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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-01-01  |  865KB  |  3523x2796
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OCR: BROWSER October 25 to November 23 Roundhouse Community Centre Vancouver British Columbia Artropolis 97 : Minimum system requirements: Windows: Windows 95 - Pentium 16 Mb RAM - 2 X CDRom - Sound Blaster Compatible - 640 x 480 Monitor - 16 bit high colour - Speakers / Headphones - 4 Mb Hard Disk Space BROWSER Curators : Andrew Renton and Kitty Scott We would like to thank all the Project Manager : Gayle Webster people who made this possible. Macintosh: Assistant Project Manager : Annie Chenn - Macintosh 68040 or Curatorial Assistants : Tamara Ewashen, - Power Macintosh Katherine Stout, Kira Wu - 2 X CDRom Volunteer Coordinator : Susan Buie - System 7.1 (or higher) Computer Systems Analyst : Stan Liu 640 x 480 Monitor Office Assistant : Chantal Rousseau - 16 bit colour (1000's) Archivist : Ti ...