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- #1560
- @001 Enter the names of the PRINCIPALS to the agreement:
- @002 Enter the name of the ESCROW AGENT:
- @003 Enter description of items and cash delivered to ESCROW AGENT:
- @004 Enter party to provide escrow release instructions:
- @005 Set forth terms of escrow release instructions:
- @006 Enter terms for distribution of escrowed amounts:
- @007 Enter last date for instructions:
- #1561/#1562 The escrow agent:
- will receive a fee for handling escrow:
- will not receive a fee for handling escrow:
- #if#1561
- @100 Enter the arrangements for reimbursement of expenses:
- @101 Enter compensation terms:
- #endif
- #if#1562
- @102 Enter the arrangements for reimbursement of expenses:
- #endif
- #1563
- @103 Enter street address of ESCROW agent:
- @104 Enter city, state, zip code of ESCROW AGENT:
- @105 Enter notice addresses for PRINCIPALS:
- #end control section
- #1560
- /* Para. 1560: Escrow Agreement */
- @001, referred to herein as "PRINCIPALS" herewith request that
- @002, referred to herein as "ESCROW AGENT" establish an escrow
- of the following described items, and dispose of them as is
- provided herein.
- PRINCIPALS herewith deliver the following items to be held by
- @003
- Any cash funds or cash proceeds shall be deposited by the ESCROW
- AGENT in an interest bearing account, in institutions which are
- federally insured for deposits in the amount of the ESCROW, or in
- direct obligations of the United States of America, including
- treasury bills or notes with maturity dates coinciding with any
- distributions to be made hereunder. In the event that non-cash
- items are deposited, the ESCROW AGENT shall maintain such items
- in the condition in which they were received.
- ESCROW agent shall release the funds and items upon the receipt
- of instructions from @004, reciting the following:
- @005
- as follows:
- @006
- said instructions shall be sworn or provided under penalties of
- perjury.
- In the event that instructions are not received on @007, ESCROW
- agent shall close the escrow and return the amounts to the
- parties depositing or providing them originally, and shall then
- be absolutely discharged.
- Upon receipt of such instructions and complying with the same,
- ESCROW agent shall be discharged as to the amounts so paid.
- ESCROW agent shall be absolutely discharged upon such payment and
- may rely solely and totally upon such certifications. ESCROW
- agent shall not be required to make any independent verification
- of the correctness of any instructions or the occurrence of any
- required conditions precedent and shall rely solely on
- certifications received as provided herein.
- In the event of the receipt of conflicting instructions prior to
- discharge of the ESCROW agent, ESCROW AGENT shall commence an
- arbitration before a single arbitrator acceptable to ESCROW AGENT
- under the rules of the American Arbitration Association, whose
- decision shall be final. Upon receipt of a final decision from
- the arbitrator, the ESCROW AGENT shall comply therewith and upon
- such compliance shall be discharged from all further liability.
- The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, and may be reduced
- to judgment by any party hereto or the escrow agent.
- PRINCIPALS shall indemnify ESCROW AGENT for all actions taken in
- compliance with this agreement.
- #1561
- /* Para. 1561 */
- The PRINCIPALS shall reimburse the ESCROW AGENT for expenses
- incurred herein as follows:
- @100
- ESCROW agent shall receive compensation for its services as
- follows:
- @101
- #1562
- /* Para. 1562: No pay */
- The PRINCIPALS shall reimburse the ESCROW AGENT for expenses
- incurred herein as follows:
- @102
- Other than such reimbursement, ESCROW AGENT shall not receive
- compensation for its services.
- #1563
- /* Para. 1563- end */
- This is the entire agreement between PRINCIPALS and ESCROW AGENT.
- ESCROW AGENT is solely acting as a neutral stakeholder and the
- PRINCIPALS agree that there are no intended third party
- beneficiaries or parties other than PRINCIPALS to this agreement.
- All notices herein shall be served as follows:
- @103
- @104
- @105
- All notices herein shall be sent by certified mail, or by
- overnight delivery service providing a receipt. Notices sent by
- certified mail shall be deemed received within one working day
- after first notice to the recipient for pick up, or when
- received, whichever is earlier. Notices sent by overnight
- delivery service shall be deemed received the next business day.
- Dated: ____________________________