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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-01-01  |  826KB  |  2818x2841
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OCR: 955,000, organized by New York As Lucy Lippard warned, there is 955,000 takes hours and days, if critic Lucy Lippard for the Vancouver little to see. She was worried and you want to see it all. The extreme Art Gallery, is an anti-exhibition. rightly about the dimensions of the demand on the respondent's time It is also anti-gallery, and it is ironic main gallery, to which her catalogue is made in the language section, that a gallery should house it, but quotation from Pascal would seem which is set up like a library.2 galleries in the end absorb every- to apply: "The eternal silence of thing, including Duchamp. these infinite spaces terrifies me." Browse or search? In the museum basement, objects from the collection were brought out, one by one, and presented to the elders for comment: a r ...