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Bridgestone BibleWare - Bible Study
godsword God's Word for Windows & Plugins
ss95 SwordSearcher Bible Search Program
winbible WinBible for Windows (Different Versions)
acts410.exe DOS Study of acts of the Apostles (nice graphical maps)
arkz.exe DOS Bible study on the Ark of the Covenant (graphical)
basics.exe TXT Christian Basics. Foundational Bible study
bblnx10.exe W95 BibleNexus - Bible search prgram for Windows 95/NT. This
evaluation version does not have the entire Bible text
included. Uses King James Version of the Bible.
bcomp510.exe DOS Bible Companion. Great study and reference guide
bibhelp.exe DOS Bible Help. Scripture references for various Bible topics
biblent.exe W95 BibleNT - A New Testament King James Bible display program
for Windows95/NT
bka1.exe WIN The Incredible Bible - Bible Knowledge Accelerator format
bka2.exe WIN Old Testament Stories - Bible Knowledge Accelerator format
bka37.exe WIN The Hebrew Language - Bible Knowledge Accelerator format
bka5.exe WIN Life of Jesus - Bible Knowledge Accelerator format
deluxent.exe WIN Deluxe New Testament for Windows - Bible search program
gospel22.exe DOS Gospel Parallels. Displays same verse in the four gospels
guibible.exe DOS A Soft Word 2.21 - Graphical Bible for DOS. Displays the
KJV New Testament
israel20.exe DOS Israel, The Land of Promise - Tour of the Bible locations
and history of Israel w/ graphic maps
kjv110.exe DOS KJ Vocabulary. KJ vocabulary study.
morneven.exe TXT C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Daily Bible study
mvers341.exe DOS Memory Verse. Help with memorizing scripture verses
puzpas1.exe WIN Puzzling Passages 1.01 Helps understand difficult verses
qmemgk1a.exe WIN Quick Mem Greek. Helps you learn New Testament Greek