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- #3500
- @001 State the name of the OWNER of the property:
- @002 State the name of the BROKER:
- @350 State the property's description:
- #3501/#3502/#3503 The OWNER will exchange for:
- IRS Section 1031 (Tax free exchange)
- Property only- no boot
- Property with limited boot
- #if#3501
- !351 Enter maximum boot to be paid by OWNER:
- !352 Enter maximum boot to be received by OWNER:
- #endif
- #if#3503
- !353 Enter maximum boot to be paid by OWNER:
- !354 Enter maximum boot to be received by OWNER:
- #endif
- #3504
- @357 Enter the number of days for exclusive listing:
- !355 Enter the minimum commission for BROKER:
- @356 State the percentage of boot received as commission:
- @358 Enter the date of the listing:
- #end control section
- #3500
- /* Para. 3500: Real Estate Exchange Listing */
- @001, referred to as OWNER, and @002, referred to as BROKER,
- agree:
- OWNER owns property described as:
- @350
- which OWNER desires to exchange for:
- #3501
- /* Para. 3501.arm: 1031 */
- Like kind property, with no more than $ @351 (!351 dollars) boot
- required to be paid by OWNER, and no more than $ @352 (!352
- dollars) boot to be received by OWNER. The transaction procured
- by BROKER shall qualify for a tax free exchange for OWNER,
- subject to the limitations of boot described above.
- #3502
- /* Para. 3502.arm: No boot */
- Property of like value, without boot.
- #3503
- /* Para. 3503.arm: Boot */
- Property of like value, with no more than $@353 boot to be
- received by OWNER, nor more than $@354 boot to be paid by OWNER.
- #3504
- /* Para. 3504.arm: Closer */
- BROKER is herewith appointed to act as exclusive agent to
- negotiate an exchange for a period of @357 days, under the terms
- and conditions stated above. Should BROKER procure an exchange,
- meeting the criteria stated above BROKER shall be entitled to
- compensation as follows:
- A minimum commission of $@355 (!355 dollars); and @356 per cent
- of boot received (if any).
- Dated: @358
- _____________________________________________
- @001, OWNER
- _____________________________________________
- @002, BROKER