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381 lines
Introduction │ │ │ 1:1-4 │ 1:1-11
The genealogy of Jesus │ 1:1-17 │ │ 3:23-38 │
Birth of John announced to Zacharias │ │ │ 1:5-25 │
Birth of Jesus announced to Mary │ │ │ 1:26-38 │
Mary visits Elizabeth │ │ │ 1:39-56 │
John the baptizer is born │ │ │ 1:57-80 │
An angel appears to Joseph │ 1:18-25 │ │ │
Birth of Jesus │ │ │ 2:1-7 │
Angels' announcement to shepherds │ │ │ 2:8-20 │
Circumcision of Jesus │ │ │ 2:21-38 │
Visit of the magi │ 2:1-12 │ │ │
Flight into Egypt │ 2:13-15 │ │ │
Herod murders the infants │ 2:16-18 │ │ │
Return to Nazareth │ 2:19-23 │ │ 2:39-40 │
Jesus at the age of twelve │ │ │ 2:41-52 │
Preparatory preaching of John │ 3:1-12 │ 1:1-8 │ 3:1-18 │
Christ's baptism │ 3:13-17 │ 1:9-11 │ 3:21-23 │
Jesus' temptation in the wilderness │ 4:1-11 │ 1:12-13 │ 4:1-13 │
John's witness to Jesus │ │ │ │ 1:15-34
John's disciples follow Jesus │ │ │ │ 1:35-42
Jesus returns to Galilee; finds Philip │ │ │ │
who in turn finds Nathanael │ │ │ │ 1:43-51
First miracle at Cana, visit Capernaum │ │ │ │ 2:1-12
Jesus drives out the money changers │ │ │ │ 2:13-25
Nicodemus seeks Jesus at night │ │ │ │ 3:1-21
John must decrease, Jesus increase │ │ │ │ 3:22-36
John's imprisonment │ │ │ 3:19-20 │
John being cast into prison, Jesus │ │ │ │
leaves Judea for Galilee │ 4:12 │ 1:14 │ 4:14-15 │ 4:1-3
Jesus' discussion with Samaritan woman │ │ │ │ 4:4-42
Beginning of public ministry in Galilee │ 4:17 │ 1:14-15 │ 4:14-15 │ 4:43-45
Healing of nobleman's son at Cana │ │ │ │ 4:46-54
Jesus heals invalid on Sabbath at pool │ │ │ │
of Bethesda, and Jews' reaction │ │ │ │ 5:1-47
Jesus rejected at his hometown Nazareth │ │ │ 4:14-30 │
Jesus settles at Capernaum, and teaches │ 4:13-17 │ 1:21-22 │ 4:31-32 │
Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, John │ 4:18-22 │ 1:16-20 │ 5:1-11 │
Jesus heals man of evil possession │ │ 1:23-28 │ 4:33-37 │
Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law │ 8:14-17 │ 1:29-34 │ 4:38-41 │
Circuit of Galilee with disciples │ 4:23-25 │ 1:35-39 │ 4:42-44 │
Healing of a leper, shuns publicity │ 8:1-4 │ 1:40-45 │ 5:12-16 │
Palsied man let down through the roof. │ 9:2-8 │ 2:1-12 │ 5:17-26 │
Call of Matthew, gives feast │ 9:9-13 │ 2:13-17 │ 5:27-32 │
Jesus defends disciples on not fasting │ 9:14-17 │ 2:18-22 │ 5:33-39 │
Picking grain on the Sabbath defended │ 12:1-8 │ 2:23-28 │ 6:1-5 │
Healing man's shriveled hand on Sabbath │ 12:9-14 │ 3:1-6 │ 6:6-11 │
Jesus withdraws to Sea of Galilee │ 12:15-21│ 3:7-12 │ │
Jesus appoints the twelve apostles │ 10:1-42 │ 3:13-19 │ 6:12-19 │
Sermon on the mount │ 5:1-8:1 │ │ 6:20-49 │
Healing of a centurion's servant │ 8:5-13 │ │ 7:1-10 │
Raising the widow's son at Nain │ │ │ 7:11-17 │
John the baptizer's relationship to │ │ │ │
the kingdom of God │ 11:2-19 │ │ 7:18-35 │
Woes upon Chorazin, Bethsaida │ 11:20-30│ │ │
