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- #4400
- @001 State the name of the principal (person giving power):
- @440 Enter the place of residence of the principal:
- @441 State the name of the attorney:
- @442 Enter the place of residence of the attorney:
- #4401 Will the attorney have BANKING authority?
- #if#4401
- @443 Name the bank (do not use word bank if it is last):
- @444 Enter the city and state where the bank is located:
- #endif
- #4402 Will the attorney execute a deed or real estate conveyance?
- #if#4402
- @445 State the description of the property:
- #endif
- #4403 Will the attorney obtain/review educational records?
- #if#4403
- @300 Enter the name of the school or college:
- @301 Enter the city and state where the school is located:
- #endif
- #4404 Will the attorney have IRS authority?
- #if#4404
- @446/@446/@466 State the forms involved:
- Form 1040
- Forms 940/941
- @447 State the taxable years involved:
- #endif
- #4406 Will the attorney have other authority?
- #if#4406
- @448 State the authority NARROWLY and PRECISELY:
- #endif
- #4407
- @449 Enter the beginning date of the power of attorney:
- @450 Enter the ending date of the power of attorney:
- @003 Enter the state where signed:
- @004 Enter the county where signed:
- #end control section
- #4400
- /* 4400.arm--- Simple power of attorney- Opening */
- @001, the "principal," of @440, herewith appoints @441
- of @442, as their attorney in fact, to act in the place and
- stead and with the same authority as Principal would have to
- do the following acts:
- #4401
- /* 4401.xxx-- bank accounts */
- To conduct any and all business regarding my deposit
- accounts, loans, safe deposit box, or other banking business in
- regard to the @443 Bank, of @444. This power shall specifically
- include, but is not limited to the right to deposit, withdraw,
- sign checks or drafts, make stop payment orders, and to conduct
- any banking transactions necessary or possible in regard to my
- banking relationship with the @443 Bank.
- #4402
- /* 4402.arm Deeds */
- To execute a deed or other instrument of conveyance
- conveying my interest in the following real property:
- @445
- #4403
- /* Para 4403: Education records */
- To examine and to order copies of any and all of my
- educational records, including both financial and student
- loan and health related records, at the following college,
- school or other educational institution:
- @300 of @301, and any branches thereof
- #4404
- /* Para. 4404--- IRS */
- To represent me before the Internal Revenue Service
- in regard to the following taxable years and returns:
- Forms: @446
- Years: @447
- #4406
- /* Para. 4406: General */
- To act for me in the regard to the following:
- @448
- #4407
- /* Para. 4407: End of poa */
- This power of attorney shall be in effect from @449 to @450 and
- shall not be revoked due to my incapacty, and will contiue in
- effect should I ever become incapaitated.
- _____________________________________________________
- @001, As Principal
- STATE OF @003
- COUNTY OF @004
- @001 personally appeared before me and acknowledged
- the execution of this power of attorney for the purposes set
- forth therein.
- Dated: _______________________________
- __________________________________________
- Notary Public