibleWare", a collection of Bible related programs that is sure to be enjoyed by everyone from age 3 to adult, The Bible Ware" CD-ROM contains over 140 titles including 3400 files resulting in more than 250 megabytes of high quality software. Our goals are to equip you with valuable resources that enhance Bible study and to include those titles that will provide a source of positive entertainment for hours! This CD-ROM contains freeware, shareware, copyrighted programs and files. System Requirements vary, including: Win95, Win3.x, DOS, Sound Card, Mouse, VGA, SVGA. PC FMCMXCVI Bridgestone Multimedia Group + ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ISBN 1-56371-303-9 602) 940-5777 . FAX (602) 940-8924 Bridgestone Multimedia Group 300 North McKemy Avenue EREI Chandler, Arizona 85226 F /0 95163-96503 7