Sinful woman anoints Jesus' feet │ │ │ 7:36-50 │
Tour through Galilee, women ministering │ │ │ 8:1-3 │
Pharisees attribute miracle of healing │ │ │ │
blind and dumb demoniac to Beelzebub │ 12:22-37│ 3:22-30 │ 11:14-23│
A wicked, adulterous generation seeks │ 12:38-45│ │ 11:16, │
a sign │ │ │ 24-36 │
"Behold my mother, brother and sister" │ 12:46-50│ 3:19-35 │ 8:19-21 │
Parables of the kingdom preached from │ │ │ │
a boat - soil, weeds, seed, leaven │ 13:1-53 │ 4:1-34 │ 8:4-18 │
Crossing the lake, calming the storm │ 8:18-27 │ 4:35-41 │ 8:22-25 │
Healing of demoniacs at Geresa │ 8:28-34 │ 5:1-20 │ 8:26-40 │
Raising of Jairus' daughter, healing of │ 9:1, │ │ │
woman with issue of blood │ 18-26 │ 5:21-43 │ 8:40-56 │
Jesus heals two blind men │ 9:27-34 │ │ │
Final visit to unbelieving Nazareth │ 13:54-58│ 6:1-6 │ │
Final Galilean campaign │ 9:35-38 │ 6:6 │ │
Commissioning of the twelve disciples │ 10:1- │ │ │
│ 11:1 │ 6:7-13 │ 9:1-6 │
Herod fears John risen from the dead │ 14:1-12 │ 6:14-29 │ 9:7-9 │
Feeding of the five thousand │ 14:13-21│ 6:30-44 │ 9:10-17 │ 6:1-14
Jesus walking on the water during storm │ 14:22-23│ 6:45-56 │ │ 6:15-21
Discourse on the true bread of life │ │ │ │ 6:22-71
Healings in the Gennesaret plain │ 14:34-36│ 6:55-56 │ │
Conflict over ceremonial uncleanness │ 15:1-20 │ 7:1-23 │ │
A Greek woman's faith, daughter healed │ 15:21-28│ 7:24-30 │ │
Feeding of the four thousand │ 15:29-39│ 7:31- │ │
│ │ 8:10 │ │
Pharisees require a sign │ 16:1-4 │ 8:11-12 │ │
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees │ 16:4-12 │ 8:13-21 │ │
Healing a blind man at Bethesda │ │ 8:22-26 │ │
Peter's confession: Jesus is Christ │ 16:13-20│ 8:27-30 │ 9:18-21 │
Jesus foretells his death/resurrection │ 16:21-28│ 8:31-38 │ 9:22-27 │
Transfiguration of Jesus on the mount │ 17:1-13 │ 9:2-13 │ 9:28-36 │
Disciples unable to heal epileptic boy │ 17:14-21│ 9:14-29 │ 9:37-43 │
Second prediction of Jesus' death │ 17:22-23│ 9:30-32 │ 9:44-45 │
Payment of temple tax at Capernaum │ 17:24-27│ │ │
Disciples striving over greatness │ 18:1-35 │ 9:33-50 │ 9:46-50 │
Ridicule by Jesus' half-brothers │ │ │ │ 7:1-10
Journey through Samaria to Feast │ │ │ 9:51-56 │
Warnings to those who would follow him │ │ │ 9:57-62 │
Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles │ │ │ │ 7:11-53
A woman caught in adultery forgiven │ │ │ │ 8:1-11
Light of the world, before Abraham │ │ │ │ 8:12-59
Healing a man born blind │ │ │ │ 9:1-41
Jesus - the good shepherd, and the door │ │ │ │ 10:1-21
Sending forth of the seventy │ │ │ 10:1-24 │
Parable of the good Samaritan │ │ │ 10:25-37│
Jesus visits Mary & Martha in Bethany │ │ │ 10:38-42│
Teaches his disciples to pray │ │ │ 11:1-13 │
A third blasphemous accusation │ │ │ 11:14-36│
Woes against the Pharisees, lawyers │ │ │ 11:37-54│
Warning his disciples about hypocrisy │ │ │ 12:1-12 │