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- #2240
- @001 Enter the name of the SELLER:
- @002 Enter the name of the BUYER:
- @240 Enter a description of the goods:
- !241 Enter the total purchase price:
- !242 Enter the amount of deposit, if any:
- @243 Enter date for the payment of the deposit:
- @244 Enter date for payment of the balance of the purchase price:
- @245 Enter date for delivery of goods:
- @246 Enter place for delivery of goods:
- @247 Enter state for governing law:
- @248/@248/@248 Enter the number of days before closing for notice:
- 10 days
- 30 days
- #2241/#2242 The goods have:
- No liens to be assumed
- Liens which will be assumed by the BUYER
- #if#2242
- @300 Enter the description and amount of liens to be assumed:
- #endif
- #2243/#2244 The risk of loss shall be borne by the:
- #2245/#2246 The transaction:
- Has no brokers involved
- Was procured by a broker
- #if#2246
- @667 Enter the name of the procuring broker:
- @301 Enter the compensation to be paid and by whom:
- #endif
- #2247
- #end control section
- #2240
- /* Para. 2240: Contract for bulk sale */
- @001, referred to as SELLER, and @002, referred to as BUYER,
- agree:
- SELLER shall sell to BUYER the following goods:
- @240
- The total purchase price shall be $ @241 (!241 dollars). The
- BUYER shall pay a deposit of $ @242 (!242 dollars) no later than
- @243. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid no later
- than @244.
- Delivery of the same shall take place on no later than @245, at
- @246.
- This sale shall be pursuant to the Section 6 of the Uniform
- Commercial Code (referred to herein as the "Bulk Sales Law") of
- the State of @247.
- SELLER shall provide to BUYER a complete and sworn list of
- creditors, including those who assert claims, but which are
- disputed by SELLER, even if those claims are groundless or false.
- The SELLER shall be under a continuing duty to supplement the
- list of creditors if there are any changes or new claims
- asserted, even if the same are groundless or false.
- At least @248 days before the closing scheduled herein, the BUYER
- shall give notice of the transfer, as is provided in the Bulk
- Sales Law, to all creditors, including those who are listed as
- disputed. The SELLER shall fully cooperate with BUYER in the
- mailing of the notices and the provision of information necessary
- to complying with the provisions of the Bulk Sales Laws.
- #2241
- /* Para. 2241: no liens */
- There are no liens upon the property to be sold by BUYER, and
- BUYER shall indemnify the SELLER from the claims of any entities
- to the sold goods.
- #2242
- /* Para. 2242- Liens, to be assumed */
- The BUYER shall assume and pay the following liens on the assets
- sold herein:
- @300
- SELLER shall indemnify the BUYER from any and all other claims to
- the assets.
- #2243
- /* Para. 2243: Risk of loss, SELLER */
- The risk of loss to the property shall be borne by the SELLER
- until closing. In the event that 5% (five percent) or less of the
- value of the goods are lost, at the option of BUYER, the BUYER
- may either deduct the value of the damaged goods, or may accept
- an assignment of insurance proceeds, and pay the full contract
- price.
- In the event that more than 5% (five percent) of the value of the
- property is destroyed, the BUYER shall have the right to rescind
- this contract, or to close, and to accept an assignment of
- insurance proceeds.
- #2244
- /* Para. 2244: Risk of loss, BUYER */
- The risk of law shall be borne by the BUYER. SELLER agrees to
- cooperate with BUYER in procurement of insurance or other
- reasonable risk-reduction measures employed by BUYER.
- BUYER shall have the right to terminate this agreement if loss is
- caused by a deliberate act of the SELLER.
- #2245
- /* Para. 2245: No brokers */
- Each party represents to the other that there are no brokers or
- agents employed in relation to this agreement.
- #2246
- /* Para. 2246: Broker */
- The parties acknowledge that @667 acted as procuring broker
- herein, and shall be compensated as follows:
- @301
- #2247
- /* Para. 2247: Bolierplate closing */
- Time shall be of the essence in this agreement.
- This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
- parties and there are agreements, express or implied, that are
- not stated herein. This agreement may only be modified by a
- writing executed by both parties herein.
- Dated: _______________________________
- ____________________________________________
- @001, by an authorized representative
- ____________________________________________
- @002, by an authorized representative