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- #8423
- @001 Enter the name of the SELLER of the accounts:
- @002 Enter the name of the FACTOR:
- @003 Enter type of merchandise manufactured:
- @004/@004 Enter the lines for which receivables will be factored:
- all lines of products
- @005 Enter the percentage purchase price of accounts:
- @006/@006/@006 Payments will be made:
- monthly
- weekly
- #end control section
- #8423
- /* Para. 8423: Factoring agreement */
- @001, referred to as SELLER, and @002, referred to as FACTOR,
- agree:
- SELLER manufacturers and sells @003, and sales are usually made
- on credit; FACTOR is desirous of purchasing the accounts
- receivable related to the following products manufactured by
- @004
- SELLER shall provide to FACTOR notice of all proposed sales on
- credit arising from the sale of @004. FACTOR may provide to
- SELLER forms for applications for credit and other transactions,
- which shall be used by SELLER as to such accounts which it
- desires to sell to FACTOR.
- Upon receipt of written authorization from FACTOR, SELLER shall
- ship the goods purchased to the ultimate buyer, and shall
- simultaneously provide to FACTOR the original invoices and other
- certificates of indebtedness related to all sales.
- Upon shipment, FACTOR shall have the sole right to elect to
- invoke a seller's right of stoppage in transit, or other
- reclamation prior to delivery. All merchandise once shipped
- shall be the property of FACTOR in the event of its return.
- FACTOR shall not be obligated to accept any particular account
- which is offered to it, nor shall FACTOR be liable for its
- exercise of right of stoppage or reclamation.
- As to all accounts receivable which are accepted by FACTOR, the
- assignment of the accounts shall be without recourse to SELLER.
- FACTOR shall bear all credit risk related to all such accounts.
- However, FACTOR may charge back any sums uncollected due to a
- bona fide dispute as to value or quality of the merchandise
- between SELLER and its customers. As to such charged back
- accounts, the FACTOR shall reassign the receivable to SELLER,
- who may retain all sums collected, if any, from such receivables.
- From time to time the FACTOR may, but is not obligated, to
- authorize purchase of "non-qualifying" accounts. Such acceptances
- are for proposed extensions of credit which the FACTOR determines
- are not sufficiently credit worthy to purchase outright. In the
- event that non-qualifying accounts do not pay, the FACTOR shall
- have a full right of recourse as to all unpaid sums.
- SELLER shall notify FACTOR of all rejections and returns of
- goods, or other disputes related to goods sold. SELLER shall
- promptly adjust and settle any bona fide disputes with customers.
- In the event that merchandise is returned, SELLER and FACTOR
- shall jointly sell the same in a commercially reasonable manner.
- In the event of a deficiency after sale, the FACTOR shall
- diligently pursue collection of the balance due. If after a
- period of 90 days any deficiency balance remains, the same shall
- be charged to SELLER.
- FACTOR shall be entitled to off set any amounts due on account of
- charge backs against all future sums due to SELLER.
- Disputes between FACTOR and SELLER regarding whether a dispute is
- bona fide in regard to value or quality shall be arbitrated
- under the rules of the American Arbitration Association, with a
- single arbiter. Such arbiters decision shall be final.
- As to all accounts receivable purchased by FACTOR, SELLER shall
- mark its internal books and records to reflect the assignment.
- FACTOR shall be entitled to make periodic audits of the books and
- records of SELLER to verify compliance. FACTOR shall have the
- right to notify SELLER's debtors of the assignment of accounts,
- or to require SELLER to notify account debtors of assignments.
- The purchase price for accounts receivable under this agreement
- shall be the face amount of the receivable, calculated as a net
- amount on the most favorable discount for prompt payment offered
- by, multiplied by @005 percent. Remittances shall be made to
- SELLER on a @006 basis.
- To induce FACTOR to purchase accounts, SELLER warranties as to
- each such account:
- that it has not assigned the same to any other entity;
- that unless notified in writing by SELLER, at the earliest
- opportunity possible, that there are no general liens against the
- property of SELLER, or specific liens against the accounts
- assigned;
- that SELLER is solvent, and will notify ASSIGNEE of its
- insolvency, whether under the equitable or legal test for the
- same, immediately, should insolvency occur;
- that any and all accounts assigned, are legally enforceable and
- valid.
- SELLER shall be responsible to FACTOR for any damages caused by a
- breach of the warranties specified herein.
- SELLER appoints FACTOR its attorney in fact with the power to
- endorse, negotiate or otherwise cause or facilitate payment of
- any notes, checks, drafts, or other remittances on account of
- sums due under accounts assigned to FACTOR.
- Upon request, SELLER shall provide to FACTOR periodic financial
- statements, tax returns or other information reasonably required
- by FACTOR regarding SELLERS financial condition.
- Upon request, SELLER shall require entities to which it sells on
- credit to prepare credit applications and financial statements in
- forms acceptable to FACTOR, and provide the same to FACTOR.
- This contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties,
- and correctly set forth the terms and conditions of the agreement
- between the parties.
- This agreement may only be modified in writing executed by both
- parties.
- Dated: _________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- @001
- _____________________________________________________
- @002